CA Clique Redux

Bumpkin, you haven’t lived. Vanilla ice cream bits dipped in chocolate. Quite scrummy. Dove Bar does them, too.

LOL…I’m about the farthest thing from a master…I just got reamed for my eq!!! I do know that at least on the flat (and I’m sure this applies to O/F) I was told to shorten my reins (my trainer’s ex’s pet peeve…long reins!) and raise my hand. I think my hands were about six inches above the martingale when I was riding correctly, but I’m just guessing…I wasn’t allowed to look down!!! Just make sure that your elbows are bent…I lock mine constantly!

Sorry to hear you won’t be at LAEC on Sunday, Suave. I’m sure we’ll meet up at a show one of these days. We finally have a tentative show calendar at the barn:
Memorial Day Classic at LAEC
Ride America the last week of June
Blenheim the week of July 20th

That’s all that is planned for now, with Gold Coast shows thrown in here and there.

“Cohabitating?” Merry - PLEASE - too much information!!! Some of us don’t want to know!!!

But a question re Casa de Beezer-Merry … how many horses y’all have there in total?

and ALL the monuments are lit up. They reflect so beautifully in the Potomac. The cherry trees are at their peak. Drove by slowly, windows down and enjoying the late evening breeze across Lady Bird’s daffodil plantings at the Mariner’s monument.

Cruise on up to Cabin John and trek back down, YES! The lights will be on ALL NIGHT! Thank you, Thank you, California!

I must take digital pictures to share…

(burying this way down the page, Do so LOVE you guys! COTH is like a pyjama party on a Friday night! )

They come by camel I think… It does take time, but see one more cliquer has it!!The hats are coming!

Oh elizabeth, that sounds too fabulous!! What a lovely weekend. Okay, so you now have him, somewhat locked up? Do we hear bells in our cliques future?

Crubs are jingling for Beezer and Merry to have a perfect show. No runaways, Hammie doing all his changes, and beastie being her best self.

Good for you, Wty, I suggested to Suave that she should e-mail you. Yes, to some extent we must police ourselves.

Isn’t the weather great? I’m going to ride, ride, ride in the former koi pond. Only problem with my arena footing though is that since Mario leveled it, my horses go from regular footing to working in a sand pit when they reach the former pond location. I’d hate for my Fancy Boy to strain something!

Merry is quietly packing her bags, having made her decision to move from her castle. She can no longer take the tourists or the inference that she is former royalty living in the past glow of her monarchy. Don’t worry, I’m sneaking off with as much Disney paraphernalia as possible. No silverware or pewter candlesticks, but lots of Pooh collectibles. As an added bonus, I’ve convinced Peter Pan to stay on with me to serve as my cabana boy during the summer!

Oy vey … so that was my problem.

Oh, thank you Weeble and heidi-kins!

I feel better now - I have my lipstick on, my hair is done, I’m wearing black, we’re good to go!!

Suave, the office has been very quiet without the evil old boss! It turns out he was trying to steal clients for his own business on the side. What a jerk. And I tried to warn the owner about this guy after he was at the office for about a month. I could tell he didn’t have the company’s best interests in mind. Oh well. I still haven’t heard from the other company. Oh well…I’ll just have to wait and see.

Hmmmm…psychological profile, huh? What are you applying for, a job at the CIA? SuaveReno…spy by day, rider by night (and weekend). Actually, I’ve heard of some engineering firms doing that as well. It seems really odd!!!

Thanks, weeble and rusty, for the advice.

Weeble, I think when I first “met” you, I asserted that you were totally on my wavelength. I hereby re-state that position!

Ok, now I have to go to work. Have a good day everyone. (I can’t post from work. . . . I suppose I could, but I am a wimp about doing so. . . .)

Willem’s new thing is becoming more hysterical every time I ride. He walks slower and slower as we go to the arena, and stops at least twice on the way. Then, while working, decides he is done and Just Stops. If you try and get him to go, he whinnies and looks back at you for a carrot.

The carrot thing while riding is, I know, a bad habit, but sometimes he likes to play with a piece of carrot while we ride. Yesterday I was just going to fart around, which is why he could play with his carrot, but then changed my mind. And, shock horror, when I asked him to canter the carrot flew out of his mouth and he was such a fusspot that I had to get off, get it, clean it off and give it back to him.

Did I tell you we were permanently retired from the show ring?

“The indignity,” elizabeth snips, patting AAJumper on the back. “But at least they want you - let’s see if they up the offer, but let’s also keep circulating the resume, shall we. Oh, and were you in a position to tactfully suggest that you were very flattered with the offer and would indeed accept if it were slightly higher? These guys might have room to play. And salary AND vacation are generally negotiable, you know (at least with most companies).”

Good luck AAJumper.

I am guessing that we need to dip into the groups bank account.

is there no end to your talents??? Your Santa Claus story was wonderful - I’m betting he will be bringing you the most spectacular plume in the world this Christmas. He knows what good care you have taken of your bunnies, and you are definitely on his nice, not naughty, list!

Lucy is still very tired from her exciting weekend at the beach, but sends you a cyber-glad you’re feeling better, slobbery black Lab kiss!

Curbs jingling for weeble, and rusty…Good soothing sounds. Rusty we are so proud of you. It’s tough to lose clients, but acting in a constructive manner is always smart!! Where’s Merry? Wty hoping that nothing too offending happened for Hammie. He is a gentlemen, just going thru those teenage years

A/A I can’t believe it, someone else who rides with too long of a rein Constantly, and I do mean constantly am being told to shorten my reins. You would think they could at least give me some slack for having the worlds shortest arms?

Poor, poor Poncho! We are sending him kisses, Bumpkin. Does this mean your daughter can sneak a ride on Elliot?

TARYN - what the hell do you mean about changing discipines??? Does this mean Dave is going to become a Male Dressage Queen???

Special Step and Mousie Williams???

“Of course, that’s only my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

Oh wow, I had actually written in my post about suggesting Camelot, but deleted it because I figured it’d be too far for you! I do love their baby ring. Many, many a time Beezer and I have shown way up there, demonstrating once again that we’ll haul anywhere if the show looks fun & potentially amusing.

Yes, AAJumper, the brim/bill of hat (I got the green and tan one with suede) will certainly shade us from the sun! I told Beezer that if the Santa Ana winds come up I may find myself doing an impression of the Flying Nun. Wow, there’s enough wingspan on that brim for me to take flight! But I’m not complaining… at least I HAVE a cap!

Your wish is my command!!

The various interesting tidbits about RF don’t surprise me in the least, from what I have seen and heard over the years…

However, I will need to consult Typo Circuit tonight to see if I can ascertain the identity of KL - this inquiring mind wants to know!!

Yes, AAJumper, I did indeed get airlifted after MY speed round crash. About the only thing I can remember is that one of the paramedics had that heavenly Scots accent. Almost made it worth being a lawn dart.

Oh, Suave … I keep forgetting to ask. I checked out the infamous web site. Is the guy mentioned as the head groom the same guy who careens around the warm-up ring at the canter … and around and around and around … on an assortment of horses? Tis a very scary thing, that. Also, saw a mention on another web site for a sporthorse breeder that her horses are with your XT. Dun Runnin, maybe? Very interesting.