CA Clique Redux

[I] “I’m here, I’m here,” elizabeth says, eyeliner and mascara all smudged, still in her horsie pajamas. “I just woke up.”

Now. Where to begin? We had a wonnnnderful time. I had forgotten, in my utter panic last night, that David (the New Potential Boyfriend, hereinafter “NPB” or “David”) and I have wonderful conversation, always. So right from the moment he picked me up, we did fine. We yammered “like a bunch of girls.” [/I]

The specifics? Let’s see: We went to this very trendy restaurant in Venice (Chaya Venice) which had GREAT food. We were at dinner for four (four) hours because we talked so much - it was great - I couldn’t make him talk FAST enough b/c there was so much I wanted to ask him, about his work, his life, his family! And he was so honest. We were able to discuss everything - he’s been through a failed marriage, a failed business, and now he is on a hugely successful business. To put the icing on the cake, so to speak, he, of his own accord, suggested we get two desserts and SHARE them. This was the first time in all my dating experience that a man has ever truly keyed in to what women want in the dessert department.

[I] After dinner, we went to the Promenade in Santa Monica to walk around (at almost 1 a.m.!). We wandered. . . wandered. . . (get ready, Beezer) . . . and then he took my hand to hold it. Awwwww. Very sweet. But I actually couldn’t see that coming. I mean, maybe I don’t go on enough dates, but generally men don’t hold my hand on the first date!

But that, of course, got my small mind worrying: “Am I going to have to kiss him goodnight? How is this going to end? What if I want to REALLY kiss him good night?”

When we got home, he parked his car and walked me in. I made us tea, and we talked for another hour (we are now at about 2:30 a.m.). When it was time for him to leave, I walked him to the door, and I expected a nice kiss on the cheek. What I got was a big kiss on the mouth. And I was so stunned that I think I mildly recoiled. (I couldn’t help it - it was a reflex - I just didn’t see it coming! It’s not that I was adverse - I was just caught off guard!!)

And then he left. . . . But, I wanted to say “wait, come back here, do that again!!” Instead I just went to bed. [/I]

Now, to the questions: Do I call him to say “thank you”? How do I convey to him that I had a good time? I’m a bit afraid that I might have struck him as a bit uninterested with my less-than-enthusiastic reaction to his kiss on the lips. How do I counter that? I guess I just need to wait and see.

And I’d really like to find a way to get invited to his house tonight to watch the X-files on his HUGE t.v. But I can’t think of a way to swing it. . . . How do I ask w/o seeming pushy, if he calls me? I guess I can’t.

AAJumper: In response to your kind query about Buster, he is actually doing VERY well. Over the past six weeks (remember that it was in late February that he was in really bad shape) jumphigh83 (my trainer) has essentially gotten him back completely to where he was, as I understand it. He apparantly feels so good now that he has been a jerk - total jerk - such that jumphigh83 HERSELF had to get on him one day to convince him to keep all four feet on the ground at the same time! Mind you, Buster still sometimes looks “eh” in the tight corners in the ring, as a horse with bad hocks will likely look forever, but that is not fatal, to me.

Last night David kept suggesting I bring Buster out here to the valley. (I told him if he was interested in me, he needed to realize that I was a package deal, with Buster-the-Wonderhorse.) I guess I need to re-visit the issue, if Buster is truly seeming relatively s__nd now. I will give him a few more months to see how sound he stays, then I will reconsider how sound he might stay after a 6 day trailer ride out here. . . . I think, though, that maybe I need to just do it. . . .

I actually posted at 1:30 am once, which translated to a rather mindboggling 4:30 am Eastern time…

Commercials over, back to ‘Angel’ now.
Interesting show (and David Boreanaz is a cutie), set in a rather alternative universe LA - anyone else watch it???

Rusty - in the words of Scarlett O’Hara, “tomorrow will be another day”…
Hang in there!

[This message was edited by dublin on Apr. 25, 2001 at 01:00 AM.]

Okay coreene, globsmacked??? Where on earth did they come up with that and what does that mean? Yes, I know a little behind, sorry. You know us old err, senior err long stirrups we have a hard time keeping up!

elizabeth, bring Buster out. You will only drive yourself crazy worrying. Who cares if he’s owie, you noticed we did notuse the word lame, when he comes off the van. The dry climate in Calif. will help him, swear. He will be glad to see you, and I can give you a name of an excellent hauler, email me.

A/A will you hear soon as to whether this job is a go?? Curbs are jingling…

wty whips around the corner in her walker. Just in time to nudge the others out of the way. Ohhhhhh, she cackles, here comes A/A’s husband…She’s waited the whole week for a glimpse. He sure does hold his age well. Merry & Beezer still arguing. What is it this time, the bit sculpture? No? Possibly the shawl that Beezer made with a B]large[/B]hole in it? Seems to me, that looks neck size. Girls, settle down. Good grief, well, elizabeth will get here soon. Maybe she will calm them down. Some whipper snapper has been trying to rule the Calif. clique, HA!!! We rule ourselves…

Thanks to everyone who likes Trick. Now if only I could steer him so I could show over fences, lol.
Merry- It is Serrano Creek. Took him there for his first show, as there is not a lot of horses in each class.
coreene- Tick loves Giddy Up Gals cookies, or any kind of cookies for that matter. I’m sure he would love to be a test horse.

Good to hear from you both. Wow! AAJumper you are sure a lot more organized than I am when it comes to the shows. In fact my barn is a little chaotic as of late

Correene instead of SCP how bout your barn this weekend??? What’s your schedule??

I can tell we’re all real busy right! LOL! This week I needed a horse fix soo bad that I went to Richard’s barn to pet Robinson on the nose

I just got back from almost ordering my new Warners Celebrity tack trunk at the Gift Horse.
But I made a beeline for the bit wall and there were several,(I believe all the eggbutts), eggbutt snaffles in the gold tone.
They were all Herm Sprenger KK bits.
So there you have it Merry, it is OK to ride your Hammie in the gold.
Even more acceptable than rust breeches!!

[This message was edited by Bumpkin on May. 03, 2001 at 05:41 PM.]

Oh, and I imagine that I am riding the Breyer horses. I pin the ones that I ride at the top of my make-believe horse show. Except in the flat classes. I am putrid in the flat classes, even on the Breyer horses.

I think it is because I have heavy thighs. . . .

I definately recomend carrying a curb chain in your pocket. It can’t hurt,( unless you fall off on it, which I don’t recomend) and it probably does help.

Pssst … meant to post this Friday but never got it done … Merry’s birthday was Saturday (March 31st). So maybe Hammie was just jealous of the presents she got?? And maybe he tried to tear her head … uh, her TIARA … off on Sunday as an April’s Fool joke?

Yeah, yeah, that’s it!!

Corinne that picture is adorable!!! You two are perfect for each other, and that picture says it all.

Elizabeth, it is the weekend of the April Gold Coast Show at LAEC, therefore it must rain, forcing all classes to be held in the Equidome. It’s an annual thing.

DMJ, I loved that book more than any I’ve read in ages. Wonder how many horses they’ll have to play just the one in the film (always a fun part of a horse movie - counting the extras).

Bumpkin and Dublin, I still have the Jilly Coopers I need to pass on to both of you (sitting under my desk for ages … nothing like getting with it).

In my imagination, based on everything you have said, he is a chestnut! See what happens when you don’t post pictures? People’s imaginations get all confused. Please post some pictures, Merry Merry.

Oh, and Beezer, I am picturing Spot as about 15.3 but STOCKY, white body, big brown and black spots (maybe two of each) on her rump, and a few spots on her shoulder and neck. Maybe a big one or two on her stomach.

Thanks in advance for your confirmation of this description.

Suave, good job on the tack trunk find.

Merry, do you mean the city of orange, for those of us who are new here?

No, no, no, Bumpkin, you’re thinking of the old B&B Beezer and I used to run. It had a Harley-Davidson theme to it and was called “BIMBO’S”!

Okay, so Showpark went and Galway & Coto were cancelled. I called my girlfriend who judged Ride America with Cathy Simm and they held it! She said it was pouring from about 8:15 to noon, solid. At one point she had to stop an equitation class because of a deluge! Can you imagine??? I mean, it wasn’t the Santa Barbara turkey show… it was a county show. Sorry, but as competitive as I am, I just do not “do” shows in the rain short of the A circuit.

elizabeth, think of this guy as just one giant sea bass. He’s taken the bait, now test the line to make sure he’s swallowed the hook and then reel, baby, reel him in!

[This message was edited by Merry on Apr. 23, 2001 at 12:00 AM.]

Years ago, in a new age moment, but mostly desparation, I ventured for craniosacral massages to ‘cure’ my thyroid disease.

During the first session the ‘cranial masseuse’ asked whether I’d ever been dropped on my head as a child as my brainwaves were flowing in the opposite (i.e. wrong) direction.
My mother denies it but perhaps that’s the reason I get along so splendidly with you, Merry.

No, I have not yet ordered a cap, because I have zero balance on my credit cards and I just can’t bring myself to soil them again!

Actually, BEEZER, we do NOT have an eggbutt snaffle bit in my collection. I’m on the verge of calling Dover, since they have such pretty ones. But then I’d also have to order a real, genuine sheepskin show pad (not a 1/2 pad), and then I’d have to order… you see how it starts?

dublin, I hope you feel better! Cheese and crackers and Campbell’s chicken noodle soup and 7-Up. Works every time to perk you up.

I ain’t doin’ no Oaks in July, although I believe I am setting my sights on the “Show Formerly Known as GTE” in August. I’m aiming to do the amateur adults with the Hambolarama. Why not? A couple of county shows and he’s ready for the A circuit. Uh-huh. No really, he will be!

AAJumper: But does the owner’s son bring a pooping dog to work?

Watermelon rinds: The quintessential summer horse treat!

I say, plumes for all of our horses! coreene, order them for all of us! Surely there must be some sort of costume class at a show this summer or later. My horse gets turquoise. And the spotted beast gets flaming red. And sparklies on her feet!

I must’ve generated some good mojo, because remember how I said finding a decent tractor guy was like the quest for the holy grail? Then I came across “Mario”? Well, so I arrange for him to level and drag my arena. Then my dad calls and tells me someone is there right then dragging the ring! I rush over to the ranch, and it’s our neighbor, the racetrack farrier, who just popped over on his tractor, unannounced, to be nice! Aren’t California folks cool? (Well, some of them!) . Anyhoo, so Mario shows up this morning. My mom and I decide to have him do his thang anyway, since the arena still wasn’t level. So, end of story: the ring looks really nice! Whoopee!

Now, about shows: You have to remember, I’m behind you guys, because I have the 2, no make that 3, babies this year. Hammie, aka “Hambone”, show name: Fame and Fortune, is going to Showpark Saturday for his second time cantering baby green courses. It’s a San Diego/Orange County show. So I’m not “up” for the Oaks yet! My dream: That he’ll do the AO’s eventually. He certainly is fancy enough, a pretty mover, and he has the scope and the technique. But obnoxious! I swear, it’s not Hall of Fame, it’s his Trakehner broodmare line, that Memphis/Flaneur line. I’ve ridden several of them, and they’re all lovely to look at, & talented athletes, but what freakin’ prima donnas!

So unlike me!

The regular camera with zoom lens is in my bag, ready to go. Between Taryn and I, we should come up with something.

TARYN - Willem is going to have his picture taken this weekend surrounded by the mustard flowers. You know, like take him right into the middle and get a photo from a bit away, but a close up, so it’s just his fat head and neck surrounded by blossoms. He said Dave wants one, too. Sorry about the book … I told you it was a three-Kleenex number!

WTY - So we’ll go for the photos. Best part is when two of the Ground Squirrel Family (Homer, Henry, Howard and Jose) stand as tall as possible, tails totally bristled out, and have loud squirrel conversations about the bunnies. They were quite PO-ed the last time.

TUXY - As I have shared before, my dear friend Christy and I are of the opinion that one should not spend more than $3000 for a horse, and that should be one you can get right on and win the AOs with. Okay, time for everyone to throw a bucket of ice water over themselves to stop laughing … I have really and truly seen this happen. I find it easier to come up with an inexpensive nice horse than an expensive one. [I]No, really![/I]

Thank you for the details. We will now set out on our search. This will be better than gold bits at South Coast Plaza!!!