CA Clique Redux

Absolutely have the same “issue,” AA! In fact, am about out the door to go ride NOW … you know you need a fix when your co-workers look at you out of the corner of their eyes and ask, “You haven’t been out to ride lately, have you?” THEY KNOW THE SIGNS!!

You know, Wty, I was thinking the same thing about Elizabeth. Gets herself a beau and drops all her gal pals. Ain’t that always how it goes?

So, how surprising does the group find this? The fabled bit of gold – it does not stop the Hambola Virus. Or, as Merry says, it is fine for just hacking and making Hammie look purdy, but well … it doesn’t work for schooling things.

All together now: Beezer told you so, Merry! Beezer told you so!

Oh, is that the same photo I saw, of Melissa Cardenas and Kimmie Mc Donald riding double on Fleet Apple?

Glad you liked the Horse Illustrated article. I love writing the fun stuff (who’d think, huh?). Unfortunately, I am not talented enough to do the artwork. In fact, I have yet to see the finished product. I agree, a similar article on different “trainer types” would be hysterical! There’d be the slave driver, the social butterfly, etc. I shall put “dibs” on that idea right now!

Thank you for all the belated birthday wishes. I shall reveal that I am now 46. I cannot accept that chronological age, though. In my mind, I am still 25!


Hey how did you all get your Coth Caps. I can’t seem to locate the right page to order?

My new trainer will be at ShowPark. She will be passing up the Golf Cart Division to ride in Hunters and Jumpers.

Have you seen the new Divisions in addition to the Golf Cart Division?

The No Futures Class for jumpers that have absolutely no future; Trot Pole Division for hunters who can’t make the height and distances in the Pre-Green division, as well as an Don’t Fall Off EQ Division for the less able riders;

It’s obvious that I have too much time on my hands

Bumpkin: A belated Get Well wishes to Poncho. Hope he’s feeling better soon!
[This message was edited by SuaveReno on May. 12, 2001 at 12:20 AM.]

[This message was edited by SuaveReno on May. 12, 2001 at 12:23 AM.]

What’s with all the Modesto references lately? I do suppose it is coreene’s fault for adding my pathetic (although rich with prime pasture land) hometown to the socal annex. Did I mention I miss the pastures? Did I?

Not only will he know it’s one of us, he’ll be mad for the idea! He seems to know 99% of the US eventing community already, so I’m sure that wild California women riding him off at the pass would be a welcome!

What man wouldn’t agree??

Your picture is wonderful!!! Do you have a pic of Hammie you could post???

So isn’t there some kind of chip we could install in Merry? Then her directions would be like Mapquest, only we could call it Merryquest. You would call up the Merryquest and she could tell you precise driving, door to door, to the Mississippi river or any other port!!

Oh Suave, it’s raining here now, bunches. Be prepared and take that rain gear.

Well, well, well… as my sister remarked while we were mucking pens side-by-side yesterday, “What more do they need to hear?” with regards as to why anyone would stay in Ex-T’s barn. I still say, it’s sad. Ex-T is beginning to sound like she belongs in the same encounter/support group as my brother-in-law, who continually sabotages any “good thing” that comes his way, then whines and moans about how life is unfair and he never gets a break and people are against him, etc.

AAJumper: It was pouring yesterday during Ride America and Showpark. Today was gorgeous. Love the weather report, but naturally, since they’re aren’t any shows scheduled for next weekend, it’ll be perfect!

elizabeth, me thinks you should call the Dave-meister and thank him for the wonderful evening. It’s even better if you get his answering machine and you can just read a short, sweet, scripted message. Otherwise, if you’re like me, you’ll just start rambling on and, like an episode of Seinfeld, have to go retrieve the answering machine tape because you realize you sound like a blithering idiot.

AAJumper … that Coreene, she is everywhere and touches everyone. She’s our own little six degrees of separation.

Yes, I’ve watched it several times, even before Sat. Night Live spoofed it. Can you believe this is a serious show in Japan??? I’d like to copy some of the recipes, but where exactly does one purchase shark liver or head-of-sea-bass?

I have a similar idea for an equestrian cable TV show: “Iron Rider”. You could take three top riders, assign them each an unknown, untried horse, and then give them 15 minutes to get to know it and ride it around a 3’6" course. Let’s see, there’d be the Calif. clique as the panelists, and we’d all be pitching in our acerbic comments:

Merry: “Oh, look, John French looks like he’s going to use an eggbutt snaffle on that gelding. My, that’s not a particularly attractive bit, but if Frenchy thinks it looks nice, it must be okay.”

rusty: “I like the way that Don Stewart has been able to communicate with that fidgety mare. I’ll bet he could get her to do anything… hey, wonder if she could paw for water on my new property?”

(everyone chuckles…)

coreene: “Well, Richard Spooner’s not to be outdone on that Connemara pony. And let’s face it, he’s just plain cute in the saddle.”

Suave: “Sheesh, my ex-trainer is glomming onto John French, giving him pointers from the sidelines! Doesn’t that woman have any shame?”

Now of course, this entire program must be dubbed into Japanese…

Am I the only one who finds the thought of equines consuming cow just a tad disconcerting??? hehe.

(ps- thank you Merry!!)

You mean your trainer does not itemize the splits? Wow! Everytime we’ve been with various trainers, Beezer and I know up front which hotel they’re staying in. Plus, the bill states the total amount of the hotel bill divided by # of clients=our amount of the split.

Sorry, but I am soooo not paying for my trainer to go to the local cinema to see “Erin Brockovich” on my dime, or hang out sipping gin and tonic at the local Bully’s.

We have a magazine that is free from the Bay Area, called Riders.
Someone may beable to direct you to how to get a copy of that.

Suave Reno had her reasons to blow off Bill Gates for a date.
I knew him in his “teenage” years, and I don’t recall anyone being enamoured
When I say I knew him, I don’t mean we were friends. But I went to many Lakeside parties, etc… and so I saw him around.
I guess if Suave Reno and I had our psychic’s with us, haha , perhaps thing would have been different.

Wow Dublin…we must have been in the same place at the same time, because we had dinner in Fort Bragg! We ate at a place called the North Coast Brewery or something like that. We could have passed each other and never knew it!!!

Well, I’m back after a very relaxing and very long weekend! Now the challenge will be getting up for work tomorrow! We had a very long drive today…9.5 hours from Weed to home. But at least I get to ride tomorrow!!!

Congratulations on a good hearing Rusty!!!

[This message was edited by AAJumper on May. 09, 2001 at 12:29 AM.]

Thank you, “JustaLurker” for the card! I could feel all the curb chains jangling in unison as I opened the dancing “cool” chicks card from Blue Mountain. That really made my day!

Huh. Notice that I still have yet to get a card from my own sister!

Since no one has yet answered the question about how to order a cap, I went searching and find that a second cap ordering topic has dropped to page 2! I guess everyone wanting one ordered immediately. But, here’s the URL for the order form:

                <a href="">COTH Cap Order Form</a>

Erin says to ignore the part about just ordering one cap. They have plenty to go around and, if they run out, they’ll just order more!

Although it seems to take forever and a day for the packages to reach California, I do expect to see mine some time in the next week.

Cheers, Maggi

Fixed the URL to be linkable – sorry about the omission.

[This message was edited by JustaLurker on May. 12, 2001 at 07:46 PM.]

It will have to be viewed prior to voting - so we can view it in context! hehe.

I must say that I do know who your ex trainer is as my horse had the misfortune of living at the Fairgrounds for 2 months until his current spot became available. She really did her best to make my life miserable and butt into my business.

On another note - we were stabled across from your new barn last week. They were extremely kind and considerate - good choice (of a new barn, that is)!

[This message was edited by dmj on Apr. 09, 2001 at 06:37 PM.]

Okay, things are getting scary around here. I dislike confrontation in my real life, and am pacing and sweating bullets as we speak (even though I love your self deprecating humor, Merry; you have cracked my ass up on several occasions).

Therefore, I’m going to lighten things up by forcing you all to look at a picture coreene took of my horse being an uber-model…