CA Clique Redux

dmj: yes.

But keep in mind, to some he is a god and can do no wrong. They even like his sense of humor.

Careening around the warm-up ring at Indio in the glorious 51 & over division!

daytimedrama: Yes, the east coast is indeed lovely. They grow their own trees, I’ve discovered. They grow on their own, wild, like… what are they called in fairy tales? Like a real forest. I couldn’t believe the green trees in Virginia. At least, I think it was Virginia.

AAJumper, I foresee you getting the job. But it probably isn’t a good idea to rant about your former boss and co-workers being “insane”. I dunno, just a hunch that that wouldn’t go over well.

Hey, I was up at 6:00 am, too, I must point out! Sorry that the very first priority is NOT to log onto the BB. It takes about an hour for my vision to clear.

Hi gang! Well, we all had an eventful day, didn’t we?

Yay Suavereno! Money to buy margarita mix with! (Or, money with which to buy margarita mix, if we are being civilized!) I’m happy for you!

Merry, poor Spot. Give her a nice rub on the face for me, please. She’s been tricked, poor thing. But good for you for getting all the photo shoots done!

Well, AAJumper, where are you???

Beezer has decided that she will no longer attempt to go to a horse show. Ever. That way, everyone else will be assured of lovely weather. She is seriously thinking of taking up another sport. Perhaps ice skating … though, with Beezer’s luck, the rink would melt.

Sounds like you are well on your way, Elizabeth. Congrats on a successful first mission!

And thanks, Merry, for clearing up the misunderstanding about WHICH brother-in-law you were talking about. Mr. Beezer is, even as we speak, winging his way to Kansas City to cover some soccer match, then is off to Kentucky to cover the Derby. (Yes, he has all the fun.) Which means Beezer has the mum-in-law all to herself. And, natch, he’s no sooner in the air than the garbage disposal self-destructs (again) … ah, the joys of home ownership.

A few years ago I was chatting with a pair of trainers, and they were telling me how many tapes they had of their horses’ best trips. I said that was great, that one day they’d be able to sit around the old horseman’s home, watch the tapes, and remember their glory days. They both laughed and said, “That’s all we do now!”

Yes Coreen 18-24 has those great breeches but I recently tried on their (are you ready ) their no bounce sports bra. It does away with that uni-boob look and really does work for …ahem…those of us who are modestly endowed (my daughter once said to me “Mom, I don’t want those” Good luck kid )

My only problem is that they aren’t very pretty…in fact they kinda look like army issue and if you can get used to that trussed in feel…they’re not bad. Yikes! What children and age can do to oneself

you’re talking ancient, ancient history here, but I looked in a horsey scrapbook I kept as a kid, and we had ads in HORSES 12/67, 7/68 and 2/70 under Portland Riding Academy and/or Sunwood Farms…

Well, chef, sounds like now you guys will be treated to the soothing, horse-friendly sounds of construction equipment!

coreene and Suave, have fun on Saturday.

I will be at Showpark with the Hambola, cantering around baby green and low A/A courses all day. My first class, right off though, is A/A eq. on the flat. That should be, well, “entertaining” as he’s usually a goom-bah for the first 30 minutes at any show (think pitching and humping of back).

What makes the whole day promise to be even more memorable is that my trainer has a wedding, so she’s not coming, and Beezer is working the night shift at the Times, so I guess I can’t drag HER along. That means it’s me and Queen of Horse Show Moms and a four-year-old warmblood!

May the saints protect us!

Please, offer up your best vibes and jangle those curb chains for me, okay?

Merry, e-mail me too. Sounds like I might have a horse for the girl in your barn.

So Beezer, I’m guessing Blenheim wouldn’t be your first choice to show at, what with those wide open grass fields that go on forever? And the “railing” is pratically non-existant! So what show are you planning to go to the next weekend? LAEC perhaps? Cypress and I will be there on the 8th.

Welcome to the BB TuxWink! I see you are a fellow Los Angelino! I’m not in the City of LA, but I’m in LA County.

We were at North Coast Brewery about 6 pm, and were there until 7:30 - too bad we couldn’t have gotten together!! That place is our favorite hangout whenever we go up to Ft. Bragg; cute historic building (former mortuary, then school house), great, award-winning beer (especially the Red Seal Amber) and good food as well.

“Of course, that’s only my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

Well, rusty, since I didn’t get my chicky-pippy BIRTHDAY CAKE (but I did get a cyber chicky-pippy card!) , I’ll take a yellow peeps drink. But hold the alcohol. Somehow I envision it making the marshmallow curdle.

AAJumper, it shall not rain! Shame on you for even mentioning that possibility! It may drizzle, it may sprinkle, it may be “heavy marine layer”, but it shall NOT rain!

However, I must admit all you Malibu Canyon folks with your creeks and crevices that close and open up at the whims of Nature do amuse me. What? You say someone’s horse trailer was washed down stream? Kind of conjures up a bizarre, equestrian version of Huck Finn!

Hmmmm… Bumpkin… At the very least a good “retrospective” article with Madame Spreckles on what the H/J scene was back then vs. now.

The Melissa Cardenas description was priceless! Yeah, that’s how I’d want to be described: “a less likely looking candidate has seldom appeared on the scene…” But hey, she did well, so I guess that’s what counts.

Suave, so you have to write your classes on a doily and pin them to your huntcoat, eh? What I don’t understand is why the show secretary persists in writing your classes on the back of your number? I mean, by the time I finally get the dang string situated and tied under my nearly imperceivable boobs, the last thing I’m going to do is undo the bow, flip my number over and wriggle around in my saddle to read the back of my number!

Now, about that Saturday group lesson Beezer and I had. Hammie was good; he’s just a little wiggly in his lines, but that seems to be okay at shows, because the jumps are new so he zeroes in on them better. But alas, the Spotted Wonder Mare was such a wig-out in the corner (the folks on the adjoining property to our trainer had turned out their entire HERD of horses) that Beezer could never conquer the flat portion of the lesson. At one end of the arena, Spot looked like a winning under saddle horse. At the far end, she just elevated, spooked, swung her haunches in, etc. So Beezer “excused” herself and didn’t jump. Which was frustrating, but believe me, perhaps a wise decision. When Spot’s brain is in the “off” position, it’s best to hang it up and ride again another day. Hence, this is why I gave up trying to do hunters & medals with her. Some shows I’d win. Some shows the mare would humiliate me. For 3 years I put up with that inconsistency, then I walked away. Poor Beezer.

So guess what? Right now I have to leave to take Beezer and Spot to a small county show to do some jumper classes. This shall be interesting. Needless to say, Spot shall be lunged a tidge before the competition begins.

So please jangle those curb chains in between your Mother’s Day celebrations!

SuaveReno, best of luck with the interview on Wednesday!! And enjoy your extra riding time while it lasts…

“Of course, that’s only my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

Well, I said to Taryn we’d have to get Willem to pose the same as Dave, so if she’d be so gracious as to stand with him, I can get some poses there. And then we can somehow get some Mini-Me photos of them together. And then really we should get some with their great friend Peanut in the middle (he’s a Shetland). The best turnouts in the a.m. is Peanut in the lunging ring in the middle and Dave and Willem in the turnouts on either side, both tearing around and trying to get Peanut’s attention away from the other.

Oh, PLEASE DO tell, Merry. No doubt you will dish much better than his mother, from whom he has rightfully earned the nickname “Mr. Perfect.” Can I help it if he … well, “FALLS APART” might be an apt description … when other people try to do anything with him? (Which is why, as I’ve pointed out, selling him might prove a tad difficult. )

His someday-show name (that is, if he ever stays in one piece long enough to get there) is Hot Sauce – believe me, if you ever saw him turned out and saw the amount of energy he produces, you’d know why – and his “real” nickname is Tigger (because he has a lot of bounce per ounce). He is a deep, bright chestnut with a little star and two hind socks and an absolutely darling face (even Merry says so!) and a mac truck-like body that he inherited from his mother (both horse AND human). He is – for me, at least – very sweet, very kind, VERY brave and willing to do whatever’s asked. It’s just other people who seem to have a problem.

Gee … can you tell I’m also overly attached?? After all the medical bills he’s cost me, I’d BETTER be.

Ok, so I don’t read this thread everyday (but I did catch up)…

Back in the last decade (on 4/11) you posted about a trainer that left his wife (and joint biz) and ran off with a student – do his initials happen to be JC or is this a nor-cal/so-cal mirror thing going on?

This exact scenario happened at my first barn (in wine rich nor-cal). Hubby/trainer left wife/trainer and biz for rich student (who was/is well into being of legal age!), he had no steady customers after that, ended up marrying a different $$woman who does WESTERN! Original student/girlfriend is back training with the ex-wife!

Can we say bizarre?

Oh Merry and AAJumper, you two are great. Thanks!!

elizabeth hereupon gets a little misty and has to step aside to compose herself. it’s just that having all these new friends is a little bit. . . overwhelming. <<sniff, sniff>> having gotten a hold of herself, she continues. . . .

Merry, let’s be frank: I cannot answer the Hamlet kind of questions myself. Matter of fact, a friend of mine at work was doing the same thing you were doing - giving me questions I could casually work into the conversation to see what David knows. But the sad sad sad thing is that I could not answer the questions. So there we stand.

Ah, you guys have encouraged me. Thanks again!

David is supposed to call tonight, and I might invite him over for some fresh cream puffs that I am currently baking. Everyone jangle their curb chains that he calls before it gets too late!

Actually Mrs Scott died after slipping on a bath mat and hitting her head.
It turned out she had cancer and knew it but hadn’t done anything about it.
The minute she passed away they got rid of her beloved herd of dairy cattle that had been there since her father built the estate.

(You can tell Mr. Mo is down stairs while I have fun with you all!)

Anyway, what I imagine is a herd of horses already tacked up, two riders waiting on the side for that bell to ring, and when it does they race to grab a fine mount and proceed on with the show. Then what? a dressage test? a GP? hmmm I need help.