CA Clique Redux

I forgot about Beezer’s last meal. Yes, when we knew it was time, I stopped at the donut shop by my house and bought him two big glazed donuts. It was so very sad… me, my sister, my mom, the vet, we were all crying. But it had to be done. I just know that if I get to Heaven and there aren’t any horses, I shall come back to haunt all the stables and showgrounds of my youth.

I hope I’m not too late to add my chant to the rest. To compensate, I’m shouting.

Cheers, Maggi

A few days ago I’d made the mistake of telling someone I’d only called a vet out for colic once in the nine years I’d had Willem.

BIG mistake.

So last night, after Andy schooled him and he was in the stall for two minutes, I got the Oh My God I Am Going Down dance. Fortunately he had it for two minutes when I already had the vet on the phone, but of course I did make a semi-fool of myself and start to cry at one point while waiting.

THE GOOD NEWS: he had overstressed himself (who knew?) and had a bit of gas in the secum, and was almost himself when the vet got there.

NO BAD NEWS: twice in nine years is great, so I will not complain.

Went back this a.m. (got there before six and found out they don’t feed until 7:15-7:30, so waiting patiently, curb chain jingling, to take away half the food - don’t think they read “no comida” signs), almost got mowed down in Mr Plume’s search for food and think he’s gonna be A-OK.

Then went back to sleep.

PS: My date on Tuesday was much better looking, and I am so glad it was on Tuesday and not last night!!!.

I took the 4 year old Princess Jade to Indio…So what if I face-planted into the (fortunately) plastic fencing?

You know what was so bizarre? I was at Leather 'N Spice, ordering a new pair of chaps (shut up, Beezer!)and Karen’s phone rings while she’s measuring me and it’s her husband telling her about the accident. It happened right by Cook’s Corner, so those of us familiar with the area can understand how it might have occurred: very twisty, winding road.

On a different note… looks like I’m writing a little humorous tidbit on The Mummy Returns, focusing on Swarthy Egyptian Man and all the horses! Thanks, Bumpkin, for the idea! If we all ever get together, I’m going to owe half of this clique a real margarita!

I have just one thing to say: A margarita is too good for those sticky, yucky, chicken-shaped things. And if Merry succeeds in guilting QHSM into making one of those cakes… I won’t be responsible for my actions!!

I am not able to turn my computer on for a day and the thread grows three more pages.

coreene WIllem is adorable.

I broke even at my show. We all had fun and I accomplished my goal of gettin gthe arena used more, so the city doesn’t turn it into Tennis courts or put a road through it. Wanting to keep the arena in the park is the main reason that I started putting on horse shows there last year.

Oh Suave, it took this cult member ions to figure it all out. But you better write those $$$$ off as bad debt. This ex-trainer owes boo-koo bucks to just about everyone. Hmmmmmmm, wty wonders if dear John knows he is her best bud? Or if he even knows his picture is slapped all over the internet on their web site?

Siblings, yes this means you. Stop fighting!! Now Merry, Beezer went to all that trouble and got you your chicky-pippy cake. Sugarholics are sooooo difficult sometimes. Beezer, come on Merry’s Hambola is beginning to be a good boy??? Curbs are forever jingling, ahhhh soothing.

rusty, get your blenders ready. Sounds like a heck of a party at the Majic Kingdom!!!
Maragrita’s WaaaaaaHoooooooo!!!

dublin, you are good! That is awesome. So who is sponsoring this Kentucky Derby?

We can get along, thanks Mom…

Daughter of lottery winner, well they both went into the ticket together Promptly bought some very nice horses, having been slightly involved before. RF then proceeded to become involved.

Think AP was not the same story. Much more up front from what I’m told, but still the same idea…

DId I hear some one say Margaritas? Now being made with fresh strawberries. Yum
Suave as hard as it may be to do just try to ignore the nastiness. From what has been posted here it seems that every one seems to know what she is like, and there fore are probably considering the source ands laughing about what she says.

Have a Margarita and don’t worry about her. Let her be the one looking like a fool.
Now I need to follow my own advice about a situation around here.

Aha, in regards to in-laws: “There was never a gift they couldn’t return within 24 hours.”

So, I’m guessing you’re referring to the episode with the silver toaster???

My mother-in-law always carried a purse plucked from her collection of cast-offs she got at the thrift store. So for Christmas I thought I’d splurge and buy her a really nice leather Liz Claiborne purse, very mother-in-lawish, but nice, and real leather!

Yup. Returned. The white naugahyde bag with the orange and purple ostrich plumes apparently was more her style.

Sorry, got to go with Derek as Hamlet!
Too much goldilocks struttin’ around with Olivier.

Greatest line from Hamlet?
“To thine own self be true.”

I have to remind myself of that line everytime I pull on my Vogels, put on my GP huntcoat, adjust my monogrammed choker and climb aboard my branded Oldenburg and rub elbows at the backgate with the rich and famous. Yeah, right, like I’m really a part of their whole scene.

Oh, sigh must go help QHSM unload a stack of hay. Usually Beezer must do this, but I’m forced to partake of this most unpleasant duty since I need the hefty truck (vs. my purdy new truck) to haul the Hanoverian cow-beast out to Sandi Nisson’s in Hemet to be officially saddle broke.

Yippee, no more long-lining horses for two years, when activities shall commence with the orphan filly!

Betsy, I’m not a midwestern girl at heart! Besides Mr. Mo growing up in NYC, I grew up in the Philly area!

Now another question for all you California Girls, Where do you think the term’s, “wash rack” and “show bill” came from? I alway’s referred to them as, “wash stall” and “prize list”. Then I met MCJM and heard her use those former terms. Must be a California thing?

MO: Gosh, I think Beezer-horse was put down maybe 4 or 5 years ago. I keep thinking we’ll come across another horse with that great personality, but with all the ones we’ve had and bred, it hasn’t happened. We’ve had better movers and fancier looking horses, but none with that “I’m a clown/I’m a lover” mentality.

Hey, check out the braid job on Instant Trouble! Don’t tell me that’s a modern $35. braid job!

AAJumper, your mare looks like she’s really relaxed doing her job. I’ll bet she’s fun to ride! Plus, I must point out that I want your girth. Beezer talked me out of getting a fluffy girth for Hammie and now I want one even more!

Sorry, I have not seen the old Survivor nor the new Survivor. However, regardless of what I’m doing at that moment Thursday night, I’ll be sending amorous thoughts in elizabeth and David’s direction.

Willem is feeling a bit better. Am about to head for the barn - yesterday he was mowing after all the food he could get near (my arms are screaming from trying to keep him away - but not nearly as bad as Suave’s ENTIRE BOD, I am sure!), but was a bit lethargic. Kind of like they get after a Strangles shot.

Merry, after all that chat re the bugs I’m surpirsed you didn’t need some Banimine yourself! Eek, the thought would make me colic. Perhaps next time you should send them out to your local honky tonk.

Wty, did you also catch the cable tv hour of pre-Derby from 1-2 PM? Had some very nice clips from past races. Thought that History of Horse Racing show was pretty good, too, but I wish it had cast a bigger net and not focused on just a few. Although it was wonderful to see so much on Secretariat and Man o’War.

Okay, off to see Mr Plume. I am sure he will be sending love back.

In writing, just so you have a paper trail.

Merry said:
<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I was at Leather 'N Spice, ordering a new pair of chaps (shut up, Beezer!)…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Moi? Would Moi saying ANYTHING about that? Why, Merry … I am wounded that you would THINK such a thing … I mean, JUST BECAUSE you already have three (or is it four??) pairs of custom chaps hanging in the tackroom gathering cobwebs (“This pair is too tight in the knees … and I don’t really like the stitching on these, I thought it would be another shade…” ), why would you think I would comment on your buying ANOTHER pair??

Oh … and don’t think I didn’t notice that the horse cookies you bought came from Horse Mart. We weren’t out BIT SHOPPING, were we??

Thank you for posting those great photo’s!

Yes, Gene is still alive! As I stated a few posts ago, Mr. Mo found him, via web search. Melissa contacted him, but that’s a far it went. Idaho I believe is where he is now. If you need to contact him I can get his info for you, just e-mail me.

Congrats to TuxWink! Congrats to Rusty on a good show! And double congrats to those who have actually gotten their COTH caps! Sigh.

Thank you all for the curb-chain jingling! Yes, after Saturday’s disaster of a lesson, I was about to congratulate the Spotted Wonder on finally defeating me. That, or pour myself a few dozen of Rusty’s margaritas. Then Merry helped buck me up and I gave myself a severe talking to … and off to the show we went.

The beast mare was not on best behavior (i.e. TWO hard lungeing sessions ) but we managed. Both rounds were good; but there’s nothing like going downhill to a one-stride in-and-out heading toward the out gate and thinking, half-halt, let go – harder! – one more stride … hm, I THOUGHT we were taking one more stride! That mare can and does just leave the ground sometimes when you’d SWEAR there was another stride left. But as Merry says, Spot’s so clever, she figures out how to get out of the messes of her own creation. But it’s like she keeps a running score … Score one for Spot (when she evades my aids), Beezer none; Beezer one, Spot one; Spot two, Beezer one. I figure if I get to a draw with her, my goals have been achieved.

Oh … and that was a mighty well-behaved chestnut gelding Merry was riding. He didn’t even bat an eye when the fire truck and ambulance arrived for the aforementioned misfortunate rider! The cutest thing: When Merry was done, she hops off and Tiggs turns his head, looks at me and gives this pathetic little “heeeeeeelp me” nicker. So I did.

Oh, and Coreene, isn’t that so true re the old school masters who ought to be long retired? At “our” show Sunday, there was this nice old gray horse, but DFL. The guy could hardly hang on, but there he is, out trying to get over the jumper fences, catching the horse in the mouth and slip-sliding all over the place. The horse is stopping, trying to save them both, and he starts beating on it … no trainer in sight. He about runs over me a coupla times. Finally, he just gives up and leaves. Which was a good thing, but Merry and I were thisclose to saying something, so we were kinda disappointed that he packed up and left.