CA Clique Redux

Crohn’s disease is awful!! Mr. Mo is a rheumatoligist, he treats people with Chrons offten. I recommend having Mr. SoEasy ask his Dr. about a drug called “Remicade” put out by Centocor.Just so happens that they’re based in Malvern! Anyway, it’s done wonders for his Crohn’s people. Actually, there is a girl who post’s here (horse care section) who goes by the name of JennB who actually works for Centocor.

Elizabeth, well you have’nt tried NYC until you try Cipriani’s!!

hahaha that is soooo funny.
Guess it is the CALIFORNIA model!!

The Herm Sprenger KK full cheek that Elliot sports is a gold colour on the bit portion.
Perhaps it is a Herm Sprenger?

You practically have to take out a second mortgage to buy some of those bits, like the HS D and Full Cheek.

It was bad enought writing a cheque for almost 200$ for the County Pro Logic girth, Elliot absolutely had to have.

Merry, your answer to 1. A & B is a resounding YES! But your day should allow you kudos for sticking with it. You have my utmost respect for your handling of QHSM. We know your curbs were jingling to keep you bitting your tongue. WTG!!! Plus, look at it this way. The cult/corporation has now devised, thanks to rusty, a new scheme making boo-ko bucks. Rusty waved her majic wand, Hammie is now a year wiser, and hopefully smarter! All this, while waiting for you to return. elizabeth has come back toooooo

HEY DEE DEE - are you eating ice cream bon bons like you get at the movies, or some fab chocolates?

Update on Miss Cypress…the vet came out and looked at the hematoma and said it wasn’t in a critical spot. He suggested that since it is not bothering her, to go ahead and show on Sunday, and if there is still fluid, he will come out and put a drain in. It isn’t in a critical location on her butt…he said that if it was in a different spot it could cause trouble with extending the hind leg. Of course, if it gets worse, we’ll call him and have him come drain it right away, but as of now, he’s not concerned about it. Basically, she broke a blood vessel and then he thinks the clot got dislodged, causing serum to collect in that area. He said that it could get absorbed on it’s own. So we’ll keep an eye on it.

I need a stained wood Warner’s with the brass.
I just called the Gift Horse today and asked them to write it up and I would place my order next week…if you decide you want to part with it… …let me know!!!

Hey I am possibly the same age as Suavereno and I don’t have the false teeth, yet, but I do have those boots, and I am going to wear them this year!!!

Hm. Anyone else notice how conspiciously absent Elizabeth has been from the proceedings? Hm. That must’ve been SOME weekend!

Re: the business transaction with the missing $: So let me get this straight. “Ms. Ex-T” was in cahoots with your friend who ponied up most of the cash for an investment horse. Then said horse sold at Indio. “Ms. Ex-T” has not forwarded the partner’s share of the dough, whatever that may be.

Am I correct thus far?

I’m assuming there will be some bickering over Ms. Ex-T’s expenses, which will be deducted, of course, from the total sale price. Wow, I’d love to see the padding on that bill!

Gee, were the initials of that “partner” KL? Has she contacted an attorney to write a nasty letter?

Merry , Beezer and anyone else tha is showing good luck this weekend!!

I will probably be out of touch this week end so I hope to be able to find every body on Mon. Which is when I also find out if the neighbors appealed the planning commission ruling. Jingle those curb chains.

Are we speaking of the Hambola???

Oh elizabeth, you will have a wonderful date!!! Now, take a lovely long hot bath, relax, and enjoy!!!How can we have a wedding, when we can’t get you out the door girlfriend???

Mommy Merry, kinda has a ring to it. Now heidi, with your southern accent, and northern exposure how will you explain to sumo toddler, his trip to the land of sun? Summer camp? By the way, he’s great at stacking jumps, can he be on the jump crew? With his apetite, well, you know, he needs to bring in some extra $$$$

Suave sorry you were rained out It’s really beautiful here now. Yesterday was out of a movie!! Wind, torrents of rain, rainbows, thunder and the chain law in effect on 80. Did I leave anything out?

Boy, am I ever late to the party on this one. But here goes with just one more opinion. I must say I agree with the couple of pages of opinions I’ve been reading.

Elizabeth, I understand exactly where you were coming from. I think it’s absolutely normal that, even in this enlightened day and age, females are still looking to the male to be smarter, stronger, better educated, and the provider. But, you’ve been able to get by this silliness and didn’t have to agonize long over it.

Let me remind you of one reasonably successful college dropout: Bill Gates! A college education certainly isn’t a good gauge of intelligence. It seems to have become just the �thing to do’ after high school.

Merry mentioned that college and an advanced degree had given me a different perspective on life, changed my value system a little and opened my eyes to other viewpoints. Well, perhaps that might be sort of true, but I’d give some attribution to good old maturity. We learn so much at that age, and so fast. I think that’s why so many right out of high school marriages have failed � lack of maturity and personal growth.

Oh, good heavens! I’m writing a book here and all I really wanted to say is that a college education has little to do with innate intelligence, continued learning, and a great curiosity about what’s going on in the world. It seems that David may well be a very intelligent and successful young man.

But, again I caution about jumping too fast. If it’s meant to be, he’ll be around a year from now and you’ll know so much more about each other. A romantic relationship with your best friend turns out to be the best of both worlds � and will probably last forever. But, a relationship like that takes time to establish. It seems that Weeble and several others have that kind of relationship.

Cheers, Maggi

dublin:Regarding Barranca Parkway in Irvine… I never worked there, heaven knows, but I just about lived and died there! Don’t get me started, don’t even get me started… but the first of many sinus surgeries was via an ENT doctor whose original office was behind the Carls Jr. off Barranca! That was the doctor I nearly bled to death with… well, the first doctor I nearly bled to death with…

MHM: I can’t control myself over bits! That is truly an addiction of mine. I admit it! I have bits out as loaners to half a dozen people in our town, including our trainer, who has then loaned them to her clients. It’s not like I have problems with my horses (shut up, Beezer!), but I just want them to be happy with their jobs, and so I’m always hunting for that magical bit. I figure soon I shall own every bit ever manufactured since the advent of the iron age.

Beezer: Are you making light of my intolerance to cold? What, just because I’ve been discovered in my horse show hotel room in the dead of summer wearing woolen flannel pajamas? I’m still scarred from the trip to Virginia with QHSM and you, that time in the spring when I was told, “Oh, it’s spring. It’ll be warm. Wear shorts.” Notice in each successive photograph how Merry’s skin takes on more and more of a bluish tint…And then, QHSM goes into the Williamsburg gift shop and buys HERSELF a sweatshirt, but will she buy her own cash-strapped DAUGHTER one? Nooooooo!

Suave: I’m sure there must be some hysterical story revealing just why you were at traffic school. Please tell me you weren’t caught driving a golf cart down Newport Blvd.

coreene: I still crack up thinking about my working at Horse World in Huntington Beach! Ah, those were the days when I was happily floundering through life without any direction whatsoever. I believe the woman who owned the place was “dating” a local yokel cowboy type with red hair and his name was Rex (?) and he worked out of one of the low-rent stables.

Yikes Rusty…living in an RV all summer sounds pretty cramped! But the time will fly, and then you’ll have an awesome place!!!

Welcome to the CA Clique thread, Trick!

Oh, I forgot to mention earlier that after my day of lounging, I painted my toenails…all 9 1/2 of them!!!

Almost-free could definitely have had strings attached. I didn’t really think of that. That’s one of the reasons I want to be free of my lease (the restrictions) but this could have been potentially even worse! There’s always a bright side I suppose !

Ah, Coreene. Doncha just LOVE the beasties?? Sorry about your thigh … but I am SURE you will be able to find someone to kiss it better – just see our previous threads.

Merry LOVES her Hammie. The Hambola is her soul mate. But they are conflicted. Does anyone have an extra tiara? That way they wouldn’t have to fight over the one Merry has.

There once was a colt named Hammie,
Whose changes packed a real whammie.
He’d buck and he’d scoot,
Like a real horse’s patoot,
Turning every round into a shammie!

Yesyesyes!!! The bite size individually wrapped Dove Bar!! Scrumptious, absolutely!! But buyer beware, you can never eat just one!

Pebble was great, for the most part beautiful beach weather, sunny, in the mid-70’s, but I’m sorry if I gave you guys the wrong idea. I wasn’t showing, my baby is just learning how to be a “big boy” and is doing the schooling show thing closer to home. Hopefully soon he’ll venture into the “A” world. I went to help friends while they showed their already “grown up” horses.

My post was kind of vague last week because the day I left for Pebble I had to euthanize my old mare. She was 18 and I’d had her since she was 2. She raced before I got her and that did her in for any life but one as a broodmare but she was a great one and in fact, the mother of the baby I have in training. I went out to feed her early and she was fine, went back out to do barn chores an hour later and she had fractured her leg. Not a mark on her and in a perfectly safe, flat, clear pasture. My vet thinks she just bucked or played and landed wrong. I’ve owned horses for a long time and lost them before but I will never get used to it. She was a friend, and I had great respect for the wonderful way she went about her life raising her foals. We spent many hours late at night in the barn together waiting for her foals to arrive. I will miss her.

Anyway, glad to be back, now I have to catch up on my reading…

OK. There’s a REASON Beezer has collected all these pads. It’s a good one. HONEST.

Beezer wildly jangles her curb chain, trying to come up with a really good, really plausible reason really, really fast.

Ah. OK, how’s this: My horses have all had their colors. I mean, how could I “dress” the geldings in the pink/maroon/fuchsia that the truck-like mare wears? (You see, I dressed her in girly-girl colors because everyone always said, “Oh, HE is so cute!” “It’s a MARE, dammit.” So I thought the girl colors would be a tipoff. But it never worked. ) So the boys had to have boy colors. And some of those I just can’t throw out because A) they are still good and despite what Merry says, she uses them too and B) some belong to departed friends, so they get kept for sentimental value.

But then there’s the Lady Spot … she has to have, ahem, sedate colors to show in (and she needs a couple for those multi-day shows because, you know, pads get dirty and she just can’t be seen in a dirty pad – besides, I like to wear different-colored polo shirts and her pad and polos have to match my shirt…) but for home, well … there is nothing cooler than that pinto mare in her Serengeti zebra polos and pad!

And then, of course, Tigger was jealous that Spot had cool schooling pads and polos, so he got Serengetis in the tiger stripe… Plus, since I ride in a Stubben that’s hard to find a square pad to fit under correctly, there are some that were bought and used once, then discarded on top of that tackbox because, well, they didn’t fit.

I don’t have a problem. I don’t, I don’t, I don’t!!