CA Clique Redux

As in, why Merry abandoned Miss Bossy Boots for Hammie. While the Hambola frequently makes a play for Merry’s tiara, Spot the Wonder Horse actually wrested it away from her on more than one occasion. Queen Merry decreed that that kind of insolence just will not do, so she bestowed the beastie on Princess Beezer. Who is, apparently, too stupid and foolhardy to realize when she is up against a super power.


Okay, slow down, slow down! I would have done this via e-mail, but you have no e-mail address shown.

Yes, I’m old and gray (well, actually red but only my hairdresser knows for sure), but let me tell you that, from experience, you had better heed the “if something seems too good to be true, it is” adage. It’s marvelous and exciting that you’re being romanced beyond your dreams, but just be sure to get to know him well enough to determine whether this is just an act or whether this is what he’s really like - and a couple of months isn’t long enough!

If you’d like to carry this on offline, send me an e-mail. But, if you want to remain starry eyed, that’s okay, too, and I’ll shut up.

Cheers, Maggi

I am now living among the commoners, back in my original residence. I could no longer stand to have my exiled lifestyle be fodder for the press. Please notice that my new “address” reflects California’s true nature.

As my last royal request, I suggest that each of you tout an “address” that reflects the superiority of our grand home state! “California Clique Rules!”

Thanks Correen, I’ll take you up on that. Email me your work phone one mo time please!

Yeah we can’t ride but we can look the part

I hear there’s an incredibly expensive velvet helmet that’s custom made that costs about $800. Can you actually tell if someone is wearing a helmet like that. They all look the same to me. My girlfriend just bought one. I get a kick out of her. She’ll drop 100k on a horse without batting an eye. I of course am in quite a different league all together. Hmmmm college education for the kids or new hunter…Ehhh…new hunter, let the kids flip burgers for awhile and learn about the real world… LOL!!! My ten year old came home recently and told me that she wants to be a horse trainer and sell beany babies.

Remember all those hours you two spent talking on the phone? Well, the conversation is just going to continue on. Deep breathe elizabeth, you look great, you are going to have a GREAT evening. No pressure…

And yes, you had it right on the quote…

I’m now going to have to explain to Sumo Toddler that the world does not, in fact, revolve around him – it revolves around coreene!

Coreene, you are the epicentre of the universe! In which case, can you talk to someone to ensure we get no rain on Sunday as I’m hosting a barbecue?

Ah, coreene, I see you and Willem are the champions of the “Hack and Snack” class?

I had to stop feeding Hammie Nicker Nibbles because he was getting testy about, “Hey, what? No cookie? Then get lost. I’m not coming out of my stall.”

Do tell us, Tux, what you’re looking for!

And now I want to state this for the record one more time: I did not know the bit was golden in hue. I shall not compete in it. However, I believe I shall keep it as a novelty item and to use at home. Besides, Beezer will spread the humorous story, I’m sure, amongst our horse show friends, so that when I’m warming up on a Friday afternoon somewhere I’ll get a dozen people walking up and smirking, “So… is that the illustrious golden bit?”

AAJumper, when they ask you to come in to preview your employment package, add a cheerful, “Well, that time will be perfect, because I’ll have finished with my riding lesson by then.”

Now Merry dons a baseball cap from her growing collection and braves the winds outside to ride the 2 four yr. olds in the lovely, fabled Santa Ana winds.

Well, just ask Beezer… a potentially “Doh!” situation was narrowly averted last night when I found out just by luck that our trainer had a whole list of clients signed up to attend that show, not realizing I was judging! Could you imagine? She’d arrive with 5 or 6 clients, and they couldn’t compete because !surprise! I’m the judge!?!

I only see her/take a lesson once a week, so she didn’t know I was the judge until I just mentioned it in passing. So what I did was switch with next month’s judge. This way, the trainer gets to go with her clients, and I get to show the Hambola once again this weekend!

Notice I am heading over to work on lead changes right now…

did Willem take on a wee bit of an Irish accent as well? Or is that just so he can claim his right to drink buckets o’beer on another well known holiday?

That is my story also.
Perhaps they will come out with an arm extension for those of us with the shorter arms?

Vet just phoned, found more abcess!!!
Cleaned, dremeled, it out more.
Coming to check again next Friday.
I am praying for Mallory and Poncho to have some quality time this summer, instead of the daily soakings, wrappings and wound care they have endured since December.
That is a lot to ask a 12 year old to do, on a daily basis, even a Horse Crazy one

[This message was edited by Bumpkin on May. 11, 2001 at 05:07 PM.]

It is indeed Mousie Williams and Special step.

Think they’ve got enough bit on the horse??? Can you imagine showing in anything but a snaffle in the hunter classes today.

AA Jumper. The Monkees!!!??? LOL!

Elizabeth –

Take your time with your David.

To counter Merry, I met my husband on the day of the Loma Prieta quake (October 1989) and we got married in …October 2000!

Our “first dance” song was “At Last” by Etta James – lots of laughs from the crowd.

My liege, wty bows slowly remembering those years of training for coming out parties. Once a queen, always a queen.

Now Beezer, you know that lead changes are of utmost importance. Ahhh Merry, please bring a Roo too! Mine has become a terrista toy.

Suave and wty have been exchanging emails. Updates on all of this wonderful stuff.

rusty, more chicky pippy margarita’s the bell is sounding. Come monday, isn’t that a song? We’ll be back to our healthy ones, carrots, banana strawberry hmmmmm…

[This message was edited by wtywmn4 on Apr. 12, 2001 at 07:20 PM.]

MHM: Right now, Queen of Horse Show Moms is sporting a lovely laceration on her finger from Beezer’s 4 yr. old, the Precious Tigger, lunging for his hay when she fed him. But the two black eyes… yeah, like everyone believed your mom!

Poor Suave just needs to sport a pair of Jackie O sunglasses and become incommunicado with her former barnmates. They are just no longer operating in the same sphere of existence as Suave.

Perhaps flying would be easier for him, and the savings would be peace of mind.

I’ve lived in LA and have never once seen that LA on Angel, although it was a pretty good episode!

“Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, Darling!” JD;Heathers

Rode this morning in my new hackamore that I got this past weekendend at Big Mary’s. I was really surprised that Reno stoppped, turned and flexed at the poll. Can this be possible??? Decided not to go to the LAEC as I have been informed that we are all going to the Oaks for 2 weeks in July when the Fair is up and running and I sould start saving now…

A client called me for some free advise and and unfortunately, my cell crapped out. Hmmm… did I do that on purpose??? In preparation for my visit with the corporate shrink, I am practicing the use of 3 syllable words and spelling. There is a math section, but unless I have a calculator I will be unable to add, subtract, divide or multiply. If they give me a question regarding what “x” represents, would an appropriate response be “who the hell cares?” I’ll have to cogitate on that one

I know I’m coming from an entirely different generation here, but I have to say that you shouldn’t worry about intimacy, at least not yet. As vineyridge mentioned, you said you had “recoiled” at his first warm kiss on your first date. I suspect that backed him off - note I said “backed” not “turned.” He’s obviously turned on and has decided to respect your obvious reticence at jumping into a physical relationship right off the bat. Obviously a relationship is in the process of being established and he keeps coming back. Relax and let everything proceed at a reasonable pace, learning more and more about one another as time progresses.

Some of the younger generation advise that you should play the liberated woman and “roar like WOMAN.” However, that could scare off a more traditional man, feeling his way into what he seems to perceive as a possibly permanent relationship.

So my old fogey advise is to play it cool and let things progress at a more reasonable pace.

Someone quotes Dennis Miller as saying something like “this is just my opinion, I could be wrong” and this sure fits here. But, once the cork is removed from the bottle…

Cheers, Maggi