CA Clique Redux

Personally I like coreene’s idea. I’m in one of those moods too!! Must be that wind. So A/A, how much you want to bet they will come back with another offer? Me thinks they may have been trying to feel you out?

Okay Beezer, I know you tried really hard to stop her. But as queen, she does what she wants. So, will we see the aforementioned bit, with a lovely plume on Hammies head? That might clear the schooling area at her next show Okay Merry, as our queen, here is the bit!! Eggbutt snaffle, with a nickle slow twist, made in England. Looks to die for on your horse. It works, they listen and even whoa… Hippo woman was a darling in it. During her hunter days.

elizabeth, polished, exfoliated and totally awesome, heads to the door. Will he hold hands?? This is actually more exciting than Surviour.

[This message was edited by wtywmn4 on May. 03, 2001 at 05:53 PM.]

Ah, yes, Elizabeth … Hammie, now starring in the blockbuster remake of “The Accidental Tourist.” It’s really quite a funny sight. He just kinda lopes along, staring around, oblivious to Merry’s aids. Then he gets ticked and kicks out … you can almost here him grump in a whiny teenager voice, “Shut UP! I’m busy!!”

“There goes Hammie with Merry on his back.”

Coreene, glad to hear you’re doing better. Weeble, have fun at Pebble Beach. Rusty, fire up that blender! Nicker Nibbles margaritas all around!

I took the afternoon off from studying the SAT’s in prep for my Psych eval…Yeah the swarthy guy with the stuff on his face gets my vote (there were a lot of horses in there too)( for COTH moderators)I saw this afternoon as i knew no one in the family would want to see it Although it got panned, I thought it was a fast 2 hours and 25 minutes

Willeum: I luft your accent

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birth-day dear MERRY, Happy Birthday to you!

The Hamburger horse MUST have been jealous, hence his incidents of bad behavior. But I am glad most of your show was perfect!! SCAN US SOME PICTURES.

Now, as to your profaning in public, my dad is convinced that “SH!&” and “I don’t give a rat’s a$&” are legal phrases. He says I say them often enough that they must be. Next time you are speaking to Hammie in legalese, remember that it is indeed legalese!

Now, AAJumper, what are iceplants??

Vineyridge: This is soooo embarrassing, but I can never remember what model my Stubben is. Maybe a VSG? Something like that with initials. I know it has the forward flaps, which I desperately needed because every inch of my height is in my legs; I also know that I love it. Merry, however, will probably be able to tell you EXACTLY what model it is, because she found it for me when she, QHSM and I went to Upperville … it was kinda like, sit your butt in this saddle. Fits? Knees don’t hang over the front? Good. Then get out that credit card and pay the man!

Coreene: What a lovely gentleman you have! Might I point out that with a little Sun-In hair color in that mane, he could go blonde too??

Bumpkin: Sorry about the abscess. Icky-yicky things, those.

OK. Have any among us who ordered a COTH cap actually RECEIVED it?? I’m thinking we need to organize a march on Virginia…

Please select which of the following best describes what this Mystery Horse and rider (c. 1973) are doing. Are they:

a. Looking for a lost contact lense.

b. Adjusting the curb chain.

c. Practicing a equitation technique.

d. Write in_______________________________

I don’t recall not asking you to post, I recall suggesting that it might be more appropriate if you kept the personal details just that.

elizabeth: Go to right now and click on Hunter/Jumper. The article with the pinto jumping? That’s me on the lovely Spot a couple of years ago at a schooling show.

She is not stocky. She is 50/50 dark, dark bay and white, 16.1+.

I do not “do” chestnuts by choice unless they have a multitude of white. (Must point out that my good ol’ amateur medal class horse was a fiery red chestnut gelding).

No, elizabeth, there’s actually a huge, giant orange located just off the 55 freeway. It’s in the Guinness Book of Records. Just this giant, hollowed-out orange…

Yes, silly, the CITY of Orange!

You guys are so great! Thanks for the support. (Merry, I’m tugging the line a little, to be sure that the hook is in.)

Suave, what’s a white paper???

you were blonde once, right? (or are you still blonde, I can’t remember ) I just call these types of things my “blonde moments.” And, yes, there are so many that if I related them all you guys would think I was some sort of cousin to Anna-Nicole Smith

Zero balance on your credit cards?!
Suddenly I wonder if you truly qualify as
a member of BBA (Bit Buyers Anonymous).

Zero AVAILABLE on the credit card makes one a platinum member of the BBA.

Ohhhhh yessss Bumpkin quite fancied those watermelon rinds.
Will have to see if Elliot is truly a reincarnation of dear Bumpkin.

Where is Suave?

Merry, don’t forget to have a little slope on your arena…1.5% is ideal, per specs from a well known arena designer. You can go 2%, but you may tend to get minor gullies if your arena is large. Don’t get me started about a french drain design…I could go on and on.

YIKES…my evil engineer personality is escaping. Back, back…stay at the office where you belong, engineer girl…

AAJumper begins swatting herself, as if to exorcise the engineer demons within. “I’m not a geeky engineer, honest I’m not” she cries out shamefully.

Have to go now. Am going to watch a Brady Bunch rerun before going to bed early. This housesitting and weather is really getting me tired.

I have a pic of Cypress at work, to remind me why I’m there! Beezer, your coworkers are much more observant than mine. My boss still thinks that it would be beneficial to him if I didn’t take a few days off here and there to show. Little does he know what a monster I’d turn into!!!

Beezer said so, Beezer said so…Neener, neener neener…

Item #1:I did not get even a PIECE of birthday cake, let alone an entire chicky-pippy cake from QHSM! No peeps, no coconut frosting, no granulated sugar congealing on my teeth. What’s up with that?

Item #2: My own sister, BEEZER, has yet to give me my birthday present! Twice now she’s been out to the ranch without bearing a gift, with the excuse of “Oh, I left it on the dining room table.” Uh-huh.

Love the pic of Willem, Coreene! And that browband is great! Very fancy! Miss Cypress might like to have one of those…or maybe one w/jewels, so it can be like a horsey tiara!

Bumpkin, I hope Poncho feels better soon. We have a horse at our barn right now who was having some weird lameness. He was dead lame all of a sudden, but now he’s almost okay…the vet couldn’t find. The farrier predicts we’ll know in 2 shoeings what happened in the foot because whatever happened will grow out.

So is everyone going to have their SN embroidered on their COTH hats? I was thinking about doing mine, but it would look sort of dorky to someone who was not up on the whole COTH BB…they wouldn’t get that AAJumper is just my screen name. People would think “geez…she can’t even remember what classes she is supposed to enter, so her trainer had to embroider it on her hat.” And half of the time I am not even doing the AA’s because I am busy trying to recover from screwing up at the last show!!! But hey…we jumped the REALLY scary triple bar (HUGE spread, which I fear…once I fell off into a triple bar and it really hurt my butt) with the liverpool underneath!!! Yay!

Honest, Taryn, Modesto just came to mind! It just sounds so— ordinary? But in a good way! “Gateway to Yosemite”, right?

On another note, I blame the Canadians for our weather! It has to be due to their evil weaponry, as I posted on my thread. Blame Canada!