CA Clique Redux

So, you mean I’ll now have the “Bit of Brass”?
But my bay prince doesn’t look good in brass, patina or not!

You’ll have to excuse me, I seem to be getting lambasted on the Minority Riders Thread because I somehow posted something that’s being perceived as being racist because I referred to all the WASP, yuppie women at the backgate. Which is hysterical, since I’m about as WASPish as you can get!

Is your pinto beast a Hall of Fame baby? I can’t remember. The mare across from my guy is by him, out of a TB mom, same dark bay tobiano. Plus, she is rather hot and a total mare. She’s really ruining my opinions about WB/TB crosses.

Oh, and thanks again for letting me vent about the whole hay thang. Dave is doing much better. I saw coreene yesterday at the barn, she wasn’t feeling well, hence the lack of posting. Still, not a very good excuse!

Aaaaahhhh!!! I have an interview tomorrow with a big name engineering firm! YIKES!!! They stressed that a lot of it would be about my career goals and if I would fit in with the company. Ummmm…well my career goals are basically to work with people that aren’t insane, and at an office where I don’t have to worry about stepping in dog poop when I walk out of my office. I am not kidding here…the owner brings his dog to the office and the thing takes a dump on the floor…more than once!!! It happened yesterday AND today! Yesterday my friend stepped in it!!!

OMG Merry…you have reminded me of a very funny story that happened to my friend!!! It was a total Seinfeld moment.

Okay, so she had this really weird boss with a funky accent, and he had this very odd outgoing message on his machine at work. This was before the federal government would splurge for voice mail. So one night, she’s talking to her mom on the phone and telling her about how odd this boss is, and how funny his message is. So she decides to use 3-way calling to let her mom hear this outgoing message. So they listen to it, and she hangs up the 3rd line…so she thinks!!! So they proceed to talk for another half hour, completely slamming this boss guy and making fun of his message. Then she goes to hang up, and realizes that she is still connected to the answering machine!!!

So now she’s freaking out. She now realizes that she has to go into the office to erase the tape because the boss gets in early. But she doesn’t have a card key to get into the federal building. So she calls me to get my card, and creates some story about leaving her wallet at the office and how she has to have it (she was too embarrassed to tell me the story at the time). So she and her husband have to now make an hour trek into downtown LA in the middle of the night to erase the tape!!! Luckily, she was able to get to the tape and erase it undetected. She was horrified at the time, but she sure has a good story to tell!!!

It’s very freaky. Heidi’s ad rep at a paper I worked with ten years ago was my NY contact when I was there, and the guy was working with a gal I was at high school with. And it just goes on and on and on.

I’m sure we can get Kevin Bacon into this if we try hard enough!!!

Merry, that is a brilliant idea for a horse show; in fact, I’m going to send it to Canter as she’s helping to organize the fall finale ‘A’ show here, Tournament of Champions.

Kind of related, last year at the aforementioned show, of which Audi is a big sponsor, they had a drive/ride class in which a pro drove an Audi around an obstacle course, ran out of the car whence completed, and jumped a 4 foot course immediately thereafter.

Did anyone else besides me and Beezer go to the Las Vegas World Cup? Did ya’ get a load of the dancing show girls that came out while the course was being torn down? Talk about plummage!“Ta-ta-ta-ta, da-da-da!” Here comes the voluptuous Calif. Clique and their equally plumed horses! I can see it now, a touring road show at all the major Calif. grand prix events…

MHM, I love the drive-thru story with the horse trailer! On the way home from Ride America we just can’t seem to make it without stopping at this gas station & fast food place near Lake Elsinore. And then we have to cruise through the Walmart parking lot in order to turn the rig around. You’d think we’d learn, eh?

I must try the banana thing. Gotta be cheaper than horse cookies. I just paid $5.99 for a little bag of Joanie’s Pony’s Treats, which are sold locally for a therapeutic riding program. I also bought a huge “bag” of beautiful Timothy hay from a broken bale sale at the feed store. Only $5.00 for about 1/3 of a bale. I thought it’d be a welcome treat, but only a couple of our horses would touch it. They are so spoiled! It’s grade A alfalfa or nuthin’.

Doh! Doh! Doh! Doh! Doh!

Why is it that I can be a savy business woman during the day but become a naive 15 year old when dealing with THE T

Haven’t had horses at home for more than three weeks. Never understood why people got up so danged early to do stable stuff. After all, if all you have to do is the horses, why not do it at a time convenient to YOU.

Now I know.

I’m just back from riding my bicycle down a gravel road to the horse pasture. Feed, sprayed for flies, and mucked out two stalls. Rode home.

I am absolutely drenched. My hair is wet, my body glows, and I’m exhausted. I can feel fungus growing.

I’m going to set my alarm for six am, so I can get all this heavy work done before Mississippi heat and humidity make it miserable. At night, I feed in the dark, and it IS comparatively cool.

This summer is going to be hell on bicycle wheels.

“After all,” she says to herself (again), “it’s not like he was Antonio Banderas at any point in his life. And even if you could have married him and had every horse you ever wanted, you’d still wake up in the morning when you were not at shows and there he’d be, next to you.”

Bruise Update: leech-less, it is fading faster than I had expected. Willem, contrite on Monday, decided yesterday that he (an 18 year old gelding) had PMS and chose not to speak to me. Ergo, I did little in return.

She then surveys the bomb site otherwise known as her desk, shakes her head in dismay, and begins wading through masses of paperwork…

We had dinner at the North Coast Brewery both Friday and Saturday night!! Wouldn’t that have been weird if we were actually eating there at the same time??? I KNEW I should have brought a curb chain…

Glad you had a nice weekend, we did too. Lots of driving (not as much as you, of course), and we passed through Westport (I think that is where you were staying?) on our way from Garberville to Ft. Bragg. The coastline up there is absolutely spectacular, isn’t it??

“Of course, that’s only my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

Hey! I’m busy here! I don’t have time to send you a card. I’m waging a war – with Wty’s help, and thank you for that – to have your tiara restored to its rightful place … on top of that bald spot Hammie snatched out of your hair.

You always come thru!!

Wtywmn4…Is Will Calder going back to pick up the horses from Devon once they’re done?

Sorry you were downsized Suave You have had an interesting year so far. Curbs jingling softly, things will look up!!! But on the bright side, you can ride more and we are very envious of that.

Okay have to agree we need to see that web site, but e) does come to mind. Filling in the blanks has always been something this group loves to do.

Okay here goes, e) They’re dating and the baby is due in July…

Hey! No fair dumping on Eliz for posting about her newest! How am I supposed to keep up with what is going on 3500 miles away if not for the COTH BB?? This IS called “off course” so if you don’t want to indulge…DON’T! Sometimes sharing with friends (even cyber ones) is better than being or feeling all alone…Cut her a break, she just moved there, knows relatively few people whom she can really call friends, AND to make matters worse, her best friend (the horse) is HERE! Keep up the good work Eliz and I will close my erstwhile Catholic eyes if I fear I may take offense…knowing you however, I am certain that there won’t be anything to salty to digest! I am happy for you and your excitement is kinda contagious…what’s that about smile and the world smiles with you…frown and you frown alone???


(Catching up a little late here, sorry!)

Oh the initials game, RF, KL, KH - I know EXACTLY who you all are talking about and I am just ROTFLMAO! And, as another who’s had a bad experience with RF - Should we start a support group??? LOL!

Suave - be sooo happy you are at SWSJ! Probably the last reputable barn out there… :slight_smile: Also, if you have any interest in employment with a very large aerospace company - let’s talk! I don’t know what you do, but I am a recruiter…

Is the CA Clique ever going to meet? Did I miss out?

Anne :slight_smile:

AAJumper good luck with the interview.

Merry, you crack me up. But I made sure to check my shoes and sniff under my armpits to make sure the deoderant was working! The interview went well, but it was full of all those awful questions about well, non-technical stuff. YIKES! I think I did okay. I guess my qualifications are in demand because they really liked my resume. They said they were gonna meet with this other big wig guy and that I’d hear from them early next week. I’m not sure I want the job though. It sounds like possibly a lot of stress, and a lot of OT. He said that they do what has to get done, even if it gets in the way of your personal life. My friend is a lawyer, and she worked at a big firm in LA. They told her “Karen, you are a lawyer, you are not entitled to a personal life!!!” I am not into that at all. So we’ll see.

Hmmmmmmm…working OT, or having the threat of dog poop on my shoes…hmmmmmmm

Thanks to everyone for the good thoughts!

Phew! Thank heaven for the clarification. All I could hope was that Merry and Beezer had another sister. Somehow it didn’t soak through my thick skull that it could be a brother of Mr. Merry.

Cheers, Maggi

Can’t you just hear all of us?

Nurse #1: “I think she’s become delirious. She’s just babbling nonsense.”

Nurse #2: “Why? What’s she saying?”

Nurse #1: “She keeps asking me if the lines ride short or long.”

Yeah, weeble, we’ll be the two old ladies that all the kids hide from.
One short stirrup rider to another: “Here come those two crazy ladies! They were here at the last show. They always wear those old rust breeches and a sunhat. Last time they kept following me around, asking if they could ride my pony.”