CA Clique Redux

Coreene, where were you when I was doing all my backyard landscaping…I could have used a helping hand!!! I agree that this is a great time of year for showing off landscaping. Everything is green and in bloom. I’ve got some stuff along my very long driveway that is just going nuts…poppies, iceplant, dutch iris, bearded iris, etc.!

Yikes about Showpark and the footing…I’m glad we decided to not go to the show next weekend. Instead, I get to go to LAEC over Memorial Day and show in the arena next to the cows. Has anyone else here shown in that ring? It’s just full of spooky spots and cow smells that the horses hate. My friend had to put Vicks in her horse’s nose so he wouldn’t smell the cows. I hope they are not there at the show in May!

Elizabeth…hope you are having fun on your date!!! I’m sure you are having more fun that me right now, as I am home all alone since Mr. AAJumper is working OT again to pay for that yard. Tomorrow will make the 6th day he’s worked in the past 7 days, and that is 24 hour shifts! So Elizabeth, is Buster feeling better now? Are you thinking of bringing him out to CA now, or are you going to leave him back East?

Well, tomorrow is supposed to be sunny…I think I’ll take Cypress on trail again tomorrow. Everything is so beautiful out in the park right now!!!

Now I’m chucklin’. Any old psycho moron with a J.D. can practice law. Matter of fact, personality defects, such as propensity to yell and inability to “play nicely with others,” are bonuses in my world. Yet Suavereno, who, to the best of my knowledge is NOT applying to the FBI, has to have a psychological evaluation. Good luck Suave. And if you have to, LIE. Or say “after years of therapy, I have made my peace with that issue.”

Seriously, Suave, much luck to you. We are all jangling our curb chains!

Hey, Maggi. Thanks for the advice. I’m glad to have you around to tell me to go slow, b/c, quite frankly, I’m not generally inclined to do that. . . .

Dublin is ill this morning.
Nasty cold, she should be on later

Willem has been known to grab the 59 cent bean burrito from Taco Bell right out of the hands of poor, unsuspecting people. He’s terrible when we go up top to shows and watch the hunter/jumper rounds (he loves to watch shows). People are warned who come too close with food, because after a while he just KNOWS they are bringing it to him and helps himself.

You can ask SuaveReno - he’s very good at begging.

Sorry, AAJumper! Looks like you’re back to the dog poop-a-rama joint for a while. At least you know you’re marketable. I probably would’ve just blurted out, “Are you freakin’ crazy?”

Do you think Rusty could make a concoction of margaritas that could fuel the winnebago???

The planning commission meeting went well. The nieghbors were told that we were with in our rights and had agreed to the conditions set forth by the commission. WHich were all very reasonable.
The curb chain jingleing Helped alot.

You guys are going to laugh I had a curb chain in my pocket the whole time.

Hopefully the barn warming party will be some time in Sept. Margaritas all around.

Okay, so I’ll cut to the chase: I won a round of baby green hunters (got ALL my changes!) and won both the baby green under saddle and the Low A/A under saddle and got a third in low A/A hunters.

Now the “bad” news: Hammie can be a real brat!Case in point: he’d been tied up to the trailer for about three hours after the baby green division. He was just hanging out, munching hay. Then when he got tacked up again, his whole attitude was like, “Excuse me? What’s up with this?”

I thought he’d be tired, but nooooooo! I start to go into my first round of low A/A hunters, and he sees this kid on a pony up on the grass berm, and that was it! His neck was up like a periscope and I could barely smack him into the arena. Then he refused to go toward the first fence, because it was in the direction of the phantom pony. We had quite a display. Needless to say, I eventually coerced him to go forward, but it was a tad less than a lovely hunter round! When we left, I went out to the warm-up ring and explained to him exactly what “going forward on command” meant. For my second round he was amazingly improved and I got a third.

Then we went in for the under saddle. Mind you, he’d already won a big hack class earlier, but suddenly he could not pay any attention to me. The lunch stand was now mighty interesting. AUGGH!!! At one point he broke into a canter for a few strides and I’d just had it. So I half-halted really hard and said, “Whoa, damnit!” When I went by my trainer and Beezer, they both said, “Well, if you hadn’t YELLED it wouldn’t have been so noticeable.”

Yikes, I still won the class! It was kind of embarrassing.

Last night it was cold, so I went over and put his blanket on. He bit me on my head! Beezer said, “He’s trying to pull off the tiara, since there’s only one to go around between the two of you.” Oh, I’m so thrilled that I can be the source of entertainment for everyone.

sigh, Suave, I’m so sorry your daughter has to be exposed to the shenanigans of your former trainer. Gosh, you should just be glad you’re out of there now!

Wishing Poncho a speedy recovery and hoping that this is the last abcess. Jingle Jingle Jingle.

Gosh, I wasn’t even thinking of Mousie! And here I am, holding court in the MOUSE KINGDOM! Maybe I have a mental block against anything that conjures up images of a mouse.

Excuse me for a moment… “No, for the last time, I do not want to pose for a photo with Snow White and Goofy! Now get out of here!”

Sheesh. This living in exile stinks. Every day, strangers tramping in and out of my castle.

“No, you lame brained tourists, Pirates of the Caribbean is in ADVENTURE LAND! That’s back the other direction!”

Suave, post another photo, maybe circa 71-81? Or don’t your mag’s encompass that era? Gimme an easy one. Toss me a bone, Regis!

Tux, Africa is a cutie! Good for you. And especially that it all worked out. And the Camelot shows are lots of fun!

Elizabeth, I wouldn’t call it raining on your parade, I would just suggest that a lot of it is more appropriate in emails to your friends. Not everyone, married or unmarried, lives vicariously through other people, and most of us come on this board to discuss horses.

It doesn’t mean, of course, that we’re not delighted for you.

[This message was edited by coreene on May. 16, 2001 at 12:30 PM.]

I’m gone for a few days and I’ve missed an entire month of “As the Hotwalker Turns”

Oh A/A, both you and Beezer are lucky people. Do be careful out there. Keep those hats on and chin straps tight!!

Once had a dentist who told me that this is the most dangerous sport. He kept referring to bull riders, and cowboys, saying their wrecks weren’t near as awful as ours, or the numbers of them. I of course, promptly got into an argument with him. How could a bull goring you be less than being dumped on your head? Thankfully, he was a family friend, otherwise I think my mouth could easily have lost all it’s teeth.

The guy showing (or even feigning) interest in the horse has to be a very good sign!

I love those two shows! LOVE them! And I refuse to be ashamed- the writing is too great. “You’re the god of what- bad home perms?”

A friend called me at the end of Buffy to compare notes, then I called her back after Angel. We are WAY too old for that, believe me. (And speaking of living vicariously, the guys are very easy on the eyes.)

“Gob” is a terribly vulgar name for mouth, so “gobsmacked” is the same as “Well slap my ass and call me Judy!”

Maggi, were you at the epicenter when it happened??? Do tell.

SuaveReno, unfortunately, that is only my wish list of shows that I want to go to. We cannot agree on what we are going to go to in April or May, besides Gold Coast shows! See my topic, How Do You Decide What Shows To Go To.

Chef, I totally know what you mean!!! Fortunately, at least we know for sure who is going by the time we send in our entry fees, and people don’t flake after that. But I agree…the costs TOTALLY increase if only 4 horses go rather than 6 or 7, for example. That means less people to split the trainer’s hotel bill, tack stalls, etc. And also, with less people, there is less chance of finding someone to share a hotel room. I cannot afford to pay $300 to stay at a hotel by myself for 4 nights! Luckily, I have a friend that lives near Indio (in Palm Desert) and another that lives in Encinitas, near Del Mar. But anyway, I’ll keep an eye out for you at LAEC on April 8th!

We’ve now got a bunny hotel going on. Original Mother Bunny is now back and scouting for a place for round two. Another Mother Bunny is now under the tackbox. And the kids from Nest One obviously think Willem is a good surrogate, because they like to sleep in his stall.

The Hambola LOPES? Why, does he think he’s TRIGGER? I love it.

On a separate note, am currently fuming since a coworker thought fit to bring her 2 year old twins into the office right now. They have been here for an hour. I can feeeeeeeeel my blood pressure going up!