CA Clique Redux

Before I start, let me just say that I am relieved to hear that Cypress will be ok. Good luck on Sunday AAJumper! We’ll be rooting for you!

Both my daughter and my first lesson went very well. In fact, it’s so great to get a different point of view. The barn is organized, efficient and everyone was so nice to us. We are glad that we are there!

Now for the daytime drama…As you may or may not recall my old trainer has a barnful of kids that played with my daughter. She got them so worked up about my daughter leaving that they were all walking by our ring in tears. After my daughter’s lesson the old trainer and her asisstants came up to my 10 year old daughter and cried and carried on like you wouldn’t believe I BTW I was not around when this happened. Needless to say my daughter felt horrible.

Then my trainer, told the kids at first they could play only in the (what I refer to as the DMZ)neutral territory of picnic benches in the common area. When she saw that they were successfully doing this. She rode up on her golf cart and said " Would all MY KIDS, please come here" which of course left my daughter sitting alone. She proceeded to punish them by making them do chores around her barn for playing with my daughter.

It was a valuable lesson for my daughter to learn unfortunately Don’t they say what goes around comes around I think it does. What a sad, pitiful person. I am so sorry we didn’t leave sooner. But onward and upward

Cleaning your tack room? Yikes!! That sounds like the nesting instinct to me. There has to be a drawer for said pads, right?? Or is a box needed? Seriously tho, hope you wore gloves. Remember those mousie do doos that carried some rather interesting viruses?? We don’t need anything to happen to our queen!!

Okay, once again, elizabeth is missed. Wty drumming her fingers…Ah well, maybe she has been able to find a flight for Buster?

Curbs are jingling for Poncho…

Have to agree, gas is out the door. We need to hitch our critters…Wty sees Wilem with plumes taking his mistress to work. Hambola, happily trotting off to Nordstroms’s, tiieng up next to a lovely mare. Oh he does so love when the clique decides to get together. Hmmm maybe his will be a long shopping tour.

[This message was edited by wtywmn4 on May. 11, 2001 at 07:32 AM.]

My mom was cleaning out the garage and found my brown cordovan leather field boots. A little cracked but no worse for wear… I think I will resurrect the brick color breeches! YeeHaw

Beezer, just so we don’t hear the gory details! Oy vey, too much info is scary.

HEY so when is your next show? RideAmerica this weekend???

SuaveReno, my specialty is water resources…I worked at the Corps of Engineers for 7 years doing various flood control projects. The past 2.5 years I’ve been doing various land development projects. So some of the environmental stuff I can do because it is related to water resources. I would not call myself an environmental engineer per se, but if it has to do with water in pipes, detention basins, etc., then it is really the same stuff.

Congrats on the good interview! I’m hoping to have one of those soon!!! I’ve already gotten emails from my posting at

Okay…here’s my horse related part of the post: The vet came out yesterday and drained the hematoma on Cypress’s butt, and said she was fine. He also scoped her to check for any tumors up her nose because she was getting a bloody nose on occasion. No tumors, so I’m happy about that! And we were working on a gymnastic today and it was so great. I love gymnastics because I can just focus on my position and not worry about the distance. And as a result of me staying still and not fidgeting, etc., Cypress was jumping in really good form. So I’m looking forward to Memorial Day Classic. Is anyone else going?

Okay, wrap it up, folks! Venture out in the world… start some new threads. There’s lots of nice people out there, y’know!

BTW, the Canadian Clique’s “Question for Canter” thread topped out at around 50 pages.

Willem would be in a state of bliss if he could wear plumes atop his head. I am sure that deep down he always wanted to be a parade horse - with a plume, he could strut around the barn all day pointing his toes.

Thanks wtywmn! I feel better. As soon as my laundry is done, I’ll take the bath and begin to get ready. Ahhhh.

Is the phrase you used about not being able to have a wedding if I won’t get out the door kind of like the old saying “I can’t miss you if you won’t LEAVE”??

That Heidi and Coreene may quite possibly have been drinking at the same bar in France at the same time, and not even known???

I lived in Wilhaggen!!!
Most of Reagan’s people lived in our neighborhood.

Hi Trick. Welcome!

Mr. So Easy and others who have suffered with Crohn’s Disease, you have my sympathy. I have known others with that condition, and, God bless you all, that is a tough-ie.

Merry, I SO followed the leader tonight at the opera. I share your fear of being the only person enthusiastically clapping during the badly-performed death scene.

Now on to my favorite topic: Me, me, me!!

[I] David and I are having . . . uhmm. . . intimacy issues. Now, before you all cringe or Erin deletes this post for lewdness, let me clarify what I meant: David held my hand on our first date, and he hasn’t held it since!!

He still calls a lot, he continues to give me a nice kiss (fairly chaste) goodnight after each date, and he just called to say he wants to see me this week before the church retreat this weekend which we are both going on, but I think he is refraining from holding my hand again b/c he is trying sooooo hard to go slow and not offend me. Yet I am DYIN’ here for some hand holding. [/I]

We went to the movies last night - date Number Three - and I kept my hand free and out - on my lap, yet he didn’t try to hold it. Ladies, HELP.

I’m afraid to take hold of HIS hand b/c then I think either (a) I’m being pushy and forcing things or (b) he really would not have chosen to hold my hand but for the fact that I grabbed his.


To make this horse related, let me note again that at least once a conversation David asks about Buster and re-iterates (over and over again) how foolish it is that the love of my life is not out here!

Tux hang in there. Your horse is out there. Sorry it’s been such a battle. We will all keep our ears to the ground and let you know if something very nice comes to mind. Now perk up, here’s one of rusty’s famous margaritas.

GOLD, gold??? Oh Merry do tell. A gold, $50 bit for the Hamster? Girlfriend, we need to talk!!! Beezer how could you let her do this? You are our Queen Merry. Send it back. YIKES! Hunters wear chrome, and stainless. Not gold…

wty scratching her head in wonderment toddles off. I tell them over and over, no one ever listens. Go to Brad’s, he’s at Show Park…Gold, what have we come to??

But I wouldn’t wear a crown - it messes up your hair!

You’re sounding mighty decadent: bonbons, cookies and rusty’s margaritas. What’s bringing this on? The onslaught of warm weather? Now, if they could only be served by a swarthy, long-haired Arab-type in black robes, galloping into the pool area on his steed, I’d sit down for a bite.

[I]Ohhhhh, weeble. I’m so sorry about your mare. Drat. I’ll bet she was a wonderful friend to you all those years.

I can imagine it NEVER NEVER gets easier to lose a furry friend. I hope it eases the loss somewhat to remember that you gave her a nice, comfortable life off the track. And I’m glad you have one of her babies to remember her with.

Again, I’m sorry for your loss.[/I]

Beezer, I think it sounds perfectly logical. After all, the poor darlings can’t be in a sitch where they would feel like they were clashing with their exquisite coat color, could they? NO. And they like new fashion toys as much as anyone.

Chef, my trainer used to be at the barn you are moving to when she first came from California. She and her ex trained there until he got out of the business, then she moved to be partners with my old trainer, and then she moved and we all followed her to where we are now. That is a really nice area, although it’s been ages since I’ve been to Hidden Valley. I used to go with my old trainer (from a long time ago) to Sandstone when she would take dressage lessons. I hear the Gonda’s new barn is absolutely gorgeous as well.

SuaveReno, I am sure that you are not that old!!! You certainly looked young in the pic of you (the recent one, of course!)!

Sheesh…are we gonna have to post the entire list of A shows in the So.CA area in order to enlighten VTRider?

Bumpkin, you brought me here too. I was a “Towerhead” getting nowhere. Bumpkin found me, dusted off my knees and guided me here to you Merry!! Thank you Bumpkin, I’m having a BLAST!

And to you Coreene, you just read what ever the H*## you want!! You have the right! You are an AMERICAN!! Free speech! LOL

I’m sorry guys…I HAVE to butt into your thread for one second…someone sold clients’ horses WITHOUT them knowing??? Wow. RF…a GP rider? If not, I need a clue! I might be moving to SoCal in a year or two (most likely Santa Barbara, anywhere to ride around there? At any rate, it’ll either be SoCal or back to the East Coast…).

Also, I’ve never shown in CA and really want to. I need a show that’s at least 2 weeks long that has a BIG field. My horse isn’t a rugrat…can’t beat people in these little TX coliseums on time…

Again, sorry to butt into your thread! You all are so funny! I have this hilarious image of Hammie…

Suave, the helmet is probably a Regal Crowne. They usually have a booth at Indio. My friend tried one on once, but opted not to buy one because they weren’t approved. I mean, for that much money, you’d think they’d figure out how to make a good looking custom helmet that can get approved. You can’t tell if someone is wearing one just by looking at it, but I hear the fit is excellent. I won’t wear anything that isn’t approved after my crash and head injury last July. I am still embarrassed by the fact that I was so out of it that I was constantly demanding that the nurses in ICU give me my underwear. I guess I made such a big deal about it that a lady from my barn went out and bought me underwear and brought it to the hospital, thinking I didn’t have any. I have no memory of this whatsoever!!!