CA Clique Redux

My husband proposed to me, on bended knee, right after we finished watching Moonstruck! And almost 13 years later, we’re still going strong.

I got the best of both worlds - a lawyer who is a mechanical whiz AND totally down to earth!!

Speaking of Hamlets, did anyone see Kenneth Branagh’s version?? A spectacular, critically underrated movie, and he was wonderful in it…

“Of course, that’s only my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

COREENE!! You are really starting to give me serious heebie-jeebies! Stop it. Now. You would appear to be some kind of Q (quick splainer for non-“Star Trek” fans: that would be the omnipotent being who pops in and out of the space-time continuum at will and gets involved in everything and everyone).

AAJumper: Does this mean you might be working in Irvine? You do realize that that is Coreene and Chef and Beezer … and probably others I am forgetting … territory, don’t you?? Jangle those curb chains, ladies!

[I]Beezer slowly rolls her wheelchair over to Elizabeth and whispers, “I want to leave all my money to the JRTs because they will share with the horses. They promised me that. The horses, however, would make no such promise. Something about letting the little nose-nippers starve…”

Then Beezer spies Merry, who appears unable to stop her wheelchair from bolting out the open door with her. “If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times: You need MORE BIT, Merry,” Beezer yells after her. “Outside leg! OUTSIDE LEG!!”

As Merry gets taken for a ride down the front steps, she can be heard screeching, “Bad Hammie!! BAD BAD HAMMIE!!” [/I]

I have these on the HJ board as well but here are some pics from the Oaks earlier this month…asst. trainer riding my horse in the schooling jumpers (his first show).

elizabeth, Yes we have covered all of those things. Many times. There latest was that we have to apply for a varience because the plan does not call for the parking lot to be paved. A new planner got involved at the last minute, so they wanted to postpone it another month. (We have only been trying to get this hearing for over a year.) They didn’t know what to do when we agreed to pave it. We were going to wait and pave it later but now we can’t procrastinate.
Our manure management composting system is state of the art. We will be using the completed compost to fertilize our pastures. And sell the excess to some landscape architects that have expressed an interest.

Sorry this is so long but it is on my mind alot as well as the horse show that I am putting on a week from Sat. That is a whole other topic.

Ooo, ooo, ooo! I love the idea. I get to so few shows these days that I need a purpose in life. Being part of the official support team for any and all who need/want support would be fun, f-u-n, FUN!

Cheers, Maggi

The planning commission meeting is at 1:30 PM. An most inconvienent time for most people. How ever in my case this is probably a good thing. I have been told by Mr. rusty that I should probably sit in the back and keep my mouth shut. I think I’ll listen to him, otherwise I will probably call the two neighbors that are doing the most complaining a bunch of %%#@&&*** hypocrits. They are worried about traffic, but they are subdividing their lots.

OK I will get off of my soap box now. One of these days I will tell every one the whole story. At least with the BB you don’t have to read it, where if we were talking you probably could’nt get a word in edgewise

The smilies didn’t go where they were suppose to.

Cypress has an owie!! All together now, with curb bracelets dangling, send best wishes and get well soon thoughts! Be well, oh lovely Cypress. For it will not do to worry your mother. Especially since she ordered up watermelon margaritas special for you. Be well, oh lovely Cypress!

Jingling for good luck for Tux, and birthday wishes for rusty!!!

Chef, you are going to be driving 1 hour, 50 minutes one way? Wow…and I sometimes complain about driving 20-25 minutes to my barn! So, you aren’t by any chance moving barns to somewhere in Ventura County, are you (hmmmmm…no indoor you say…that eliminates 2 places I can think of!)? Maybe Cypress and Jade will be neighbors! She’s in Moorpark. I’m sure I’ve visited whatever barn you are moving to…I used to be with a “gypsy” trainer, and it seemed that we were forever looking for new barns to move to. As a result, I’ve probably visited or boarded at virtually every barn within a 20 mile radius of my house!!!

Gee, Bumpkin, you should be my agent! Yet, since I’m sitting here at 3 am, allegedly working on an article assigned to me right before a deadline I think I’m “up to here” with work at the moment. Although, that could change next week…

About the lame horses in shows: Yes, when I’ve judged at these smaller shows I have definitely mentioned to the exhibitor that her horse is off, especially if it’s someone from a smaller barn or a kid that may not even realize it. I think in lower level eq. classes, especially walk/trot, judges look the other way because they feel that a safe mount is important at that level, and yes, at least the old horse has a job and isn’t in a can. I do know there are a couple of big hunters on the A circuit that are a tidge “funky” behind, yet they still place under saddle because it takes a discerning eye to notice. Plus, a lot of judges are wowed by the extravagant movement in the front end.

The COTH caps are arriving? Hmmm… all I got in the mail today was a couple of credit card applications and my phone bill.

Simpler than that Merry, just plain old greed!!! Said reknowned ex-trainer, has been thru this many times. Dig out some of the old “Horses” magazines, back in the 70’s. Veeeerily interesting. But, the Frenchfry being tied into this trainer, doesn’t make sense.

Sounds good to me! ROTFL

“Of course, that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

Yikes…galloping minis!!! I had a horse that apparently had never seen a mini before. So I was leading him to the barn next door (his new home) and all of a sudden he saw it…the scary horse that was mysteriously shrunk and was now out to get all regular sized horses so they too could be shrunk!!! He freaked out and pulled away from me so fast and hard that he left me with a major rope burn!

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Sumo spent the morning moving jumps in Merry’s ring.

(Just to bring you up to speed, heidi, Merry piles the jumps in the center of the ring, then Beezer has to move them all out. You can see how Sumo would be useful in this endeavor!)

Bumpkin, the red-haired nudist is now one of the most powerful men in the North American entertainment industry. And (!), he’s already been outed in one of the business magazines as a streaker, an avid gambler; who also happens to be a tad absentminded. Once drove himself to the Air Canada departure gate, ran to catch his plane – leaving his car at the sidewalk running.

Attended many MIPTV’s and MIPCOMS coreene, in addition to the first MILIA, with Nelvana, Alliance Atlantis, and on behalf of my own company. Those were truly intense days - hitting the ground running from breakfast meetings to post-dinner drinks meetings at 12:00am. I’d typically start hallucinating with fatigue by the end of the market. A dinner at Machou, though, was almost worth the damage to one’s health. I do get a tad reminiscent every April and October, though.

Are you still serving time in the industry? If so, with who? We may even know many people in common. Email me if you don’t want to disclose all here. Unless of course you can beat the streaking chairman tales – in which case, you must share with all.

No, daytimedrama, we all read your snide little comment. But like good kindergarten teachers, we’re hoping to extinguish your naughty behavior by ignoring it!

You should be sitting back and taking notes, so that you can care for all of us in our twilight years. Let’s see, I’m always cold, so I’ll need a couple of hand-knit shawls to wrap around my skinny shoulders. (Keep an eye on Beezer to make sure she doesn’t wrap the shawls around my neck when the nurse isn’t looking).

Really, knowing that there are other sufferers out there helps me… truly! I am supposed to take 6 Asacol pills (think brown horse pills) everyday but I’ve become incredibly lax. When I know I’m going somewhere, or when I have a flare-up, I take either Bactrim or Cipro. Either of those two antibiotics have an amazing effect in 24 hours. I don’t “do” Lomotil, but I “did” Bentyl (kind of same thing) but it totally knocks me out. One year, at the Las Amigas Charity show in L.A. I was really sick and took 2 Bentyl… and I swear I could not keep my feet in my stirrups! I wasn’t dopey feeling, but it’s an anti-spasmodic, and boy, was I anti-spazzed! So I take 1/2 a Vicodin instead. Same effect, still able to ride & function, and no pain from the ah, lower end of my body, so it can remain in the saddle!

Hence, when I’m at an away horse show, it becomes a choice betweeen starvation, take-out food from some Mexican restaurant (rice and guacamole) or playing gambler’s choice and eating out, risking ending up in the ER (last summer).

Now on to more fun things…

rusty, gotta love your definition of the show bill! Gosh dang, that irks me so much to pay splits for my “trainer” to stay at a fancy hotel! Once Beezer and I went to an A show on the cheap, and ran into our old trainer who bragged to us and our mom that he was staying at the Hilton because, “My customers are paying, so I figure I should just go first class, .”

elizabeth, hope you have fun at the opera! I’ve been a few times, and I just figured out to clap late; I wait until everyone starts to applaud, that way I’m not a complete hick-idiot, clapping in the midst of what turns out to be a death scene.

dmj, your horse is so cute! I love how they spread their front legs and look at the jump as they go over. Mine smacks himself in the chin with his knees, or his head disappears between his front legs. Thank goodness my medal days are over, LOL!

coreene: we must get you one of those fancy, Rodeo Drive black felt chi-chi cowboy hats with the sterling concho hat band to wear with your black breeches. Couple that with some designer sunglasses, and you shall be our Official Cal Clique Rep.! No one would mess with you.

rusty and elizabeth:

I’m holding good thoughts for your activities and/or ordeals this week.
My efforts seem to have done some good before, so I’m assuming the rattling of curb chains and, perhaps most important, crossing of fingers will do it again.

Cheers, Maggi

I guess it is time to put my lab coat back on (yuck) and find away to make a breathalizer for a horse.

the chocolate ones…mmmmmm