CA Clique Redux

But wait, I’m saving boxes of chicky peeps right now to store them for our summer barbecue! No, not to grill them, but to make my own chicky-pippy cake! Everyone will have a slice, right? RIGHT???

Where is this arena?

Oh Merry and Beezer good to hear that you did so well this weekend.
What a “NICE” sister you are to help Beezer out with both horses

I don’t know why I write hear instead of read hahaha

Dublin, tell more about this derby site. Please.

Looks like my first show with Africa WILL be Camelot, June 10th. My trainer and I agreed that tackling dressage, stadium and X-country on her first outing would be WAY too much. So, we are instead going to conquer the cross-rail hunters. Whoo-Hoo! However, I have a couple questions since most of you guys are hunter-jumper people and I am an eventer venturing out onto foreign soil: (These could also be considered my “identifying factors” since I won’t be wearing a COTH cap)

  1. Should I braid? (this is for those that know the Camelot schooling shows - I have no idea if people braid or not) If I do braid, will button braids be okay or should I go for a gazillion hunter-style braids?

  2. I have long hair and usually contain it in a bun with a hairnet and a show bow with net . Is there a more suitable alternative?

  3. I also only own one black hunt coat that I wear with my grey britches and the same white shirt for dressage and stadium, (hey, us eventers wear the same shirt for dressage and stadium, we just swap collars) I was thinking of maybe buying a very light grey shirt to start wearing during the stadium phase w/dark grey britches and black coat. Would this be a more appropriate look?

Now, until I started reading these boards I would have confidently ventured out to this show with no idea that I was committing about a dozen different “hunter no-no’s”. So, give me any advice you can. I’m not there to get a blue ribbon, just to gain experience, but I don’t want to look like a total freak

[I] Wow, Merry et al. - nice pictures on Trulie was cute, Katie’s horse was cute, your chestnut was cute, and that black horse was LOOOOVELY!!!

<<“and,” elizabeth whispers self-consciously, “i already said i like Spot. her white fur looks really soft. . . .”>> [/I]

Merry, are the black and chestnut horses you have now? Who are they? And, for my own edification, is black a color of a horse or is it just reallly really dark bay? no - black has to be its own color. . . .

Oh, dear Suave, I’d just put the word out that you’re so happy that Lexi-mare found a wonderful home for a great price, and that— wow!— it took less than a month at Janet Carlson’s place. Don’t mention Ex-T in that breath. Your disdain is implied.

Then, move on, my dear. Your ship has sailed from her port, and it’s bon voyage to bad memories.

What? Me do equitation over fences or medals on the Hambola? But you forget that requires getting him on the bit and responding promptly to my aids. Yeah, right. When pigs fly.

I have retired from the eq. ranks. Isn’t that sort of a bonus of being in the 41 & over ranks? You are no longer required to demonstrate your equitation prowess. I mean, with osteoporosis setting in, who can keep their back straight at this age?

The Calif. clique has already begun a savings bond in his name so he can attend Orange Coast Junior College to get his general ed stuff out of the way, and still be able to surf in the afternoon. Then he can get a job at Disneyland as a ride operator… I mean attractions host… while he attends one of our illustrious state colleges part-time. It’s the California way, dude!

Merry, I think you are on the right track about SH…I now recall seeing her at the Menlo Circus Club show in the mid-80’s wearing a truly hideous non-show outfit - lime green and tan sleeveless shirt in BIG stripes, coordinated (??) with too short worn out jeans in a pukey mustard color, and cheap tennis shoes with holes in them. Quite the ensemble!! Not exactly the heighth of fashion, to put it mildly…

“Of course, that’s only my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

[This message was edited by dublin on Apr. 26, 2001 at 12:49 PM.]

MO: Well, I do wash rack and prize list, so go figure! I used to always say “show premium” but that’s oh-so-out-of-date, isn’t it? Like so many horse shows give away great prizes and awards that there needs to be a “premium”. Let’s save “premium” for the county fairs and their homemade jam contests!

Last night on Iron Chef they were cooking with some sort of very salty pork. One chef was tossing it into a pressure cooker with rock sugar (?) to sweeten it; another was sauteeing it with prunes and a coating of pineapple. Looked interesting, but when I saw the inches of fat encasing the tiny vein of actual pork meat… Then I fell asleep.

Hey, steam me a bunch of asparagus and plop it on a bed of jasmine rice and I’m happy.

dublin: As for your Six Degrees of Separation from Mr. Beezer, my sister will be back “on line” tomorrow (Monday) at work and she can answer your query.

I shall see Beezer this afternoon, because I’m riding her 4 yr. old for her. He is just coming back from a fractured hock I sat on him the other day, but I want her to actually watch me work him under saddle. When last I left him, he was at the point where he didn’t exactly make circles at the trot, he made, uhm, pentagons. I believe I shall once again introduce the concept of moving off the inside leg to create a bend in one’s body.

Merry, she was really relaxed that day…she felt like an equitation horse! Sometimes she gets hot and nervous. I had to get that girth because she is sensitive, and needed the fluffy type. The hubby ordered it for me for Christmas from your favorite place…yes, Mary’s!!!

You can do it rusty. When one door closes, another door opens.
(I joined the thread a little late, but i’m sending you vibes, rusty!)

You’re not the only one to notice this! I asked a German gal why before, and she said “Oh, we never trim the whiskers.” So I would guess that the DQs who were “borrowing” this look must think it’s The Done Thing.

Scruffy, if ya ask me.

suggestion. That way you can possibly avoid an emotional scene. I would just leave the note for her with all the details…when you are moving, etc. and thanking her for all the things you have learned, blah blah blah.

Let’s all cross our fingers and jangle our chains. Hope it’s a total success!!

Robin Serfass and Sin a Men?

Oh coreene, I so agree with you! Do you think that part of the problem is some of these DFL (dead freakin’ lame) horses are school mounts, and the trainers just don’t care, as long as they hobble around safely with the kids (who are used to riding them?). Or is it that we’ve just lowered our standards so much that now we’ve become blase about letting obviously lame horses compete in public? Two years ago, in an area medal final, a MAJOR A circuit trainer showed up with a kid riding what obviously had been a fancy medal horse. So it could do its job. But the thing was hideously lame behind. We were aghast on the rail, but no one seemed much to care. “After all, it’s eq, not hunters,” was the comment. Okay, next time they’re in pain with a sprained ankle or a sore knee, let’s make them run around an arena.

rusty: I know what you’re going through with Parks and Rec. There’s a really lovely arena and dressage court at the base of the foothills, and since not a lot of shows are held there, there’s a clamor to yes, turn it into a soccer field! So I’ve gotten phone calls asking me to haul up there and ride during the week so city people can see that the arena is being used. Very sad.

Bumpkin: Yes the pics are still on the web-site. My daughter is on the black horse and I’m the only bay with white socks in the pictures. She’s even claiming that the pics I sent her web-master are hers. I convinced that she’s completly delusional

I am on my way to the Churchill downs site to build my cyber barn. Sounds fun Dublin

The jangling of the curb chains has helped tremedously. I have had numerous phone calls from prospective employers.

[This message was edited by SuaveReno on Apr. 14, 2001 at 07:22 AM.]

Mad Mission how green and how cheap? email me with the details.

Hello everyone…I posted a little while ago about convincing my husband to buy a horse, and now we are actually making an offer on one! So, please wish me luck as we negotiate, vet check, etc. I will let everyone know what the outcome is; hopefully I will know by early this week! If all goes well I will share pics and more detailed information. You may even be able to help me track down some information on him as he is an ex-jumper that we don’t know too much about! Thank you I just had to share the exciting news!

Bumpkin, you know Calif. don’t ride in the rain Or at least thats what the rest of the world thinks…

Sorry Merry. Your judging was going to be a weeks worth of razzing. Oh pooh!
On top of that the sun is out, burning off the morning fog…Ah well…But hey, CONGRATS on the book, our curbs are jingling and jangling for you.