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Cactuskate ad, June 14

It’s page 9 of the June 14th issue. Nice job!

I think that is one of the nicest memorial ads I have ever seen.


Thanks, Erin!!

A percentage of book sale proceeds will go directly to HITH - I will let you know how we do.

Just a lookin’ fer a Glebe…

What a marvelous ad! I’m proud to have been a small part of it, nothing major like some of you, but a part nevertheless. Thanks for the marvelous work in putting it all together - the layout and the copy. And, thanks for scanning and posting the ad, Erin. I won’t be seeing the real thing for a couple of weeks, being here on the Left Coast.

Cheers, Maggi

this BB has gone from entertainment to downright integral in my life. You all have no idea what you and this community means to me.


You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person.

It really is wonderful. I’m so touched to see how people have come together. I’m crying, but I’m happy.

Superheroes of the universe, unite!


Thanks to those who worked on the ad and got it just right, and to Erin for posting it - for those of us on the West Coast who unfortunately won’t get the actual issue for a couple of weeks…

I’m sure Kath absolutely loves it!!

It IS perfect. Thanks to all who made it possible, I can’t imagine a more fitting tribute!

"We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.

her but I wished I did. This is so special and I am glad for it.

Member and co-founder Thread Killers Anonymous. Self proclaimed fashion police.
Poindexter, may he rest in peace.

What a fabulous ad… great work by all.

Robby, I will be doing the same. I told Erin I’d send a donation and then had to deal with a good friend of mine dying of Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) and have fallen a bit behind on other things.

My favorite line was the one about her waiting for us at the end of the trail.

Made me cry.

“What lamp has destiny to guide her little children stumbling in the dark?”



That is so perfect!

~Erin B #1
Visit my website!
Has it ever occurred to you that there might be a difference between having an open mind and having holes in one’s head?

and I feel like a heel in that, despite my best intents, I never actually got a check in the mail.

I still want to do something for Kathy. Could I just make a donation directly to HITH?

Take a hack around heaven on Willow, Kathy! You two take care of each other!


You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person.

BTW, for those who missed it in earlier posts… after paying for the ad, we had $1050 left over. So I have just written checks for $525 to both Horses in the Hood and the Hospice of Yuma in Kathy’s memory.

Oh, and if anyone who donated wants to write this off on their taxes… here’s the math.

Total, we raised $2373.70. The ad cost 1323.70 and we’re giving the remainder ($1050) to charity. So, you can consider 44.23% of whatever you mailed to me to be a donation split 50/50 between HITH and the hospice. ($1050 is 44.23% of $2373.70)

So if you sent me $50, your total donation would be $22.11, and you could tell the IRS you gave $11 to HITH and $11 to the hospice.

Someone please correct me if my math is wrong.

I got chills reading it - what a perfect tribute to her.

As to the poster who mentioned Bud. Do you know if she had left in her will that he was to go to someone specifically? I’m just wondering how he got to CA and what he’ll be doing there.

  • I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me. *

It’s page 9 of the June 14th issue. Nice job!

I was gonna wait till my Chronicle arrived, but my curiosity got the better of me sniffle It really is perfect, I love it! Nice job, everyone!


Thanks again to everyone who donated and/or gave their best wishes…I know Kathy is up “there” with a HUGE smile right now.

And for those who are wondering…“Bud” (her beloved horse, friend and companion), has found a wonderful new home in CA where he is cherished as he should always be.

It’s perfect! Thanks to everyone who made that happen!

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