California Chrome?

@skydy hmmmm, you totally misread my post. I didn’t find it “amusing” that the saddle slipped so badly, I said that was a race I’ll never forget. His team did change his tack after that race. Too bad they didn’t have you on his team, with your knowledge and expertise you would made sure nothing ever went wrong.


my mare had a bout of enteritis some years ago. Its a tough treatment process, as noted in the article, that is most efficiently handled in a clinic setting. article said CC had a “minor bout” of enteritis. From my limited experience this is not a “minor” situation. Generally good prognosis but lots of work to treat and not without risks. Happy to hear he’s on the mend.


A minor vs a major bout of enteritis is significant… one can be managed and motility and comfort restored fairly quickly and the other drags on and on with the accompanying side effects… I have nursed horses through both scenarios.

Some of the overwrought and clueless Chromies on that page were convinced that they could pool their money, get donations and buy America’s Horse for America. Yeah - and then what? Where will they keep him? In the California Chromes Home moderator’s back yard in Utah? She slipped up once when I was in a discussion on the older page about air transport for horses and forgot to log off as her real name (who had just praised the moderator) and log back in as the mod - and did not realize it for a day or so.

I was blocked from that page because I tried to explain that all horses traveling overseas used those stall boxes/containers (yes, even champion racehorses and Olympic medalists) and it was not just the evil Perry Martin being cheap and forcing poor darling Chrome to travel as “cargo” in the cold and dark with no water or food to get back at the Coburns and the Chromies - or other similar warped accusations.

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I know you guys think the chromie crazies are hilarious. they are. But this is the type of mentality driving PETA and similar movements. People far removed from the reality of owning livestock and yet they become decision makers

We may all conclusively agree that they are nutty but look how far their loonie comments have made it. they may be clueless but the average person doesn’t know that. people believe anything they read online these days.

Ya’all need to keep in mind that its these type of crazies who will ultimately decide the fate of your industry as well as many others and they will do everything in their power tp conclusively end it.

PETA was behind the recent CHRB legislative actions happening in California. PETA is no longer about helping local dogs and cats. they are extremely wealthy, vegan-minded organization who’s goal is to get their hands in the government and gain power. They have already done so in California.

While these nut-jobs are fun to crack jokes at, it should be in the back of everyones minds that these are the people who will be controlling your industry because they have the money and the power within the government to do so; regardless if their ideology is realistic or not

I love California Chrome. Very cool horse. Sounds like he is on the mend. He has look good in the photos of him being displayed in Japan. Hopefully he continues to recover.


The core posters of that Chromie page will not be controlling the industry with their money and their power within the government - they have none… who do you think they are? They are just regular folks - not some vast cabal of wealthy PETA PITAs. Or is this just another of your lectures suggesting that you know all sorts of super secret stuff that no one else does?



The Martins shut down their page for questions and up dates due to the crazies. And they became crazy. I highly doubt these crazies actually own horses since they call CC “ours”


Page quote isn’t working for me…
quote below…

“The core posters of that Chromie page will not be controlling the industry with their money and their power within the government - they have none… who do you think they are? They are just regular folks - not some vast cabal of wealthy PETA PITAs. Or is this just another of your lectures suggesting that you know all sorts of super secret stuff that no one else does?”
End of quote…

They don’t need to be wealthy, just loud. Which they are very good at.
We have been dealing with this same type of “chromie” mentally in the sport/working dog world with all the freaking fur-mama AR fanatics.

They’ve gotten ordinances & laws passed that now make it illegal to leave your dog outside in temps that are below 42° or above 82°, regardless of setup or breed/type of dog.

It’s now illegal to tether your dog in many states, again… regardless of type of tether.

Many states have passed laws where it’s illegal to leave your dog unattended in your vehicle, regardless of weather.

You can’t even say “use common sense”. Because there isn’t any when it comes to these types of laws.

Don’t be blind, just because it hasn’t affected you (general) yet.


I am not blind - I am just well aware of the crazy aspect of some of the Chromies… who never followed racing before Chrome… still find all sorts of conspiracies against him - and have now included Taylor Made in their wrath. Some of them only recently discovered Ferdinand’s case and nothing anyone can say will dissuade them from “knowing” that either Chrome will be the victim of some elaborate insurance scam so his new owners can make more money or that he shall certainly suffer the same fate as Ferdinand - as “those people” would love to eat him.

I am also well aware of the Furbaby crazies in the dog world. We actually had a couple of them picketing outside a big flyball tournament last year… they said the dogs were “forced” to run and jump and it was cruel. Not one of the enthusiastic flyball dogs would have said they were forced or doing anything other than having FUNFUNFUN! And they were saying that LOUDLY!

I’m not too worried about Chromies impacting racing regulations. Most of them don’t give a flying fox about racing; they care about Chrome. In general, they aren’t cut from the same cloth as someone like a fervent PETA supporter with an agenda to push.

But it’s still pertinent for the industry to be aware of and to address all voices, no matter how kooky. Mommy Peanut hit the nail on the head when she said you just need to be loud. When any voice gets too much of a soapbox, you risk serious consequences. Most people don’t want to think for themselves; they just want to join the mob and feel good about it.

It’s kind of like one of my favorite quotes from the movie Men In Black: “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.”


Your post just reminded me of that race. I didn’t suppose you found it amusing. He was a good sport about that girth around his flanks.

I had my saddle slip once. I was on my pony and I was 10yrs old. It never happened again. :slight_smile:

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Yes, all voices should be heard and everybody is entitled to an opinion.

But the Chromies are not PETA or interested in their cause. They have an infatuation with one horse and are convinced he will die without them. Reminds me of people who send thousands of dollars to scammers thinking they have a relationship with that person and that person will be in jail, laying on a hospital bed needing life saving surgery or starve in the streets if they don’t get immediate financial help. They likely have Delusional Disorder and need to fill a need to be important to somebody who depends only on them. Celebrities can also fall victim to non existent, delusional relationships as has CC. IMO.

CCs shipping date was not made public nor was the timing and location of the pre export vet work. Apparently some of these people were repeatedly calling vet clinics demanding to know if he was there and asking for info. They called some farms asking fir info. They are even trying to raise funds for his retirement. Because without them, CC is lost and will die neglected and forgotten.

Kind of feel sorry for them and wish they would turn to actual horses in dire need of their energy, passion and even the limited funds they can contribute. Instead of worry the new management will kill him by feeding him Sushi…so far that’s my favorite public comment.


I just went through enteritis with my dog. Wonder what betrayal on my part caused it? Only giving one treat instead of 2?


He probably just ate something that he shouldn’t have. :wink:

Apparently diet can make a difference in horses with enteritis, so Arrow stud might cut back on the "Mrs. Pastures " treats even if it it is possible that withholding them could send the chromies further 'round the bend than they’ve already gone…

Honestly, it is a serious condition and I hope he will recover. I’ve not researched the condition at length, but it seems there may be a bacterial component as well other contributing factors. I’m sure the vets and the folks at Arrow are doing their best for him.

I do sometimes wish I was more media savvy (and could write in the Japanese language) so I could say to Arrow stud that the dingbats from the U.S. that are saying such stupid things to them are just that, Dingbats, and that they are rather an embarrassment to the U.S.

Try it. The Arrow Stud folks, at least those running the show, are probably somewhat proficient in English. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

What’s the Japanese translation for “dingbat?” :lol:


I have a friend who lives in Japan and teaches English to Japanese. I’ll ask him.

Apparently its e kigo


The Chromies could send some of their Mrs. Pastures cookies to Lava Man, who was bemoaning the fact that his human caretaker had let his near-constant supply almost run out.

He would be grateful.

Hahahaha, I bet he would. Lava Man has a very expressive face so I think the Chromies would get gratification in seeing a happy and contented boy. Matter of fact if they’d send donations for Mrs. P’s cookies to my horse he would be grateful too.

You can also use “baka”, which translates to “idiot”. “Dingbat” is purely an American English thing.