You do realize anybody can be a blogger? All you need is a device and access. And that the term “blogger” does not convey immediate respect because anybody can keep a Web Log. Whether they the use it as a Journal, Editorial Platform, Marketing Tool, Gossip Rag or Cick Bait.
Thing is real industry insiders don’t Blog as the real industry jobs they hold require NDAs and they would be ex industry insiders for sharing specifics on inside information. Some are marketing tools for horses they have care, custody and control of with owner consent. But they only talk about those horses, not anybidy else’s. And they edit what they chose to share.
Many Blogs are written by Handicappers, some are pretty good. But their purpose is to help gamblers pick the right horse in the right order in the right race to bet their money on. Some require a subscription. They don’t have any interest in the “private lives” of horses off the race track except published workouts.
Just trying to explain why “ Industry Bloggers” is not adding any weight to argument here. Fact, anybody who actually owns a horse doesn’t want some random blogger posting their every action.