Can someone tell me what this device is?

Wait, what?
Scuttlebutt is layman’s usage?
I thought the origin was naval.

Also, the classification of “layman’s usage” suggests the existence of “professional” terms for gossip.
In what discipline?


I had supposed the gossip was about what trainer(s) might be employing such a device.


Der Nosenflogger


Well, it’s the topic that got me banned from Horrible Horsemanship on Facebook, a group mentioned by smoofox! They also believe every horse on earth should be able to do anything in a snaffle - anything else is cruelty. :rofl:

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So to the topic of the thread, for the nth time. Device is home made (mentioned in original thread w this) and has no name. Let the gossip continue, but don’t mention her name. Other irrelevant but identifying features are ok though. :+1: :rofl:

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You’re not confused. You’re dogged.


I thought the video was far more telling than the mega cropped photo. Shows how severely such a device limits the movement of the horses head, and allows a rider to get away with nonexistent/gappy contact.


Now I understand. Not why she had everyone with draw reins all the time, which I’m totally against, just that you weren’t holding draw rein and snaffle rein together (between same fingers).

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I just don’t understand asking a question i already have the answer to, and have also already been talking with friends about. Seems pointless to me, more of a backhanded mean girl move. But I’m apparently in the wrong. Not the first time, won’t be the last.

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For someone so certain that this thread is pointless or any of the other things you’ve called it, you sure are busy posting all up in it.


Youre right. Let’s get back on the topic.

We’ve got a broken record in here again. Can someone change it? I can’t be arsed. :rofl:


Your welcome. I was so happy when I found a white bridle.

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Never mind, sorry, I just caught up to this thread.

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Ooh, ooh, I’m definitely swapping out argumentative for eristic!


If it’s Danish its probably called a “Nasemod bryst”


That’s how I was taught.

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I have never seen something like this over the nose, but I have seen other types of rigs that I think go for a similar purpose/idea, and those were just called “the ropes” :grimacing:.


Has anyone seen one of these nose rope rigs recently, or did this just come up in conversation? I’ve never seen one of these in person, thank god.


We must be talking about different groups then - as that is not the case with the bunch I was referring to…

But hey… if it made you :rofl: and shed tears of joy and amusement while dismissively carrying on in the very way you are being dismissive about… you do you.