Can someone tell me what this device is?

No, the OP says in the opening post that this thread is sparked by gossip.


WHO, literally WHO CARES? No-one but you and allegedly the OP who apparently had the sense to just let the thread go where it was going to go which was kind of an interesting discussion until you inserted your nonsense into it.


You said this much better than I could have. I am just so - stunned - that someone for some reason decided to get her panties in a wad because I made a post about a device that some UNNAMED and UNIDENTIFIED rider was using. And in her zeal to shame me, said wadded-up panty poster (ooh, did I create a new term - WUPP?), decided to name the previously UNNAMED rider. So SHE outed said rider, but is so full of self-righteous indignation that she thinks that I am the nefarious one.

IOW, Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot. :laughing:


Bad @endlessclimb! Now bend over while I smack your ass with a ruler. Lol. This whole thread is weird. Letā€™s move on.


Iā€™m confused too. What is the name of the device?



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Many perhaps most of us bailed from the Barisone trainwreck sometime ago. I followed it for some time but after all the court stuff was over, it became pointless bickering IMHO. I never saw the discussion on the wierd tiedown thing, donā€™t know if I ever saw the video, and Iā€™m sure most people who are on this thread for horses bailed even sooner than me


So what is the name of that device?


Ah, but in fact the court stuff is not over - but it has changed (now suing insurance companies and appealing a judge apparently not following procedures). That is but a teeny tiny bit of the thread, though, and Iā€™m only posting this to keep things accurate, not to recommend anyone return to the thread!


Yā€™knowā€¦ Iā€™ve never used the ā€œignoreā€ function before on here, but I was seriously tempted to do so reading this thread. @endlessclimb, seriously, wtf?! This thread wasnā€™t about LK (the OP went to pretty great lengths to obscure the riderā€™s identity) until you made it about LK. I really donā€™t get how you donā€™t see that.

Anyway, back on topic. I have never seen this device before, nor do I know what it is called. I think @beowulf mentioned upthread that they have seen this used before in dressage circles, so this is an actual thingā€¦ surely someone knows more about it?


You must be new to the internet. You post something like that publicly people have the right to discuss it. This was not an undercover photo taken at their farm without their knowledge. Iā€™m failing to see the problem.


You are obviously not familiar with many groups like Horrible Horsemanshipā€¦ who discuss no name rider screw-ups and abuses as well as BNTs. Their threads and discussions certainly do exist - so there goes that particular claim.

Why on earth are you making such a big deal about this? It appears that you have not moved on from LK and jumped at the chance to insert her into this thread by name.

If you did not want to discuss her (or have her discussed) in any way - then one would think you would not have done that.


Oh I am, got banned from that one because I pointed out the hypocrisy of singing the praises of rope halters while not acknowledging they work because they concentrate the pressure (ie, are more uncomfortable for the horse).

Again. The device is home made. It has no name. This thread is pointless.


Thanks for the video!

I find that disturbing, especially for an FEI rider. The rare times I used them, I kept them independent of each other, which I thought was the proper way. Use the draw rein only where needed then immediately back to the snaffle.


Iā€™m confused by your stubborn insistence on doubling down on your initial assertion. Asked and answered. Several times. Let it go. No one cares. Why should the OP tell you anything? You have made it clear you arenā€™t interested in discussing this thing, so stop posting your nonsense. Please, let it go unless and until you can answer the original question and perhaps offer some insight into its use and application. Surely, LK isnā€™t the only rider to have this put on their horse in a lesson. I would be interesting to all of us on here to see if it is a legit thing sold in tack stores and what the alleged benefit would be. I say alleged, because frankly, I donā€™t get how it could have any benefit whatsoever to the horse or the rider.

Endless, you made your point. Please move on.


Do you really think we donā€™t know how the rope halter works? If it was all fluffy and rainbows it would not work.


This is why I have this poster on ignore. Itā€™s tiresome.


If the thread is pointless, then why are you here? Or do you just enjoy being eristic?


To be clear - she did not use draw reins when using a double bridle. But if she was using a snaffle, or her students were, the draw reins came out more often than not. She had us hold them much like the reins of a double bridle. And yes, I had a sense that it wasnā€™t particularly good training technique, but she was the trainer and I didnā€™t have too many other options at that point. Luckily I didnā€™t become dependent on it, and she was gone often enough that I could ride in just the snaffle without her insisting on the draw reins. I eventually moved on to another barn and trainer and ditched the draw reins - I am not sure the new trainer even had a set of them.