Can someone tell me what this device is?

Not really, the previous thread let the cat out.

But sure, if we’re going to talk smack about a rider and a trainer I’m always of the opinion that we need to name names and not be hush hush.

It. Was. Not. Your. Place. To. Out. The. Rider.

Period. Point. Blank.

You have made this thread about the rider, NOT the original poster.


@Maria, what I found the most funny is the same person who outed the rider turned around and then complained about having a thread about that rider.
Even though the original poster was not having a thread about that rider, the person who voiced how wrong it was to have a thread about that rider is who made it a thread about that rider. The OP just wanted to know about the device.




The. Whole. Thread. Is. Weird.

Why was OP asking about a device they already 1) knew how it worked, 2) knew it was abusive? Why did the OP mention the rider’s “ahem” [sic] inability to ride? Why did the OP mention the trainer’s origins?

What. Was. The. Point.? What was there to be gleaned here, other than talking crap about a woman whose name is thoroughly and deservedly been stamped in the mud a million times, but this time let’s do it while being hush-hush about it??

I’m not offended, LK gets what she gets. But when OP already knew what the device was and how it worked and that it was abusive, all it was missing was a name, where were we going with this thread?

Validation I guess?

I’m done.


This thread is weird. I hate it when Mommy and Daddy fight. :pleading_face:



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Let’s just hope the new trainer has shown the rider how to do better and they are no longer riding in such a device.


Sounds to me like you are the only one outraged about this thread. :roll_eyes:


For some of us it was. Thanks for wrecking that. Whether the OP meant it to go this direction or not, you’re the one that gave this thread a shove into FFSville.

Believe it or not, there are many of us that just don’t give a shit about gossip unless it’s funny/amusing/potentially personally harmful. THIS is NONE of that.


May I suggest reading the title of a thread, should you wonder why someone makes a thread.

Despite the massive and absurd sidetrack, the question has yet to be answered.

I also don’t believe this device is “home made,” but you are entitled to your opinion. Let someone else have the opportunity to share their knowledge on the device and actual subject of the thread.

This thread was not even about LK until you made it about LK.


YOU are literally the only one that cares about any of this. If the OP’s original intent had been to turn this into another gossip/BS/annoyingAF thread they would have failed nicely and it would have remained an interesting discussion.


The most amusing part of this whole thing is realizing:

There are still people who gossip about LK, maybe even in real life, and about stuff she was doing literally years ago. And her trainer!

That’s the real WTF here. Aren’t you (g) ready to move on? How is this woman still taking up any wavelength in your (g) life?


Please. Answer your own question that you so nicely wrote to yourself. Pretty much nobody else on this thread gives a flying flip.


So does anyone know the name of the device?


LOL, you are the one who named the rider.

You are the one patting herself on the back.


You are the ONLY one in the thread talking about this woman. So clearly you are the one with the problem.


Ok sure, but please tell me you didn’t know who is in that photo, and you’re the one who used the layman’s term for “gossip.” Why are you gossiping about LK, still??

I’m still unclear - what was the purpose of this thread? Did you really just want the name of the device? Because it’s been long determined it’s home made, and just looking for the name sure isn’t clear by your OP or the following posts?

Or did you want validation of your already held opinion? I’m confused!