I brought this up yesterday. When I wound up with a bunch of "Bad’ notifications, even for posting my concern about these thumbs up and down features and the use of the word BAD.
Using the word BAD (as if being scolded) is so negative and a huge turn off. I’m not particularly oversensitive, bu I just found it disturbing.
In the end, opinions are opinions (and every social forum is full of them…especially with horsemen (grin). But to deem someone’s opinion “good” or" bad" is condescending and kind of disturbing really, particularly because these “judgments” are anonymous. It will make people fearful to post for fear of judgement. It’s asking for more fights and petty grievances…yet with no “author” to whom one can respond.
I hope COTH maintains a forum of robust discussion and where opinions and experiences are fleshed out IN THE OPEN without this anonymous feature.
IF COTH insists on keeping this anonymous judgment feature perhaps they could better word the answers to their specific question just above those icons which asks: “Did you appreciate this post?”
For instance: “Yes” and No" , or "Helpful" and “Not helpful” … or a single answer …“appreciated” (getting rid of the thumbs down), might be a solution.
I really don’t want to leave COTH, but to see people dunned for the their posts and being called BAD – which may “sway” others who may read a post against one member or another – is really over the top. And very oppressive for fear of posting at all.