Can we discuss the "thumbs up thumbs down" thing?

I’m not a fan. I’ve said it before. And on the last thread I posted on where I mentioned that I wasn’t a fan, I got someone who said they didn’t “appreciate” my comment. So what to I get in my notifications list? A big old “BAD” written up there like I’ve been naughty.

There is a reason that Facebook does NOT have a “dislike” button.

I could maybe learn to live with a “like” button, like Facebook has, but allowing people to dislike your post anonymously is bullshit. I don’t come here for that sort of negative and nameless feedback.

So CoTH – what’s the plan on that? 'Cause the way it is now is childish, asinine, and completely unacceptable.

And now that I mentioned that I had gotten bad feedback in my “I’m not a fan” comment in the other thread, now I have a second “bad” comment on that post.


I agree. Very petty and childish.

I want to see how that works–someone thumbs down this post, please? :slight_smile:

I want to see how that works–someone thumbs down this post, please? :)[/QUOTE]

I did, only because you wanted it!

I very much dislike the thumbs up/down. But as posted above, I could live with the positive thumbs up…just ditch the thumbs down. Petty and childish, agreed!

I’m also not crazy about the other facebookish stuff I see leaking over, like friend list and privacy issues. I’m logging out now to browse and only logging in to post…which is a pain and will likely limit my participation.

I “appreciated” all of these posts b/c I agree :slight_smile:

I am not on Facebook for 1000 reasons. Don’t bring them here.

Yes, do not like the Social Behavior Modification icons. I guess that sums it up. It seems like the COTH forums is trying to be “relevant” to the times a la Facebook. Please do not. I realize that the size of the page is “necessary” for finanacial reasons to allow bigger ads to pay for the forums. If that is so, please say so. If I knew that this would go back to the old format if I paid $20/year I would do it. But definitely not like it is. The thumbs icons are an insult to any intelligent person.

You know, I could almost live with a thumbs up, in the sense that sometimes I read a reply that says pretty much what I would’ve said, so I end up not posting. This way I would be able to acknowledge that. But to me, if you disagree or “do not appreciate” a post, I think you should have to say why, because that’s what a discussion board is all about - you know, discussion. :slight_smile: Otherwise, it’s just anonymous poking and will probably lead to some juvenile stalking. (Oh gosh, I’ve probably set myself up!:eek:

Well, flame suit on

I don’t mind the thumbs up or down. I’d rather have someone do that than get all hysterical and rant and rave. That happens so often, especially when they don’t read all the comments.

To be honest, I rather do the thumbs up(like) or down (disagree/dislike) and be done with the topic all together. If I really want to follow the topic then I’ll put in a reply so I can see what others have to say.

Course I’m the kind of person that doesn’t give a flying fig if you agree or disagree with me in the first place. :yes:

Now to go find the new emoticons. :slight_smile:

I don’t mind the thumbs up or down. I’d rather have someone do that than get all hysterical and rant and rave. That happens so often, especially when they don’t read all the comments.[/QUOTE]
You don’t really think the ranting and raving will stop, do you? :lol:

Thanks for the thumbs down, guys! :lol:

If we have to have thumbs up or down, I would think it would be a hell of a lot better if we can see WHO is liking/not liking the posts. I would be more inclined to read or not read a post depending on who thought it useful or not useful. A seasoned, well known and well respected poster weighing in? Okay, might be interesting. Some of the equally well known but NOT well respected users? Might be a good reason to skip the whole thing.

We’ve debated the thumbs down option as well, for many of the reasons already discussed on this thread, so we decided to institute it as a trial. We can easily remove it, so let’s see how people use it and like or dislike it, and we’ll be happy to reevaluate its inclusion later.

Feel free to continue discussing it here.

Mod 1

I am with MSJ on this one.
I have always said we do not need a like button and I still think that.
But, that aside it does not bother me that it is here and I see nothing wrong with being able to disagree too.

Curious, right now you have no way of knowing who agrees and disagrees with you (best I can tell). Is there any thought to make it so you can tell who is liking/disliking your posts?

I want to see how that works–someone thumbs down this post, please? :)[/QUOTE]

Oops - it was only after I gave it a thumbs down that I realized other people already had. You can’t really tell, since it doesn’t mention that…

I very strongly dislike thumbs down especially given tendencies to gang up on posters around here, and for these forums think a thumbs up is only useful if you see who gives it. A lot of the time someone asks advice, and if you could just have 20 people give a thumbs up/like/whatever to the answer with useful training advice instead of all those people posting their own “yes, I agree with ideayoda you should work on lateral flexibility first” type post it would make more sense to me.

Well we could always do a poll. I just don’t get the purpose - I clicked on notifications and found the thread where I got “the green thumb” and “bad” was listed under the rating.:confused: If I get a big, bad “red thumb” on one of my posts, I would like to know why.

I’m fine with thumbs up. Dislike thumbs down. The fact that it’s anonymous is just cowardly, anyway.

I just got my first thumbs down. I’m actually excited about it too. Ha!

Still don’t like the thumbs, and really wish there was a way to opt out of the notifications part. Is there? I don’t see the point in clickety clicking to see what of my posts got the thumbs up or down, but feel obligated to clear my notifications so I’ll know when something new comes in. I would like to only get a notification of new PMs…is there a way to do that?

And since the e-mail notification of new PMs is not working right now, that has me wondering if when that is fixed, will we get e-mail notifications of all the thumbs up/down in a similar fashion? That will be super annoying.

I dont really like the wording I guess… too positive/negative. Why not something like “What I would do” and “I have another idea” (worked/did not work) or something along those lines so that things arent set off as being bad or good, more simply agreeing or suggesting something else. I do like the idea and being able to see really quickly who all “agrees” and whatnot… I think appreciate is just the wrong word to use! Its like saying no I do not appreciate the time you took to respond… idk. Needs some tweaking.

Def should be able to click and see who clicked and what not. I dont think notifications are really even needed for this, either…

I brought this up yesterday. When I wound up with a bunch of "Bad’ notifications, even for posting my concern about these thumbs up and down features and the use of the word BAD.

Using the word BAD (as if being scolded) is so negative and a huge turn off. I’m not particularly oversensitive, bu I just found it disturbing.

In the end, opinions are opinions (and every social forum is full of them…especially with horsemen (grin). But to deem someone’s opinion “good” or" bad" is condescending and kind of disturbing really, particularly because these “judgments” are anonymous. It will make people fearful to post for fear of judgement. It’s asking for more fights and petty grievances…yet with no “author” to whom one can respond.

I hope COTH maintains a forum of robust discussion and where opinions and experiences are fleshed out IN THE OPEN without this anonymous feature.

IF COTH insists on keeping this anonymous judgment feature perhaps they could better word the answers to their specific question just above those icons which asks: “Did you appreciate this post?”

For instance: “Yes” and No" , or "Helpful" and “Not helpful” … or a single answer …“appreciated” (getting rid of the thumbs down), might be a solution.

I really don’t want to leave COTH, but to see people dunned for the their posts and being called BAD – which may “sway” others who may read a post against one member or another – is really over the top. And very oppressive for fear of posting at all.