Can you take me riding? - a cranky rant

Same here.

I inadvertently gave my one horse a reputation. :rofl: I took her to the vet hospital for a minor procedure; one of my FB friends made a point of being the only one to handle her because she thought she was going to be a holy terror. When she brought my horse
back out to me after the procedure, she goes, “I can’t believe how good she was! I didn’t know what to expect from your posts!” Whoops.

Seriously, though- usually creepy men trying to hit on me are the only ones who are obnoxious about asking to ride. This was a much more common occurrence when I was in my 20s and single than it is now that I’m in my 40s with a family.



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Horses are just different than someones boat, cabin or car. I never thought it was socially unacceptable to ask to use anything. Some people are just bold and ask what they want to. They ask, you just say no. It is simple.

If you were a horse( less) crazy kid wouldn’t you have watched others riding their ponies and longed to ask if you could ride? Adults still have that longing and horses are fun.

No need to remove it. Just wonder why you didn’t post the other one ?

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Boats, cabins and sports cars are fun to some too. They really are not different.


I bet the owners of those things have been asked if someone could use them too? Just depends on who you know.

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You need to talk to more people with boats and vacation cabins. People are always asking boat owners to take them fishing or take their kids out for rides on whatever towable toys the boat owner may have or if they and their family can come along the next time the owner gets the pontoon boat out.

People who own vacation cabins have their own problems with friends and family. “Well, since you’re not using it this weekend, you won’t mind if we stay there, will you?” Or, “I know you rent out your cabin, but since we’re family/friends, you won’t charge us, right?”

Sports cars, I don’t know, but try being the only person on your street or in your social circle who owns a truck.


Try being the only house on the street with an in ground pool in summer…


I had a co-worker who asked this. “I am a really good rider. I want to take a horse out and GALLOP, not just walk around.” So I showed her a picture of my gelding tacked up. She asked " Where is that thing on the front of the saddle?" I was confused - “Oh you mean the saddle horn? I have an English saddle. They don’t have a saddle horn.”

" So what do you hang onto then?"

Nobody has asked for a while except my BIL that thinks he is a really good rider because he can canter. Well…I actually could use a good crash dummy for my hot, quirky unbacked problem child who is taller than all the QH’s you have ridden and about 1600 lbs. “How is your health insurance? I am not getting on her.”


I’m just so glad that as a young teen it never even occurred to me to consider how annoyed, how strongly people would feel about a stranger asking to ride their horse. When I was 12, horribly shy, scruffy, horseless, horse-crazy me used to wander my rather horsey suburb neighborhood and admire the horses I’d come across. There was this one particular beautiful bay mare that was just the embodiment of Horse Perfection to me, and I’d make a point to go see her, patting her on the nose over the fence and dreaming of having a horse of my own like her. One day, I saw the owner coming up to halter her, kind of a posh lady, rather intimidating. I summoned all my courage and told her how beautiful I thought her horse was, and abruptly asked to ride her. The lady was very kind to a scruffy, awkward little girl when she could have been incensed at my impertinence, and gently said no, that she was a former race horse, not suitable for a kid to ride, but thanked me for saying her horse was beautiful. I was disappointed, of course, but plunged on and asked what her name was and was told it was [I forget the first part] Nellie (?) Sea. I was greatly impressed and said, “Nellie Sea? Like Seabiscuit the famous racehorse?” The lady looked at me closely, and said yes, that was in her bloodline. I just about swooned and got all wide-eyed. Then the lady paused and asked if I’d like to help groom her. Would I??? Are you kidding? I was in heaven! She let me help brush her, pick out her feet, taught me about grooming, invited me to come back, which I did every so often over the course of a summer, letting me help bathe her, teaching me about environmentally friendly shampoos, etc., and all the time rattling off bits about barn care, telling me stories about the mare’s racing days, etc. Those were the most amazing moments for a shy kid, and totally fueled my horse obsession. I’d go home and write notes in my diary about it all.
Months later, I asked another girl who was about four years older in the neighborhood if I could ride her horse, and she said no, but I offered to help her with morning feeding anyway because I could see she needed help, and was thrilled to get to do it every morning before school. I was very dedicated. Soon she let me ride her horse and gave me pointers, and let me continue riding when she went off to college. That led to me getting asked to exercise other people’s horses here and there, and I learned so much. Finally I was able to take some real riding lessons in exchange for mucking out, and finally as an adult got a horse of my own, wrote magazine article about horses, then horse books, then ultimately had a kid of my own who rode horses competitively.
Fast forward, I’m now older than the hills and have a horse that I would have died to have had as a kid, a beautiful hunter that I have a pro ride. I go and watch him compete and all these years later, I still think about how amazing it was that that lady was so nice to some little clueless kid and kind of jump-started a whole lifetime of horses. So I get it that it can be off-putting to be asked to ride your horse, and I certainly understand why the answer is usually no since there are a number of truly good reasons. I’m just glad someone looked past the impertinence and took a moment to share horses with someone who maybe didn’t deserve it but risked the ask and appreciated it more than they ever could know.


Let me introduce you to the subreddit r/choosingbeggars

Actually, if you like podcasts, there is a podcast called RSlash who reads these reddit posts with commentary. He’s easy to listen to and some of the stories are jawdroppingly bold.


you could have been my daughter’s friend in the middle of these three (my daughter is the one with the helmet on)


Often I would find just her setting in this horse’s stall talking to this horse, a few years after this photo when she died in a motorcycle accident her mother asked if she could have some of this horse’s mane to put with her daughter as her daughter always told her this horse was her best friend ever.


DH backed me into a corner with a cousin. Teenager wanted to ride, but the parents said they could not afford lessons. I took her to the barn a couple of times and let her ride–got signed liability releases, and she was quite good. However, since she rode my horse, I did not get to ride my horse that day, which was annoying. I finally told the parents they would have to pay for lessons on schoolies if she wanted to continue.

And I told DH not to ever do that again.


I think it was probably your age and demeanor of your request that touched the posh lady’s heart. That is a wonderful memory you shared!


Ohhh, I remember this story, and it really touched a chord with me. That girl if I remember right was spirited with a wild heart A special horse at the right time, and kind people who look past some of the goofiness of horse-crazy people, can be real life lines in a confusing, often tumultuous world. I do hope that over the years, aside from dropping a few nickles into the horse world machinery, that I’ve paid it forward at least a little, letting people (big and small) have a ride or two on my bargain-basement horses that I might have had at a time, writing books for horse kids so they could “ride” in their minds if not in reality, handing down saddles, boots, breeches that were still nice to kids that loved and needed it, secretly paying for a clinic, lesson, or trailer ride, or whatever. It’s a good horse world out there, and it needs TLC to keep it going.


If it’s someone that can ride I’m happy to share. Other than the pony, the other two aren’t beginner broke. Safe but one if you lean a direction, he will spin a whole in the ground and the other has a great go button with a touch of the leg and gets heavily offended if you grab his mouth.

I’d do pony rides for friends but not the very random people that ask me to ride or borrow my horses. People are way to sue happy and I really like my farm.


Ah, you make me think. I had a neighboring family with several kids. One of those kids was interested in the horses, and came over occasionally to chat, then to help, then asked to ride. I had a kid-safe horse then, and let her ride with me a few times. She was going to maybe go to one of our fun shows and play a few mounted games until her parents scotched that (since it was held on their holy day) and that was the end of things for her. I felt sorry about that.

But my theory with her, and I told her outright: Those who ask, get. Those who don’t ask, don’t get. I consider that an important lesson for female children of all stripes and conditions.

Adults are a bit different: they need to ask appropriately, and if they are rank beginners, “I know someone who can give you lessons on quite patient lesson horses.”


it’s totally different with a child. I think we all can remember being that horse crazy kid and people being kind to us. I will always take the time with a child and let/help them do as much as they are able to safely do. Totally different ball game with some a hole adult who rode once at camp when he was 10 or rode a mule down the Grand Canyon and thinks he can ride.


Well yeah, being an a hole is a deal breaker. But a non a-hole adult can be horse interested, unaware that it is off-putting to some to ask, maybe overestimate their ability because they once sat on a merry-go-round horse, but still be a worthy beneficiary of someone’s horsey-sharing kindness at a critical juncture in their lives. As a female, I agree with Aregard and don’t want to be in the camp of discouraging women (or anyone) from asking. After all, one can always say no, as at first happened to me, but it was done kindly. (Also, as a daughter of a lawyer, I do weigh out liability risk, and know that others have different reasons/comfort levels when it comes to taking risks)


There is a difference in somebody hearing that you own a Porsche and asking if they can come see it sometime because you have always loved Porsche’s and think they are really cool cars. Versus asking when they can come drive it, especially on the highway because they would love to see how fast it can go.


My heart mare and beginner did NOT belong in the same sentance. No not happening. Ditto her full sister my mom’s mare. Beginner’s conflicting aids shut down her otherwise unflappable Morgan brain. My mare’s son, my late gelding was more torerant, but at 15 hands pony rides were a no from me. That said, he had never been ridden by a complete novice until I as a favor gave family friend’s son a pro bono lesson. Said gelding sent most of it giving me a what does this idiot want looks.