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Canadian Eventing - changing selection criteria for Worlds

Thanks for the info. I tried to find any appeals, etc. but saw 4 matching my criteria but couldn’t upload them.
So a question(s): Even though in both cases the complainants were proven correct did the appeal really make a difference? Pavarotti still went to Tokyo regardless of the decision and LMF filed because she didn’t get the senior card or was it because she felt CL didn’t deserve the money. I could be wrong, but I think LMF was kept on the Dev. Squad. and was never on the Talent List??? Correct me if I’m wrong.
I agree with your comments regarding the HPAG - there are a strong group of people who have a lot at stake and are all respected advocates for eventing. The important word is “group” - others before them were singletons for the most part; tried to make a difference but got defeated.

Wow…I actually hadn’t seen this before: http://www.crdsc-sdrcc.ca/resource_centre/pdf/English/992_SDRCC%2021-0508.pdf

Although I agree with JP’s point that she should not have been penalized for opting to stay in Canada during the pandemic (I personally think that this was the responsible thing to do and applaud her decision), it’s clear that the arbitrator didn’t understand eventing. The choice to send two old horses to the Olympics who had no hope of a top placement rather than a greener pair with years to build on an international experience was really perplexing. Anyways, let’s hope that this is a turning point. I’m excited!!

That wasn’t the point, though I agree. The point was that the selection decision wasn’t patently unreasonable, and that was the standard that had to be met to overturn the selection.

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LMF won her appeal, and was given the Senior Card. That is a big deal. Also the fact the High Performance group fudged it by giving it to Colleen first was a big deal.

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Blugal, as I said I couldn’t get into the sites - my questions weren’t about it being a big deal or not, but what were the recommendations by the arbitrator (that I couldn’t see) and how did he/she come to that decision. As Pavarotti still went and I don’t recall Lisa being moved to the Senior Card. did it really make difference - in LMF’s case it did. I absolutely agree with you that it was a big deal on both counts.

Now the big question in my mind is whether the course is going to be a 5*-light or an actual 4*. On the other thread, Lauren Nicholson said it was steep and hilly with 5* fences mixed in with easier fences.

I watched a clip of the 1998 Rome Worlds - those were 5* level.

The choice of who to replace Colleen should be taking this factor into account.

The top 6 teams at Worlds get a qualification for the Olympics. If France is in the top 6 then it’s the top 7 who qualify. We either need to be in that group, or want the US to be in that group, so that we can use Pan Ams without the US like last cycle when we didn’t get the spot as Brazil beat us.

I thought WEG was to be a true 5*, formerly 4*, and that the Olympics XC was scaled down to allow more nations to compete/ complete at the Olympics.

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No, it is officially a 4* XC but Eventing Nation put it pretty well:

Cross country, though, isn’t quite the same length or technicality as a pure five-star: instead, it’s a ten-minute track (compared to Badminton’s 11:45 track!) of 5600-5800m and 38-42 jumping efforts, which is actually shorter still than many CCI4*-L courses, though we can expect a higher level of technicality and plenty of long, slow alternative routes to challenge the best and educate the up-and-comers alike.

The dressage is a 5* test and I expect the show jumping will be up to height (edited) 1.30m and a technical track. EN again has insight into this.

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FEI rules for championships: rule 501.3.4: technical level; 5 star dressage and show jumping ; Olympic level dressage…so not a true 5 star

The worlds are 5* show jumping, which is 1.30m, whereas 4* is 1.25m. (I previously incorrectly said they’re the same.)

I was just listening to a preview podcast by the Equiratings crew, and they feel that the XC will likely be 5* beefy even if it’s not 5* length/efforts. Evidently the XC course designer, Giuseppe della Chiesa, believes in XC needing to stay influential; he didn’t use the steepest hill in the most recent competition so that competitors wouldn’t get any insight into what he was planning to unveil for the Worlds.


The Head of Eventing at EC boards at Colleens barn so. lol

Colleen is a huge potential winner for us though, and having ridden with her a few times she is genuinely the nicest person.

Word from Patroni is that it’s 5* for sure this year. Tough as hell apparently

So a team capable of coming home with a finishing score, preferably clear, should be the goal.

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I hate to sound like this, but nice people don’t deserve it just because they’re nice. Qualifications are there for a reason. So I understand why LMF did the appeal, if CL wasn’t qualified, but yet, handed something. I totally understand the reason behind it. (No different then someone on the board of OEA offering one event funding for intermediate level, because they board at that barn :wink: )

Makes a little more sense for LMF’s dirty laundry to be spewed on social media though lol.

Colleen is absolutely wonderful, for the record. And she does pull great results for Team Canada when she needs to. She’s definitely one to keep watching, she’s a lovely rider and when she needs to, she gets shit done. I think she’s a great pick and I’m gutted for her that she isn’t going to WEG’s as I think she is one of the best that we can send out of the whole selection. I wish she had a reserve for herself.


Yeah I just meant it more as if I doubt CL was behind LMF not getting the appointment of her Senior Card, or had any input.

LMF is still busy posting passive aggressive things on her FB.

super bitter still I see LOL, I feel bad for the people who are going and may have to have her on the team. How awkward.

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I agree with all that has been said, except I don’t think the XC will be a full 5* (following Olympic qualifications) - yes there will be some 5* technicality. I’m thinking it will be somewhat similar to the 4S at the Landrover International, which many compared to a 5S (that doesn’t exist :wink:) and as we saw many riders who got 20’s or we’re eliminated. Having said that, yes Italy will be tough.
As to LMF - she isn’t doing herself any favours. As we can see, fewer and fewer people are responding to her passive aggressive posts - either by “likes” or “comments”. I feel she has a right to appeal or argue her place on the team selection, as does any rider, but her selection will be a tough one for the other team members. By her posts she has basically told all of them that they aren’t as good as her. I know there was a bitter pill with Tokyo and I think we all believe that there was a better choice than Pavarotti. I don’t know the reasoning behind that choice, however, Honor Me was 3rd to Choco and Quorry.
I want to believe that this new group of selectors/HPAG are going to “right the ship” :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:and have made their choices based on who is going to be competitive. I know a difficult task ahead of them.
In conclusion, I hope when the reserve rider is named we will all get behind the team to support them!! Each one of them has EARNED their place on the team.


It’s official: Dana Cooke and FE Mississippi are on the team.

Dana’s from my region, came up around the same time I did. Well done and I wish the entire team all the best!


Very excited for the team. No one wants to be named to the team in this fashion - I know the team and Dana were devastated by the loss of Monty. Dana’s a fierce competitor and will work well with the team.
Go Canada Go!!

On a rather sad note, because I do feel sorry for LMF, she is continuing to post and unfortunately I believe she is being spammed by someone in the comments. :frowning_face: Regardless, not very nice.


I’m embarrassed for her looking at her Facebook. I was initially critical of the selectors’ decision to leave her off the team but the social media posts are just so bitter and distasteful.