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Canadian Eventing - changing selection criteria for Worlds

So, Great Meadow then to Belgium and Italy, 10 days of training camp near Pratoni.

I wonder if the selectors will make a quick decision? Must be agony for the alternates right now.

Is it possible they already know, and EC is waiting for the 72 hour appeal time to pass before making the announcement of Colleen and Monty’s replacement?

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Wonder who they are training with! Don’t think they have had a training camp in ages.

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Hard to have a training camp without a regular coach…


I think we know what the announcement will be…

I’m not sure how to respond to LMF’s post - other than I’m sad for her, not because she (may or may not have been chosen) …. But that she appears to feel she is owed something and then to say lowering the bar is for losers - there was no bar lowered and certainly, if she wasn’t chosen - the other reserve rider has proven herself as a strong competitor, especially after Hartpury!


Honestly I used to be a big supporter of her horse as he is a XC gem, but I really can’t support this attitude and the fact to post it on SM says a lot about her character imo.

Our team doesn’t need that negativity.


As an outsider, my comment. Team selection is not only about individuals achieving MERs or the performance of a single horse. Because WEG is a TEAM competition, human interactions are just as important, maybe even more important. A happy team will often exceed expectations. A grumpy team that isn’t pulling together, supporting and helping other team members, putting self-interest aside for the good of the team, well, quite the opposite.


The other reserve rider is in Europe right now as well. Her strategic move will probably pay off. Either way, it’s upsetting to see so much negativity at a time when Canada actually has the beginnings of a positive and functional system for the first time in a decade!


Agreed. I still cant’ get over the fact there is a training camp LOL

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I agree in thinking they are waiting to announce anything until the appeal time is up

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Regardless of having an appointed (i.e. paid) team coach, there would be a lot of value in having the entire team together for 10 days. Chef D’equipe Rebecca Howard could probably step in with organizing the planning of lessons, jump exercises, etc. and be eyes on the ground, as well as Mike Winter, both having been on multiple teams and basing in the UK for many years. Or maybe they have someone or several people lined up to provide coaching.

Will be interesting, if we find out.


oh I’m happy for them! If that came across like I wasn’t, just in shock as we haven’t had that in decades lol


She’s coming off extremely distasteful. Everyone deserves a chance on the team, but it came down to statistics, and sorry you didn’t make the cut, but at the end of the day anything can happen and she still could be on the team. As she continues to barf her upset on social media, who would want her on the team at this point. It would definitely not be an enjoyable experience for everyone. Really sad to see her reaction .

Do what JP did, say nothing and appeal it. Instead of blasting it on social media.

There was a better way for her to handle it.


I agree.

It would have been far less offensive if she had spewed her thoughts and opinions to a private / closed group of close friends and supporters, rather than making her posts public for all to see.

I doubt any of the other 4 on the team would eagerly welcome her now.


Just a curiosity here, with all the conversation around appeals, etc. - where would one find the appeals and the results on the internet? Other sports organizations are fairly easy to find but can’t seem to find info. Thoughts?

I could be mistaken, but I do not think the appeal info is publically available until / unless it goes to formal dispute resolution / arbitration at SDRCC.

I believe you are correct - I was more curious about where to go for past appeals. :woman_shrugging:


I read some of the appeals on the SDRCC site.

Two interesting ones, both of which give some insight into what is happening behind the scenes for Canadian eventing high performance.

One is the appeal in July 2021 (which we knew about somewhat but I’d forgotten the details) of the choice of Jessica Phoenix & Pavarotti for Tokyo. In hindsight the riders who appealed were proven correct, that the 19-year old Pavarotti was not the best choice for a competitive result.

The other was an appeal in late 2020 by Lisa Marie Fergusson of the High Performance decision to give a senior card (for 2020 based on 2019 results) to Colleen Loach, and give a Developing Card to LMF. The reason given by High Performance was to maximize the funds available, since Loach didn’t qualify for a developing card, having already received it the maximum number of times.

LMF won the appeal, since the High Performance group did not correctly apply the criteria and Loach was not actually qualified under those criteria to receive the Senior Card.

I really hope the new High Performance Advisory Group, which it seems the riders are behind, can make a difference. EC is a hard ship to turn…