Can't view larger images of posted photos?


When people post photos and it shows the Image Thumbnail I cannot seem to get a larger image to come up. Since the thumbnail is like 1x1 inch it’s pretty hard to see any detail in the picture. I’ve tried clicking, double clicking, right click -open, right click - save target as… etc.

How do I get to see these pictures bigger than a postage stamp size?


Do you have a popup blocker enabled?

Well I don’t think so - I’ve never installed a popup blocker specifically. Lord knows I get plenty of popups when I’m surfing. I turned off my spyware, set my browser allow everything from this site… and it still doesn’t work… :confused:

When I click on the thumbnail… it has the window as if its downloading something to my temp. file and then my picture viewer opens up but it says “no preview available”…

Thanks for your time and any help you can offer…

I’m having that same problem and haven’t ever been able to get any of the thumbnail pics to come up. It just acts like it’s loading, and loading, and loading…I don’t have a pop-up blocker either.

It’s pretty frustrating.

Bump (in case anyone stops in here who may have suggestions/advice).

I am having the same problem. I have several different photo editors and none of them work. They sometimes will download and then my editors say they can’t find the pictures. There has to be some way to make the thumbnails bigger.

They’re thumbnails… they’re not supposed to be big. :wink:

What browsers are you guys using?

I am using Netscape. If I go to one of the photo websites and they have thumbnails, all I have to do is click on them and they get bigger. I was hoping the same would happed here.

I have Windows XP and surf with Internet Explorer. When I click on the thumbnails, the larger image does open in my browser window. However, a few weeks ago I had to format my hard drive and for a few days everything was not completely up to date. During those days, when I clicked on the thumbnail it would try to open Photoshop to display the picture. The problem went away as soon as I reinstalled all my current Windows and IE updates and patches, and the photos now open in the browser window again.

So long story short, I would make sure you have both your operating system and your browser up to date (which is a good idea anyway from a security standpoint.)

It works on my machine with Mozilla. It does not work on my machine with Netscape.

I tried IE and it works.

It works with IE. Any idea how to make it work in Netscape?

doesn’t work right for me either!

I am having this problem too. I click on the image. Instead of just popping up with a new window with the photo, it gives me a dialog box “Do you want to OPEN SAVE CANCEL”. If I say Open, my computer opens up Photoshop and then displays it within Photoshop!?

How come it’s not displaying the .jpg images within a browser window?

Please help…it’s driving me nuts! BTW I use IE6 on a Windows computer. It doesn’t matter if my popup blocker is on or overridden.

Not working for me- I have IE too. It’s up to date.

It STILL doesn’t work for me and I tried two PCs. <frustrated>

Trying a picture

Okay Here goes.

Dublin baby 2.jpg

I can attach photos to my own posts OK

I just can’t view attachments without it saving the file & opening up Photoshop. I overrode my Google popup blocker, and it didn’t seem to help.

I know this is a problem with Apple’s Safari browser… not sure what other browsers might experience the same problem. You can always try using a different browser.

I have Windows XP and IE… it still doesn’t work.

When I click on the picture it downloads (apparently) the file and then tries to open it with windows picture viewer… but then I just get the blank grey window in the picture viewer and it says “No Preview Available”

I’ve tried Saving the pic to my hard drive and then opening it from there… no luck.

Guess I won’t be viewing pics.

Mine doesn’t work either on my up-to-date work PC using IE, but it works fine with Safari or Mozilla on my mac laptop at home.