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Cat trees- I've become that lady

My mother in law also made them their own kitty couches haha


It has really helped having multiple trees in one place to keep the peace. Instead of having one cat defending their place on a tree, I can have all four cats on trees in the same common area with no complaining. I am glad we have the space to do it!


That information and lots of other great information is in this thread in the technical help section.

Here is the section on posting a photo.

I see you found out how to add photos. :smiley_cat:
Your cats are adorable :heart_eyes_cat:

Thanks everyone for adding photos.

I’m currently catless, hope to change that this summer


Yes easier to add photos that I thought hahah drag and drop!

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This is amazing! I love the kitty couch! Your MIL did a fantastic job!

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I want that kitty couch and I don’t even have a cat!


Here you go, taken today! I don’t normally take pictures of them on the tree because they’re usually just sleeping or chattering at the birds on the deck.

My two heaviest, Johnny and Bird. At times there have been 5 of them on it at once. I have never had to stabilize the tree so it’s not attached to the wall.


Your boy at the top has some growing to do! Johnny is 1/2 Maine Coon.


That’s aspect ratio at work! he’s 3x larger than the orange cat and a little larger than the Maine coon kitten below him


We pick up our new guy- Winston- Maine Coon kitten from a friend of ours on April 7th. He’ll be 12 weeks old. Really excited. But figured we could use a bigger cat tree since he’s going to be a rather large fella!


A rambunctious Maine coon katten is what prompted me to get that tree! He kind of specializes in trees for the breed. I came down one morning to find the top of the former cat tree at a 45° angle leaning against the window, with a very smug looking katten sitting in the top tier, taking advantage of the nice view. So many things could have gone wrong there and I decided that I wouldn’t let there be an opportunity to luck out twice lol


Maine coon kittens are the best, all paws, ears and schnoz. This household is recovering from the Most Extra MC kitten ever. I’ve had quite a few kittens and MC kittens in particular and Zevon is… special. His latest gig is removing the rubber seal from the garbage disposal side of the sink every time I leave town (frequently this winter). Why? Only he knows. But he will move a pot full of water sitting over it to get to it!

He claims that’s what happens when you are officially Tropikoons Lawyers Guns and Money and named after Warren Zevon!


He is adorable. MC’s are the best. Something about their personality is just different. But I love my humane society foster fails too.

Almost reserved this little girl. But timing is really bad.


Although Johnny is only 1/2 Maine Coon, I agree. It’s their attitude and overwhelming friendliness I think. Anyone that comes in the door is almost instantly mobbed by Johnny, plus he doesn’t have any real reservations or fear about anything.


That is a gorgeous kitten. I think Maine coons are stunning but there’s just something about the chubby cheeks of a British Shorthair…


If I ever move on from MCCs I’ve always said that British short hairs were next in line… Although recently American Bobtails have moved up the list. Lol, not that either are likely to happen, between 2 MCCs and 2 Foster fails and all the non failing fosters… There’s enough cats here!

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My other 2 guys were rescues. I absolutely adore them. My friend who bred my 2 Gypsy geldings, also breeds the Maine Coons. I just couldn’t resist getting one! This was her last litter and last available kitten. He’s so stinkin cute I can’t wait to go pick him up next weekend!

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There are so many cute kitties out there… I think Bombay’s are pretty cute too, and I agree about the bobtails being awfully appealing.

I have too many strays showing up and staying but I still like looking. :joy: