Chasing Time (Race Hunter ‘19)

In case you missed it, Chasing Time is entered in race 4 at Keeneland on Saturday.

If you have been following along, this has been a good lesson in conditions. Long story short, none of the races with conditions Chase was eligible for were filling at Oaklawn. He was entered twice but neither race received enough entries, so those races were replaced with races of different conditions that would actually attract more runners. He “needs a race,” so they ended up shipping him to Keeneland even though he does so well at Oaklawn.

A lot of times you hear people say things like, “I don’t know why they don’t have more longer races or more races for older horses,” etc. But racetracks have to write races based on what type of horses are at their track. Because everything is dependent on wagering to keep the lights on, you can’t just run a race of 3 or less horses for the heck of it. It’s also why sometimes older horses get retired even though they could still be running. If someone doesn’t want to drop their horse to the claiming ranks and risk losing them, but can’t ship all over the country to find conditions, they might just retire the horse (especially if the horse can be useful in another career).


I think it is interesting that Asmussen seems to be taking such care to move him along carefully and find a good spot for him. Last year the horse won an allowance race and it was stakes’ race time–Rebel, Arkansas Derby. Seemed like he was in way over his head. in those.

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I agree.
I think another point in CT favor, is having had a nice refresher at the end of last year.
Which allowed his (minor) injuries to heal, but also gave him a chance to mature a bit more both physically & mentally.
Those that have seen him in the flesh, state he is a much stronger/bigger horse now.

I follow his page on FB. One of the MyRacehorse owners, Holly Ann, lives near Oaklawn and visits Chasing Time and the Asmussen team regularly. Her family bred and raced TBs for several decades, so she’s got some creds. She has done some really cool things like organizing a fish fry for Asmussen’s workers, paid for by donations from the Chasing Time bunch.

Holly Ann is the person credited with the videos of his gallops and breezes that are posted for owners on the My Racehorse page.

I thought she had some affiliation with MRH? Once upon a time they were looking to “hire” (I say hire but it may have been volunteer) point people for various tracks. That’s just what I assumed she was.

Fairly certain she’s not affiliated with MRH in any “official” means.
She does have a lot of connections & gets us up to date & shedrow info.
She also freely shares the many photos/videos she gets when at the track.

He really ran well. He definitely needed the race. No complaints. Hoping he comes out of it well and I’m excited to see his next start!

So happy with how he ran today.
Not his best/preferred running style & he still dug in at the end for 3rd against some stiff competition.
Can’t wait to see what the summer brings for him.

We are $0.51 richer!

How are you guys going to spend your winnings?


Saving all my winnings :rofl:
MRH just posted 8 new horses this morning.
Sadly they’re sending one of the one I like to BB.

I actually earned enough in my wallet to buy another offering a few months back. Now that horse is laid up with a suspensory tear.

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My account is at $20.81, but that includes both Chasing Time and Miss Sakamoto. I leave the money there to show people when they ask my why I keep horses who cost money, not make it! :rofl:

See, “my” horses make money!


$21.86 here, over three years. Two horses, CT and Kanthari.

I guess everyone got the message that if you make more than $10 per year (I think per horse) it is reported to the IRS?
(Cue hysterical laughter.)

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Got Stormy is the one who filled up my wallet. I’ve “made” $74.45 total (with shares in 4 horses). But used $64 of that to buy into Secret Crush, who subsequently got hurt.

I’ve “made” $544.38, mainly from Going to Vegas, Get Stormy, Monomoy Girl, and getting a “refund” from Show the Cards passing away. Top active runner earnings is Hero Status at $25.14, but that’s only because I have 2 shares for him, lol. Chasing Time is second at $16.72, then Iron Works and Search Engine dead heated for third with $7.67 each.

I won’t say how much I’m in the hole. :joy:


CT ran a nice 3rd yesterday.
Even with a better trip I’m not sure he’d have caught the first 2, but he was well ahead of the rest of the pack.

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He’s doing a good job keeping his conditions.


He’s been one of my most consistent MRH shares.
Doesn’t hurt that he photographs really well too :heart_eyes:

He won! 9th at Ellis Park!