Chiro: BS or Beneficial?

I took advantage of a free chiro exam/visit at a local well known clinic in my town. I have never been a person attracted to “alternate therapies”, though I respect other people’s right to believe and embrace them.

I was adjusted (Pro-adjuster) and given spinal decompression today. The areas the chiro pinpointed were my c1-2 and my L spine area. Granted, I realize a “miracle cure” is not going to happen and everyone is an individual. I just can’t help thinking this is a crock of crap. I’ve had low back pain for years, blew a disc, did every PT/injection/massage/ etc. before surgery. 6 years later, the pain is just annoying, not debilitating. I figured chiro couldn’t hurt at this point.

So…while I don’t want to hear a thousand “oh, but it saved my life” stories, is it really a viable therapy and how long/ how much will I need to do? My insurance covers chiro (and massage! yay!) so I’ll only be out co-pays–but those add up FAST.

A little googling will lead you to some interesting information to consider about the origins of chiropractic & how it is not scientifically based. My brother is a doctor & one of his patients was partially paralyzed by inept chiropractic. It happens.
There are also plenty of people who swear by it.

Have you ever read “Healing Back Pain- The Mind-Body COnnection” by Dr. John Sarno? Intriguing theory about back pain & the fact that virtually everyone over a certain age has degenerative disc disease yet not everyone experiences pain.
I have 3 ruptured discs & have been hospitalized & completely incapacitated at times. Since reading the book many years ago I haven’t had one of those episodes. I’ve run 8 marathons & have no problem jumping horses.
Just throwing something out there, FWIW.

My chiropractor is an absolute miracle worker.

I’ve had a couple of times where he’s made a huge immediate difference. One was after a horse flipped with me and pile drove me into the ground head first. I got a bad cold after the fall and my left ear ended up completely blocked. I went to an ENT about 4 times trying to figure out why it wouldn’t unblock itself over the course of almost 2 months. On a whim (and after a frustrating ENT appt where he said there wasn’t a reason my ear should have been blocked, but that there was measurable hearing loss…duh! It was blocked!), I went to my chiro who explained that my head/neck were jammed. He worked on me and within 30 minutes my ear cleared itself after 60 days of torture with no end in sight.

More recently I was having serious pain in my shoulder whenever I lifted my arm. My orthopedic doc told me I needed surgery. I took a fall off of my youngster (who occasionally broncs while being mounted, ugh) and went in to my chiro for my back and mentioned my shoulder in an offhanded manner and he adjusted my collarbone and shoulder and the pain is totally gone.

And as a more long term thing, my guy got rid of chronic lower back pain I’d had since I was a teenager. Even without the other things that’s made him worth his weight in gold.

With all of that being said, I’ve been to probably 6 or 7 other chiropractors through the years who did absolutely nothing. The last one (before this guy) had all of the fancy gadgets and equipment and was great at topically addressing pain and stiffness, but never did ANYTHING that lasted beyond maybe 30 min past the appointment. They used a pro-adjuster (or some sort of hammer-like instrument on each of my vertebrae that never seemed to make even the slightest dfference). My current guy has basically no equipment, just uses his hands.

So my feeling is that much like horse chiropractors, there are lots of mediocre to poor chiros out there and very, very few great ones. The great ones can make a huge difference. The mediocre ones do next to nothing. I would be inclined to figure that a clinic that was soliciting business was probably more in the mediocre category than great category. But I certainly could be wrong.

In terms of how often…

The clinic that had all of the gadgets wanting me coming in 1-2x a week basically forever. My guy has a program that he goes through that consists of about 12 appointments and you shouldn’t need to ever go back to him (unless you occasionally wreck yourself…such as a…oh…I don’t know…horse back rider? :lol:). And after I went through his set of appointments I went 3 years with no pain, no repeat appointments, nothing. Since then I’ve only been back to him when I have a bad fall.

Granted I only started going to one about a month ago I’ve noticed much improvement.

I lost count of the falls I’ve had a long time ago and always have a knack for landing on my lower back. Since going to the Chiro much less pain, I got through a two day show with out constantly having to bend over and stretch out my back. And the left drift over fences I cause on every horse I ride has magically disappeared.

PNW- thanks, that helped. All the “gadgets” are what kind of weirded me out. I’ve used chiro with my horses–not always sure it did a lot, but a few times, I really noticed a difference.

My orthos and PTs have explained that many people can have totally blown discs and have no symptoms, and others have tiny changes and tons of symptoms-all about what nerve is getting touched on. I guessed I’m just an empirically minded gal–I like science.

I’ll give this a whirl…for a while. I think someone who needs to continuously work on you is not what I need. Maybe I’ll start asking around for opinions on other practitioners.

the right chiro can help. how much depends on what exactly is the nature of your problem. I have discovered that if I get a “routine” adjustment about every 3 months, I get few to no migraines. prior to that I was having multiday migraines once to twice a monthsince I was 12 and I am 50 now. This has been the biggest relief to me.

I also had a sore shoulder, previous chiro “fixed” it in about 4 visits, and the fix lasted years. It recently started acting up so dr got an xray, I have bone spurs, so he wants to send me for injections. Well I asked my current chiro to work on it, and after the first time pain was down, after second time I was able to stop taking aleve twice a day. Now I hardly ever take it, maybe two times a week instead of twice a day?

And when I came off my boy six months ago, I limped into his office. Half hour later I walked out straight without a limp.

So I would say yes, it can work, IF your guy is good. And not for everything, some of these guys advertise that they can cure just about everything, and that is what had me afraid to go for the longest time.

Good luck, and if you don’t like the one you have tried, try another.

Yes, it really can make a difference. I had a nasty fall a few years ago, screwed up my lower back something good, and my instructor recommended her chiropractor. It took about six months of visits - twice weekly starting out, then tapering down to every two weeks - but by about halfway through I had never felt better.

I still miss her desperately. The chiropractor I have been to a few times since moving away from there has not been the same - spot adjustments, but nothing lasting.

I think it really depends - on a lot of things, not just the quality of the chiropractor in question. Some people’s bodies react better to it than others. For me, massage therapy is basically ineffective - no lasting good, often not even temporary relief. But chiropractic work cleared up ALL my shoulder/neck/low back problems. I have a horse for whom precisely the opposite is true - massage does great things, chiropractic does nothing.

The best thing to do is get a referral to a good chiro - either from your doctor, a trusted friend, or a physical therapist - and follow their recommended course of treatment for a time. Yes, you will have to go more frequently starting out, but - they’re telling you these things for a reason! Good chiros know what they’re talking about!

A GOOD chiropractor is worth their weight in gold. I can’t take traditional pain meds due to side effects, and with bad AS (and being a super active teenager) the pain is debilitating, but regularly going to the chiro helps a ton.

I had never gone to a Chiropractor until I was in a serious rollover truck accident and at some point I went to one. After two visits he told me that he could not help me, which I respected. However, I have seen SO MANY people that once they start going they always have to go. My suspicion is that everytime they adjust they are loosening the joint more causing you to continue to be out. It seems like an unhealthy cycle. I think that people would be better served by strengthening their muscle to keep the joint in. Of course this is all just my opinion;)

I would never go to a chiropractor and I would never have one work on my horses.

Just speculation of course but I believe I would not be as mobile as I am without chiropractic. There definitely are good ones and bad ones just like anything in life. I like the trend towards full service chiro offices as well. The one my daughter goes to has PT and spinal decompression as well as trigger point injections all in one place.

I was adjusted (Pro-adjuster) [/QUOTE]

A lot of people have not heard of the Pro-Adjuster and often think these are “pro-adjusters.”

I have found that the chiropractors who keep up on the latest research but are not into gimmicks are more likely to have a Pro-Adjuster. So, not knowing anything about your chiropractor, I would guess he has a good reputation for a reason.

I agree with some of the other posts - chiropractic doesn’t seem to help everyone, and they run the range from excellent to mediocre, truly interested in helping people to wanting to empty your wallet. I have moved around a lot, and been to many.

At my previous location (8 or 9 years ago), my chiropractor switched over to a Pro-Adjuster. It is so much better than a manual adjustment, especially for my cervical vertebrae, that when I moved I specifically looked for a chiropractor who had a Pro-Adjuster. I do still need a manual adjustment for my thoracic section that locks up.

Also, the concept of going three times a week for a certain period, then less frequently, is a researched and fairly standard recommendation for new patients. If that is too much time and/or money, you can still go weekly and get results, maybe not as fast, but it isn’t useless to go less frequently than recommended.

If you are having degenerative disk pain (just a guess due to having already herniated your disk) , chiropractic won’t solve the underlying issue, just help with secondary compensating pain (sitting lopsided, ect). Have you seen a neurologist or another spine specialist who can diagnose what exactly is causing your pain? If you do try the chiropractor and you don’t get pain relief, you might have something that is fixable only with surgery, and temporary relief from things like acupuncture (yes, alternative medicine again!). If you can hold off on surgery, the longer you wait the more advanced and better the procedures become. Hope you find pain relief soon!

A lot of people have not heard of the Pro-Adjuster and often think these are “pro-adjusters.”

I have found that the chiropractors who keep up on the latest research but are not into gimmicks are more likely to have a Pro-Adjuster. So, not knowing anything about your chiropractor, I would guess he has a good reputation for a reason. [/QUOTE]

That is what my not-so-great chiro used, and he was definitely into the gadgets and gimmicks! I never found the Pro-Adjuster to help me at all. But to be fair, my issue was related to my lower back and hips and not with my actual spine. I’ve been curious if anyone has found the Pro-Adjuster to help, so it’s interesting to hear that it did really help you.

I have a feeling that tools are tools are tools are tools and that it’s really all about the hands they’re in (as it is in every other facet of life)!

Chiros’ are like regular doctors, you have good ones and bad ones. I’ve seen my equine chiro work miracles-and others not. I’ve gone to chiro’s and had good and bad results-you must do your homework when going to one!
As far as chiro’s doing harm…how many ‘regular doctors’ have harmed patients and made them worse?? I dare say dozens. The drugs with all the side effects, are even worse to take! I’ll stick with my chiro/MT thanks.

I havent read the other responses, but I think my chiro has helped. I went through 3 before I found this one. He is old-school (and old!) and doesnt use gadgets. I’m generally in there for less than 10 minutes and notice a difference every time. Sometimes it’s a HUGE immediate difference, sometimes it takes a few visits to feel better.

I have a few friends that are MD’s and they basically think chiro’s arent doctors. I think the fact that it works MIGHT all be in my head, but I dont care. I’ll keep going back since it seems to make me feel better!

Before I found my current Chiro, I went to the old fashioned bone crackers. They only made the tension in my neck, shoulders and back worse.

My current Chiro is Kineseology trained and uses the hand held adjuster, which she can set on lighter settings. She locates acupressure points to help release the tension, too. She has a myo-facial release massage therapist, who works with her.

Between the two of them, they have always been able to put Humpty Dumpty (me) back together after a fall. :wink:

Caution: find out if your chiro carries malpractice insurance. In many (most?) states they are not legally required to. Since chiros don’t need hospital admitting privileges, the majority of them don’t bother with the insurance. So if they cause you serious injury (like, oh, say, breaking a major bone) and you sue, you are S-O-L.

I found this out the hard way. I hate chiropracters with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns and think it’s a load of manure. (Admittedly, my opinion has considerable emotional basis). Life University is just around the corner from where I live, and it’s a scary damn place. A not-insignificant part of the coursework is (or used to be - they lost accreditation at one point and the curriculum might have changed) marketing, or, as I like to call it, “How To Make Your Patients Believe They Must Keep Coming Back For Decades’ Worth Of Treatments”.

Be careful to of the weird clicky tool some of them use. I had a “sports medicine specialist” use one on my foot. Within an hour I was in excruciating pain and could not walk. I had to wheel myself in an office chair to the front door & my husband drove me back to the “doctor”. He tried all sorts of things before finally calling another chiro for advice. Just an awful experience.

To reiterate, there is no scientific reason for chiropractic to work. You gotta take their claims with a grain of salt. Be very, very careful.

I’ve been having a lot of lower back pain for the last year. Out of desperation I started seeing a chiro. I am already SO SICK of it. “Oh, well your back looks really good this time, I’m just going to pop your neck because you’re compensating.” Well my neck doesn’t hurt, but after you pop it, it’s sore for like 2 days! Also, I’m tired of hearing that I have to make an appointment every week. Originally, I though, oh well I just have to pay a copay, it’s not that expensive. Already in the last 2 months I’ve spent over $200 in copays! I don’t know why I keep going back. I’m too gullible and not strong willed enough to say no, I guess. But I will tell you that I have not noticed a difference in my back pain ONE BIT.

I’ve been having a lot of lower back pain for the last year. Out of desperation I started seeing a chiro. I am already SO SICK of it. “Oh, well your back looks really good this time, I’m just going to pop your neck because you’re compensating.” Well my neck doesn’t hurt, but after you pop it, it’s sore for like 2 days! Also, I’m tired of hearing that I have to make an appointment every week. Originally, I though, oh well I just have to pay a copay, it’s not that expensive. Already in the last 2 months I’ve spent over $200 in copays! I don’t know why I keep going back. I’m too gullible and not strong willed enough to say no, I guess. But I will tell you that I have not noticed a difference in my back pain ONE BIT.[/QUOTE]

My usually-very-intelligent grandmother has been seeing the same chiropracter for generalized soreness in her shoulder for. . .23 years. No kidding. Actually, the chiro she initially saw retired and now she gets adjusted by his son, who took over the practice. (I went to high school with this son, and “dumb as a bag of hammers” describes him to a tee. It terrifies me that this idiot is working on a family member’s musculoskeletal system).

I don’t currently go to one, but I loved going when I did go lol. Made a world of difference in my riding (the equality in my ability to follow with my hips in both directions was amazing!). I can’t really justify the costs for me right now. I went for about a year pretty regularly (they had a student rate that I paid once a month for unlimited visits) and then stopped going for awhile after graduating and then went again for about two months when I started getting shooting head pains… haven’t had a single pain like that since.

The horse I currently ride also gets chiro done about once a month… correct work/muscling along with the chiropractic and you can barely tell he has a dropped hip.