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Christmas Card Exchange 2021?

Sorry! Been chaotic with work and weather and maybe moving. So much fun!

Fun fact! I have been in charge of the holiday card list since 2014 ! Found that out tonight while going through the email inbox.

I should have the first list out tonight or tomorrow. Im using google docs this year but can send it in a pdf form as well.

Please let me know if you don’t see yourself on the list!


Email or message me if you want in on the holiday card exchange :smiley:


I didn’t receive an email from you but I promise I sent you my info!!

I’ll PM you.

I sent you a PM, too. Still don’t have the list and just wondering if you’ve emailed it out yet. Or if somehow you didn’t get info.

All emails sent just now. yell if you haven’t got one!

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Yay, there it is! Thank you!!

Yay!!! Thanks Polydor! :grin:

Polydor, I have not received the list.

I got the list, and your name and address is on it.

I got the list, I hope to start on cards tomorrow Sunday. If Roxiedog will let me type!

Will get it out to you ASAP!

Just want to say that I’m starting to receive cards. They’re coming from all over. It’s a cheery treat to open up each of them and read the greetings. Thanks, @Polydor for organizing this!

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Got the list this week and cards were mailed yesterday!

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So - my cards went out today. I sincerely apologize; my photos were done in September and I ordered my cards in early November, but then I was traveling for work and things just got crazy trying to finish out the end of the year. :woman_facepalming:t3:

But Merry Christmas to everyone - my sentiments still stand even if they end up being New Years cards instead. :joy::skull_and_crossbones:

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this morning I found a card from Billy and Blaze in my inbox

I got your card today. The photos are beautiful!

It really was nice to get so many cards. I have them set out on my kitchen counter and they make me smile. Thanks to everyone who participated! :christmas_tree:


I’ve gotten a handful of cards. Adore them all! Mine are going out this weekend :grimacing::joy::grin:


Yay! I’m glad they’re being received in time for Christmas!

My previous years were, IMHO, slightly better - I didn’t think through the already dark photos on matte black paper - but they’ve been picked up by Cowboy Magic, State Line, and Bluebonnet Feeds on social media so the photos themselves seemed to have worked well. :rofl:


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I thought the images were stunning. And your horses are beautiful… like variations on a theme.

@clanter. I got that too. But what happened to the movie? Why a release problem when so many kids are waiting for this. My grandson is quickly out growing it now! It was going to be a big deal.