One suggestion that I haven’t seen thus far (apologies if this is a dupe):
a brief robocall campaign, timed carefully so that it coincides with some actual decision, council vote, license renewal deadline, etc.
While everyone rolls their eyes at robocalls, they are actually proven to be reasonably effective. Especially when you’re not asking for money, or selling a product-- you are just raising awareness. They’re fairly inexpensive–you could reach a hundred thou people for less than $3k or so. You only pay for “successful” calls-- the immediate hangups don’t cost you anything.
Target a few possible patrons, and make a request to help fund the robocall project. The operators themselves should put some skin in the game, maybe contribute $50 each or something. And you could crowd-source for the funding. Universally, donors like to contribute to something specific that they believe could make difference.
I mean, the script just about writes itself. I don’t live in NYC now, but grew up there and I believe people are tired of real estate developers forcing the little guy out of neighborhood after neighborhood, so the richy-rich can build yet another multi-million dollar condo for themselves. They’re buying the NYC out from under the working class people who built it. You can point to the absurdity of these extremist PETA-ites coming into OUR TOWN to tell us what to do. End with something like “Take a stand with us and call (212) xxx-xxxx and tell the Mayor that you don’t want the carriages banned. That’s 212 xxx xxxx. Call NOW and stand up for the Real New Yorkers.” Or direct them to an online petition on your FB page–might include something like “Like us on Facebook and be eligible to win one of 5 free carriage rides we’re giving away every month!!!”
Keep the call BRIEF!!! (unlike my post here LOL).
Anyway, hope this is useful food for thought. I don’t agree with everything the pro-carriage folks are doing (and I’m one of those who have been angrily dismissed as a RARA for daring to disagree on some points). But I hope the ban is not successful, I dont disagree at all with the concept of working horses, and I think 99% of the carriage horses in this particular market seem well cared for.[/QUOTE]
This is a very interesting suggestion, never thought of it or heard it before, it is something I think we could definitely get our arms around in January in conjunction with our other plans.
The downside is, our opponents could outspend us in the same campaign 100X over (not an exaggeration)…and they read this page, as I have said…
But I like it Since I am confident that we have many, many supporters right here in NYC, I think people would be amenable, and the other points don’t hurt.
Thank you for the brainstorming on our behalf, for taking the time to post, and for your well-wishing.