Colonoscopy prep? Thinking of Kim

Because of Kim I’m finally having this done. Very saddened by her passing, but a wee bit of good came from it. I’m sure I’m not the only one to finally have one.

For those of you who’ve had one, can you share what you drank the day before, and what your prep entailed? I’m to drink 1/2 gallon of this stuff in 8 oz. increments the night before, then finish the morning of. That’s fine.

What I’m having trouble with is the ‘liquids only’ diet. Which I’m doing today. Chicken broth has gone down easily enough. As has coconut water. I’ve got turkey bone broth & beef bone broth and miso broth – but I cannot see through it. The directions are to only ingest that which you can see through. But they go on to say Gatorade, Jello and popsicles are ok. Blekk.

Frankly the idea of the gatorade, popsicles and jello nauseates me more than the medicinal ‘prep’. I’m not a big sugar fiend and have to be careful about what I eat. A small bowl of chips at the wrong time of day without the right food afterward and my blood sugar bonks, I get shaky, weak, and it runs right through me.

No, I’m not diabetic or hypoglycemic. Just had a physical with CBC last months. Tested not hypoglycemic years ago (“just within normal” parameters) back then.

Especially if you have delicate digestion/ constitution, can you please share what you drank the day before your procedure? Thanks so much. I’ve only been to the store 3x over this so far… :frowning:

Prep is ‘over’ for all intents and purposes. But I have a question: Does a 130lb woman have to drink as much of this as does, say, a 220lb fit man? Or an even larger unfit one? What about the super teeny women… say, 100lb soaking wet?

The last two glasses I had to get down were the worst.

My prep was a little different–I did the whole thing within an hour, starting at 1 pm. Before I started the prep, I had some chicken broth and a popsicle. I had made two boxes of lemon jello (ugh) because I figured I’d become desperate. I started eating some right after the prep, and abandoned it to stay in the bathroom for a couple of hours. I didn’t want food at all after that, and I was happy to dump the jello. Not that I like wasting food, but that stuff is nasty.

I ended up not eating anything again until about 2 pm the next day. That was a long, long time without food. I should have been done and home much sooner, but the doctor was several hours late. She did a good job on the procedure, but being that late with no update, explanation or apology is just wrong, and I would never use her again.

So my suggestion is to consume stuff while you can. If it’s all broth, that’s fine.


I had chicken broth, lemon jello (definitely sort of ick but it helped to have something to “chew”), mountain dew (still needed caffeine and just couldn’t do black coffee), ginger ale, fruit juice, can’t remember if I did apple or white grape. I also had a few different flavors of gatorade and water of course. For me, I knew a wide variety of choices were going to be key. If I got hungry, I had the chicken broth and the jello. It was manageable. I had a different prep, the low volume kind which was only 16 ounces of it night before and 16 ounces day of, I gulped that with chasers of the ginger ale.

IMO, your Dr should be giving you the prep they recommend/prefer.

Most will tell you no red or blue foods (ie, no cherry jello for example).

I personally did a fair number of cups of bullion. Some liquid color approved jellos (ie, hot water with the jello dissolved but not set). Water.

I figure the better the prep, the more info the Dr can “see” and the less risk that I need to redo the whole thing because the prep was inadequate. If there is a prep that sounds like it would work for you, ask your Dr :slight_smile:


If you like Ginger Ale, it can really be your friend. The prep makes me really queasy and the ginger ale really helped. I, like others, went the chicken broth and jello route. I prefer the lime jello. I’ve been through prep three times (twice for surgery and once for colonoscopy). Each prep was a different combo of stuff, and all taken the day before - so I didn’t have to do anything the day of. Just had water the morning of the procedure/surgery.

My prep for my colonoscopy was a disaster… though I can laugh about it now. I actually passed out twice while in the bathroom - the second time face planting into the edge of the bathroom vanity. I went in for my 8AM procedure with a black eye and a concussion. :o

I think the main thing is you have to stay hydrated.

If you do not want to eat anything that you are allowed to eat (jello for example) then just make sure you drink lots of fluids that are on the OK list. Water is better than nothing.

The only reason the suggest Gatorade is that it helps prevent the dehydration, which is a risk with so much fluid leaving your body.

I like ginger ale and Gatorade so I kept myself happy with that and the chicken bouillon.

I imagine you are on your day before if you are on clear liquids, but in case not, this diet recommendation beginning 3 days prior makes for an easier prep day.


I knew i would have a hard time, and i was pretty nauseated and had severe cramping for a short time. My prep was- 4 dulcolax then 2 hours later, drink the liquid, which was miralax plus either gatorade or water. Any clear liquid. So i got thru it. Then after the procedure, Dr told me i could have asked for Anti-nausea meds. ( Gee thanks for telling me after the fact). Next time i will make sure to ask.

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My prep instructions a couple weeks ago were to mix Miralax with 64 oz of gatorade of the proper color. Drink it all evening before, 10 minute increments (which crept to 15 for the last several). Prior to that it was coffee, hot tea, apple juice and lemonade. I had broth but couldn’t face it… I complained a lot about starving but managed to survive.
Oh just noticed, same as Nezzy. I did not get any nausea, just felt a bit like the Hindenburg about 40 oz into the prep, lol.


Huh… Well the exodus has begun. A little bloated but not uncomfortable at all compared to what’s brought me here in the first place. Everyone’s said the procedure itself is the easiest part. My prep is so far, easy peasy.

No biggie that I drank some miso broth, or bone broth. Things are pretty clear and effortless.

Whoops… gotta go!


Delicate constitution, that would be me…I’ve had to cancel three colonoscopies on the day of. Which the doctors don’t like. But to be fair, after the first time, I warned them!

My problem was that I would get a migraine, a really bad one, during the ‘clear liquids only’ phase (before the laxative phase). Three times, I have been vomiting right before I’m supposed to take the laxative, and Hurtin’ for Certain from the accompanying migraine headache. If I had consumed the laxative, it would have been barfed right back up. Ick. So colonoscopy cancelled, with me in bed in a dark room immobile with a migraine.

Eventually, I got through the prep enough to get a good colonoscopy. It took some triptan migraine drugs that I normally don’t take- they work like a charm for a few hours, and then the headache comes back worse. But I used them for the colonoscopy prep because they delayed the migraine enough to get the prep done. Yuck. And I could only get one flush-out done, never the two that the prep calls for.

I always, always asked the doctor to please approve having me hooked up to IV fluids immediately upon arrival to the facility. That helped a bunch.

The last colonoscopy and prep I did, I had my alternative health care provider helping me throughout the prep, and the migraine went away after an hour with no drugs, and able to complete ‘exodus part two’ as well.

That prep was Miralax and coconut water.

Good luck,Sansena!


I’ve had a gastric sleeve, so had to do low-volume since my stomach is so small. Threw up during the prep before my hysterectomy, so the doc gave me anti-nausea meds which I took before the prep liquid (Plenvu). The prep itself was two drinks 12 hours apart with all the liquid I could manage in between.

My doc didn’t care what colors I had, so I mostly had chicken broth, fruit juice, Ensure clear, and a clear protein drink called Isopure (40g. per 20 oz bottle). I didn’t want to get too low on protein.

Good luck sansena!! I picked up my prep last night at the pharmacy and have an appt March 19th. I’m not supposed to start til 6pm the night before and my appointment is at 830 the next morning so I’m not expecting much sleep that night!

I always start clear liquids a half day early. Two mornings before, I have scrambled eggs and toast and the last cup of tea with milk. Then I have tea with just sugar, iced tea, broth, jello, clear sodas. The same the next day as I start the prep. I do the last prep early also since I have a long drive with traffic and I want to be done with clean out before the commute.

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If you have the huge amount of salty liquid prep, I recommend you get a huge straw (McDonalds big ones), and keep their extra large cup. That way you pour the liquid in the cup, and use the big volume straw to chug it as fast as you can. The first half took at least half an hour to hit. The second half (about 1 a.m. or so) was much harder to get and keep down, it was a test of will. I told myself if I didn’t finish and prep completely, then I would have to do it over again, so I force myself to finish. You will feel like there is a basketball in your stomach, and look like it too.

I don’t deal well with super cold liquid, so I had it chilled, but icy.

The second half is immediate output. If you are able to get to sleep after either one, Depends or some kind of bed pad will be a good idea.

I lost ten pounds from this, however, they call it water weight for a good reason.

Propofol is my anesthesia of choice, one second you’re awake, and the next thing you are fully awake. My friends who had Versed, or another drug were dopey for hours after, depending on the person.

You will need a ride home, and an escort if you stay in a motel for the afternoon (I used to live way out, so a ride from home and back would have been a real burden on someone, so I stayed in a motel for a couple of days. I was totally surprised by the people I barely knew who said they would be glad to drive me.

My only advice is to schedule it for first thing in the morning. Did mine on a Monday so I wouldn’t be hangry at work and stopped eating at dinner on Saturday night. Sunday at 5pm I spent a couple of annoying hours camped out in the bathroom, and then went to bed. I don’t remember the cocktail in my prep but there are different kinds. Mine seemed pretty easy on my body, but it was gross to drink.

Because my appointment was first thing in the morning, I did not need to do the “secondary” stage of drinking more prep fluid 4 hours before the procedure.

I drank about 3/4 of the gallon. I am not a big person and had the same question about body size - surely a 6’3, 220lb guy has larger gut than I do and I don’t need the entire thing?? When things were running clear for half an hour, I decided I was done.

I’ll bet, also, that many people do not fully follow the directions and what they tell you to do is a little overkill to make sure if you cut a corner it will still be ok.

I was a glycemic mess in the morning - the receptionist asking a straightforward question about had me in hysterics. But we all coped.

Good for all of you getting on the program!

A friend gave me this tip: Not about the prep but it really helps! WET WIPES. The booty gets awfully sore with all of that wiping, and wet wipes really help. My grandfather died of colon cancer and my brother is in recovery from it, so I’ve had several colonoscopies, starting in my 40s.

As far as the procedure, that’s the easy part. Does anyone else get an energy high after the procedure? I do, it’s the one thing I can look forward to with the whole ordeal.

Best of luck, Sansena!


I prepped Sunday and had procedure Monday morning. Had to be in there at 7 in the morning. This is the second time (first one 10 years ago). I can’t choke down much chicken broth for some strange reason, I did have lemon ice, lime jello, water with electrolytes, I found this drink I liked called bai so I drank a few bottles of that. I agree about your size and how much to take…I mean I have to admit I just could not drink the last 12 ounces of gatorade with puralax at midnight. I dumped it down the sink. I was already pooping gatorade only so made the decision I would be fine. LOL
I will admit I drank a beer around 6 p.m. I needed the protein :winkgrin:
I got about 2 hours sleep but came through the procedure fine. I was moving slow around the barn Tuesday and had a headache. The drugs did a number on me.

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Not to be irreverent but, as I read the title of this topic got to thinking that even Kim might get a giggle that we think of her as we’ve doing our prep’s… drinking nasty stuff, permanently/temporarily installed on the throne :lol:


I think she would be pleased.

Well, procedures are over. I was awake before I was aware I was out. Had such a peaceful sleep and awakening I truly felt like I had had a nice nap in bed. Propofol. No nitrous. Nothing hinky going on in my GI, upper or lower to all accounts. Loved the team, the prep was about as easy as I could’ve imagined. Id’ call it inconvenient.

After the first few drinks or prep and felt tummy rumbling, I coated everything below in vaseline liberally. Used flushable gentle baby wipes and aloe infused tissue. Zero irritation. Zero problems. Literally.

My biggest concern was that I hadn’t read the ‘prep’ instructions to the letter, so I guzzled about 8 swallows of water after finishing my half gallon-- it made me super thirsty. Immediately I started “going” yellow again when I had been clear. Thought I screwed up. But no. All’s well that ends well.

Another vote that if you’re putting off having a colonoscopy, please do not. In every aspect, it is such a non-issue these days vs. what it detects/ prevents… so worth having done.