I am reading through the hearing right now. To be honest; I think both Betsee and Brigid are lying about certain aspects. I do believe this statement:
So, in the horse world, Dr. Parker pays 'a lot of
money to her grooms who bring horses all beautiful
to the show ring, to give lab leg up, to wipes
her boot down. In that affidavit it says –
claims that I take them from the barn, take the
horse and take control, walk them to ring, put my
daughter on. That is false. I have never –
I do not believe Brigid was ever responsible for getting those horses to the ring, grooming them, brushing her daughters boots off. Betsee is lying. Andre D is not a groom either. He is a trainer. Andre and his team have an entire entourage of grooms who prepare the horses, braid them, polish their hooves, spit n polish the rider, and hold them at ringside. For Betsee to say Brigid brought the horses to the ring and got them ready, false. For Brigid to say Andre is the groom; false. I’d love to see Andre stand ringside and slap on some hoofpolish, wipe the slobber from the horse’s mouth, and polish Tori’s boots because we know he is way above those standards of work. I believe BC was in the barns helping as needed because it was expected of her by these BNT’s who ARE using her daughter to show their horses and are ABUSING it heavily. that is a guaranteed truth. Was she the one administering the drugs? Not so sure but yes, she knew about it and gave some pretty detail orientated statements about the drugs. The crew behind these horses and those involved with them are thoroughly aware of what is getting administer, how much, and what specific concoction each horse needs to win. The biggest fault BC made was stating she was the trainer in the drug tent if she was not the one to sign on the entry form. My question arises that if she was specifically ordered not to be near the horses; then why on earth was she the one holding it in the drug tent???