Colvin Civil Suit

Did you read the USEF Hearing transcript?[/QUOTE]


To sum up the transcript, it was a race among all three (Colvin, Rivetts, and Parker by affidavit) to see who could throw whom (plus Scott Stewart) under the bus first. Only Betsee Parker came away relatively unscathed.

So, there are a ton of exhibits including the hearing transcript, emails, etc.

It appears that the first filed suit in KY state court, but under USEF membership agreement should have brought suit in NY, so USEF moved to dismiss in KY and here we are in NY.

There is also a proposed order to stay her suspension that is in the process of being reviewed and signed by the court.

You can find some of the documents here (I didn’t download the KY petition and some attorney forms and such):[/QUOTE]

WOW, trian wreck is right!! So not only is Brigid Calling out BP and SR, but kinda everyone else in the industry. I completely agree with bringing attention to this problem, but man oh man, I would not have thought this would come out in this way!

To sum up the transcript, it was a race among all three (Colvin, Rivetts, and Parker by affidavit) to see who could throw whom (plus Scott Stewart) under the bus first. Only Betsee Parker came away relatively unscathed.[/QUOTE]

Well, of course the esteemed doctor comes away untouched.:no:

Also, I’m shocked, shocked! that this goes on!

Tori only has three months left as a junior, and she seems to be moving towards the jumper side of the business. Betsee Parker has always stayed on the hunter side of things as far as I know. It’s possible that the relationship will end after indoors anyway. I have no idea about any of this, but it did occur to me that this could be a factor in the way that this seems to be playing out. I just can’t help but think there’s a possibility that this could all be very calculated and purposeful.[/QUOTE]

Betsee Parker has already said she is going to retire the hunters Tori is showing in the juniors but continue to buy horses for her to show in the professional divisions. At least that is what I read here on COTH.

I usually wouldn’t comment on this, but I read the transcripts and above all it just makes me so sad for everyone involved, and the industry as a whole. It’s crazy to get a bit of ‘behind the scenes’ on the Dr.Parker/Colvins relationship- one that has seemed so idyllic as an outsider. I love to sit and watch and admire all the very talented riders and amazing horses, and knowing this ugly side of the industry just makes me so sad. I hope that this case, and the abuse case in the news right now, inspires some real change.

To sum up the transcript, it was a race among all three (Colvin, Rivetts, and Parker by affidavit) to see who could throw whom (plus Scott Stewart) under the bus first. Only Betsee Parker came away relatively unscathed.[/QUOTE]

You are kidding, right?
Parker came away looking like she knew the horse would test and was desperate to have Rivetts not be on the entry as trainer and as having been less than truthfull about Rivetts’ whereabouts that day.
As for his statement that he doesn’t know/read the medication rules and has “never heard of” Carolina Gold or GABA? :cool: :no:

Wow, I just read through everything and, wow. The light that has been shown on the Colvin/Parker/Stewart relationship is very sad indeed. I don’t think there is an innocent party here. Brigid May not have administered GABA on this particular occasion, but she admitted to first hand knowledge of how, when and how much her daughters’ horses are given. This story is much bigger than the Derby finals infraction.

You are kidding, right?
Parker came away looking like she knew the horse would test and was desperate to have Rivetts not be on the entry as trainer and as having been less than truthfull about Rivetts’ whereabouts that day.
As for his statement that he doesn’t know/read the medication rules and has “never heard of” Carolina Gold or GABA? :cool: :no:[/QUOTE]

No I am not kidding. She is unscathed in that she was not punished other than a small fine. She cares not about what you or anyone else thinks of her.

Wow, I just read through everything and, wow. The light that has been shown on the Colvin/Parker/Stewart relationship is very sad indeed. I don’t think there is an innocent party here. Brigid May not have administered GABA on this particular occasion, but she admitted to first hand knowledge of how, when and how much her daughters’ horses are given. This story is much bigger than the Derby finals infraction.[/QUOTE]

Yes, my goodness, page 26 of the transcript about had my jaw on the ground. And what an unhealthy sounding relationship it sounds like all around.

Thank you, IPEsq, for sharing all this. COTH, I hope there’s some followup.

Wow, just wow. ??

I thought Exhibit E was pretty darn entertaining, but now realize I need to block out some time to read the full transcript.

Betsee Parker has already said she is going to retire the hunters Tori is showing in the juniors but continue to buy horses for her to show in the professional divisions. At least that is what I read here on COTH.[/QUOTE]

Like I said, I don’t have any insider information and everything I said was based on nothing but what I have read, so it really means nothing. It was just a thought that had nothing to do with the horses that are going to be retired at or right after indoors.

I think Tori needs to get away from her mother. I don’t think I believe half of what she said. She flat out said, I do not medicate horses. She sure does have a lot of knowledge about it. She might not be the one actually injecting them but she definitely could be giving instructions! Really?

I think Tori needs to get away from her mother. I don’t think I believe half of what she said. She flat out said, I do not medicate horses. She sure does have a lot of knowledge about it. She might not be the one actually injecting them but she definitely could be giving instructions! Really?[/QUOTE]

IMO, it sounds like she needs to get away from all of them! Take a break from horses, go to college far away from home for a few years, study something completely nonequine. She’s a great rider, she can always come back to it any time, for the rest of her life. But get away from this madness now.

She flat out said, I do not medicate horses.

She sure does have a lot of knowledge about it. She might not be the one actually injecting them but she definitely could be giving instructions! Really?[/QUOTE]

I found that question to be disingenuous. She responded to the word “medicate” meaning use of illegal substances, which is the context they were asking…and then they tried to turn it on her to mean any type of medication such as banamine. I would’ve gotten tripped up in that question…which is what they wanted.

I find Rivett’s comments about never giving an injection and not knowing about GABA or Carolina Gold to be entirely unbelievable. ENTIRELY. If he doesn’t know anything about GABA, his judge’s card should be pulled as he isn’t reading updates from the licensing body.

Oh, and I was dying about Scott Stewart being all high and mighty about BC over-medicating. That certainly seems like a well-timed deflection. Honestly, I wonder if BC is the fall guy for HIS program. He got found out and pointed the figure at the easiest place…

What a crazy fest this whole thing is.

I think Tori needs to get away from her mother. I don’t think I believe half of what she said. She flat out said, I do not medicate horses. She sure does have a lot of knowledge about it. She might not be the one actually injecting them but she definitely could be giving instructions! Really?[/QUOTE]

I don’t know who or what to believe but I certainly don’t believe Rivetts assertion that he had no clue what GABA or Carolina Gold was. So to me something is fishy there

Absolutely . Really I feel bad for Tori, she still just a kid, this must be very hurtful to her and scary .

I was under the impression that Tori is focusing on getting into the next olympic games after this year is over?

I feel like there is an entirely different issue going on here other than the administration of GABA/carolina gold. I only got through Toris moms testimony but good god, could there be more finger pointing? I feel like Im watching a soap opera/bad drama movie.

So, there are a ton of exhibits including the hearing transcript, emails, etc.

It appears that the first filed suit in KY state court, but under USEF membership agreement should have brought suit in NY, so USEF moved to dismiss in KY and here we are in NY.

There is also a proposed order to stay her suspension that is in the process of being reviewed and signed by the court.

You can find some of the documents here (I didn’t download the KY petition and some attorney forms and such):[/QUOTE]

How/where did you access these documents? Just curious should one want to access other hearing transcripts.