Hi all,
A few days ago my longtime trainer/barn-owner friend has given me one of her horses (this horse was a killpen rescue as a yearling, he is now 6 , and he was supposed to have been a horse for her mother but due to health issues her mother is no longer cleared to ride via her doctor)
His name is “Hawk”, and it is unknown for sure what breed he is although my trainer was told Quarter Horse but we believe he has some Thoroughbred in him possibly, and so we have just labeled him “Appendix”.He is 15.1 hands. He is very, very green and has had about 15 rides or so, and I have only rode him twice but he has a very lovely and SMOOTH as silk Trot, and I am told his canter is just as smooth although I am no where near ready to canter him yet, as we are going to be taking things slow and steady. My trainer’s mother really has “baby-ed” him a lot so he is used to being spoiled and getting his way, but he is a very kind horse. I don’t have any real great conformation photos right now but I will try and get more later this week when I make it to the barn but I am wondering what you guys think, based on the photos i have now, of his conformation? Mainly, of what my trainer calls his “crazy long pasterns” that because of them she thinks he “probably can’t jump higher than 18 inches”…she thinks jumping any higher or too much would cause him suspensory issues…I have read a LOT of conflcting information about this…I do plan on showing him eventually, as I ride Hunter-Jumper, if he is going to be suitable and remain sound for it (note: He has never had soundness issues in his life or with any of the small amount of rides he has had)…what do you guys think? Thank you so much!
(I am gonna try my best to include some photos! Be patient, as I may not get it right at first! lol)