Little to nothing can be properly critiqued about this picture, both due to her stance and the angle of the photo
You can’t call a horse sickle-hocked if they’re standing with their hind legs pulled forward. What’s seen here is stance - can’t take that to mean she’s sickle-hocked
Likewise, due to the front-centric angle of the photo, and her hind legs pulled under, you can’t assess the angle of her hind end
Her front pasterns do appear a little long, but until she stands with a vertical cannon bone, its function can’t be assessed. Longer, but more upright, is better than longer but more sloped
Her front legs are at least decently in front of her withers, that much we can see. Her shoulder’s a bit upright, but withing proper angles . But her shoulder angle - scapula to humerus - can’t really be assessed because of her stance. It will open once she’s standing properly. That said, it looks to be at least 90*, which is what you want
Neck tie-in is good - above the point of the shoulder and high enough out of the withers.
It’s hard to say, given her hind end stance, whether her loin is longer and flatter, or if that’s a function of the tilted pelvis, but wither location is nice (great for supporting saddle placement), and her back isn’t long.
You really need a much better conformation photo to assess much of anything else