CoTH weight loss/fitness group

Anybody interested in losing weight or getting fit with some cyber buddies? I was thinking we could set it up through fb, so we can check in even without OT days. I know I would love to embark on this with people and many of you are already in programs. Just a thought

I would!!!

GAWD sign my fat ass up! Please! When do we start . . . . June? hahaha!

Do you think that the mods might create a forum if it was only for us to post diet and exercise stuff?

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Sign me up :slight_smile:

Im IN! I need to check in with people on a regular basis to keep motivation up!!

I’ve been away for a while and this thread sounds like the perfect way to get back into the COTH forums. I would love to join and lose this baby weight!

I’d be interested! My DH and I are embarking on a lifestyle change for 2012 that will include eating better and exercising more - so what better way to help encourage that then to have others who are trying to make improvements also!

Hey im soooo in!!

I’m in- it fits perfectly with my New Year’s resolutions.

Would love to join such a group. Plan is to cut out grains and sugar…kinda a paleo diet…and lose this disgusting belly and as many lbs as possible so I can ride effectively again!!/pages/CoTH-Weight-Loss-and-Fitness-Page/352198084796381 Here it is! Like it, then PM me you are a CoTHer and I will make you an administrator!

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[QUOTE=rustbreeches;6054745]!/pages/CoTH-Weight-Loss-and-Fitness-Page/352198084796381 Here it is! Like it, then PM me you are a CoTHer and I will make you an administrator![/QUOTE]

Great idea! Thanks!

Would love to join such a group. Plan is to cut out grains and sugar…kinda a paleo diet…and lose this disgusting belly and as many lbs as possible so I can ride effectively again![/QUOTE]

That’s my plan too! I can ride effectively still, but I cannot effectively fit into my clothes from 2 years ago!

I’ve got the working out part covered. I love working out. It’s the food I take in that needs adjusting.

I’m enjoying one of my last wheat filled days.

I’m in!! I need to lose ohhh 30lbs at least lol. Over on FB hitting “like” right now!!

We could also do My Fitness Pal too. that way we can log our meals, allow other members to see them and they can help us too.

I’m in!

We could also do My Fitness Pal too. that way we can log our meals, allow other members to see them and they can help us too.[/QUOTE]

A COtH group on MFP would be a great idea! I’ve been on that site for months and love it.

We could also do My Fitness Pal too. that way we can log our meals, allow other members to see them and they can help us too.[/QUOTE]

Wanna set that up and give us the link? :slight_smile:

I’ll join!