So my husband and I bought our dream property last winter and it is definitely not turn key. But it did have a house on it with 20 acres. Since we have moved in, we have cleared 8 acres. seeded and fenced the entrance, and 2 pastures (6 acres) and are slowly clearing the other portions and fencing. We have a dry lot to keep the horses off the pastures and let the grass grow.
When we bought the house, we were advised to take our down payment money (30%) and use it toward building our barn and improvements on the property, so we got an VA loan since we qualified.
Come to find out with the market crash, we can not find any financial insitution to give us a short term loan of $50k to build our barn (and I’m not talking about the creme de la creme) I’m talking about a basic 4 stall barn with a wash stall and tack room. I have done my homework and found the best and most cost effective builder to go with. Have 10k to put and need a loan for 50k to finish everything. We used the other 20 to clear land, fence and seed the cleared area.
So what do I do now that I’m told I can’t build my barn because we don’t have enough of the mortgage paid off? Where can I go to get a loan (without paying a 12% rate?) I think that it sucks that we can’t find any financial institution to loan us money (my husband and I both work and would not be overstretched to add a second loan). We only have a mortgage and have a tractor financed (everything else we own is either paid in full or paid with cash). Am I unreasonable in my thinking… What are your thoughts? Makes me made that I can’t build something to shelter my horses in the storm (last week two trees were struck by lightening in the dry lot where they were. Luckily the horses were boarded elsewhere for the week.
I literally put the horses on the trailer when a bad storm hits… don’t laugh…