My husband thinks that 12% is a high (and he thinks too high) when our mortgage is 5%. He won’t even consider it. The barn builder tried to help us as well and found us one for 7% but my husband doesn’t think it is low enough either. And unfortunately, i didn’t pay too much attention in my financial class in college 3 years ago- and somehow still got an A.
I’ve been looking at dover and Bitof Britian, what books do you suggest? There wasn’t any on the site, so I’m trying Amazon next…
Shawnee_Acres, I did look at your pics and they look great!!! I’m so jealous. Where do I start?
I really don’t want to wait on the barn b/c of the many many electrical storms we get and I have lost 2 horses to lightening in the past. Plus my horse is a hard keeper and would like to get him out of the cold/ rain for the winter (I know the south has a mild winter- but it still gets nasty at times).[/QUOTE]
FInd someone to level the spot you want and get a quote for that and hauling in a base, I prefer screenings. Then price everything FIRST (that is what I did). Look around, look for a sawmil that will do rough cut lumber, we got ours at General TImber in Sanford, NC. You can used finished lumber from someplace like Lowes but rough cut holds up better and it is cheaper. The hard part is the frame, and I have used the “carport” shelters not only for a barn but for runins MUCH cheaper and look great! Mine is the “A” frame “vertical roof” style. Determine the sze you want, mine is 100’ long which makes for 8 10’x12’ stalls, an 8’ aisleway in front of the stalls, one 10 x 12 grooming stall and a 10 x 12 feed/tack room (we ended up putting up a separate “prebuilt” building for a tack room since we have boarders, but the one room on the end of the barn would have been fine for both feed and tack if it were just for me). You have to do some calculating to determine how much lumber you need etc but it just takes a little time, don’t have to be a rocket scientist! If you don’t want to build it all yourself you can probably find some local person that is good at that sort of thing for minimum $$ in this economy!