Court date for Michael Barisone?

I don’t understand. Why wouldn’t someone be able to plea bargain?

It’s just the way they do things. Their law.


Forgive me, has this thread been closed? I see posts here still. However, no discussion regarding the topic “Court date for Barisone.” Are posts not allowed here? Requesting clarification in order to comply with COTH’s rules & regs. Thanks! :slight_smile:

It is so easy to open up a section of CotH and scroll down to see where a thread has been closed. There is a lock and the last poster is a Mod.




So I’m guessing my Facebook group has the in on what is turning out to hold true. I was told not to engage in these toxic forums because if you don’t follow the narrative you get bullied and pushed out. Since I am new and have experienced some of this myself. I can fully understand what they are talking about. I figured i can give it an other shot NPI. So now that we can all see RCs charges have finally been put on display. Can we all agree that LKS unchanged story about the shooting is becoming more true. Its hard to believe that nobody could find the charges from 10/19 except some random user on the forum. Endless threads opened and news reports done but still it was kept in secret. Didn’t the barisone filling say that it was LKs father that had the influence? Are we to believe that 11 police offers are lying and the crazy man is telling the truth? Does that seem logical to anyone?? Now seeing that Cox was arrested almost two years ago and the story is now coming out…it would suggest that it is barisone with all the power?
My FB group tells me that the charges are a result of Cox lying to the police. Apparently she didn’t recognize the gun she brought from the descriptions all over the news. When it was traced back to Cox she said barisone stole it. Obviously that story seemed suspicious, so after another interview she said gave it to him. If that is true it will be hard to deny or back peddle.
What else I find suspicious is that barisones story has changed many times on these forums. Eggbutt claims to know the family really well but she is repeating changing the event’s. It was self defense, laurens gun, vicious dog, evictions, condemned house, perit violations, blah blah blah. Now we should all go with the LK drove my fragile ego to break? It didn’t sound like a pleasant place to be on either side but still. Lets listen to everything this crazy man has put into his brief and disregard everything else LK says. Im starting to pick a side. Its the side or rationality. Only one person brought a gun and that same person has already changed his story. You can choose to believe every word a crazy person says but I will not.


Nobody’s mind is changed.


When and where did I make this claim?


Barisone has never had a story on these threads until his lawsuit was posted.


Goody, another poster swallowing hook, line and sinker how innocent and wonderful Lauren Kanarek and Rob Goodwin are and how wonderfully they behaved while living at Hawthorne Hill. Uh-huh.

Someone’s been drinking the kool-aid.


Barisone has NEVER posted here, and AFAIK never even given a statement about what happened that day, or at least one that has been made public. As a trial has not occurred yet, the only statement he should have made was to law enforcement or his legal team.

Please do not confuse what is/has been speculated with what is actual fact. The truth is we may never learn the REAL truth about what happened.


Okay @JumpinQueen since you’ve become so well educated on your version of events, truths, and who you think is personally involved on this forum…answer the question so many have asked and received no answer, why didn’t Lauren Kanarek and Rob Goodwin leave Hawthorn Hill when asked or when they announced their fear on social media?


Ok, in this instance, I’m just going to quote that one last sentence.

Good advice for everyone!


How can one find a changing forum story suspicious if no forum story was ever posted?


But you are! :grin:



What did LK and RG hope to achieve by reporting violations?


I am amazed at the number of house guests that keep majikcally appearing! One leaves, another crops up! This is better than a game of whack-a-mole!!!


And such “knowledgeable” ones too! To think of how long all this useful information wasn’t told!! Clearly, it seems almost as if they were there!


Because, as the amazing lawyer Deborah Barra once said, the worst thing a defendant can do is talk. She loves it when defendants talk.