Barisone Trial This Month

Let’s see what the jury hears and believes, mkay?

As I’ve said many times I don’t believe the Kanarek/Godwin version of events. As you’ve said previously if there was a video of MB murdering two people I wouldn’t believe it…but there isn’t is there? But, why do you even care what I, or any others, believe? You seem to have all the answers.


This is an interesting question. A good question.
IM insists they know all there is to know about all sides of this discussion. Why is IM so mad at this conversation? Just wait for all that information that they know to be real to come out at the trial, from both sides, since IM has said they know from both sides. Then we (everyone on both sides) can see if we are right in our movie or wrong. Why threaten us and dox us? Just let all the facts come out.


From my pov, MHG has the same amount of, if not less, involvement as RG who hasn’t been charged.






The most intriguing issue will be the chain of custody of the gun. Despite the many accusations of the plot, we have also had many interesting references to missing and/or stolen guns. This is interesting in several ways.

  1. These mentions are from posters who generally post from a pro-LK can do no wrong perspective.
  2. These posts feature suggestions at information that was not revealed publicly until months after the comments were made here on CotH.

First, as to the possibility of various posters being directly connected to the incident or repeating something LK has told them more candidly than on SM is pretty high.

Here is a couple of posts from LK talking about her network related to CotH where she describes hundreds of screenshot, that her family is here, and that she has zoom calls about the posts on this board. If they can send her screenshots and have zoom calls, well, then I guess it isn’t too much of a leap to the idea that they are posting as well.

There are a handful of posters that know each other IRL:
Family is taking screen shots: Court date for Michael Barisone?
Group zoom calls:

Here is JumpinQueen talking about how she has met people close to the situation….

Additionally, it has not been lost on me that a whole series of posters have come on and said they are independent neutral parties and have subsequently admitted to some sort of insider knowledge.

So, that brings us back to the alternative commentary about the chain of custody on the gun.

The first ever reference to the gun as something other than part of a defined plot is LK’s FB post on RC’s page within days of her getting out of the hospital. It references having recorded the conversation between MB and RC and the gun as missing and endangering 12 year olds.

After that, we had another series of interesting references to a stolen gun after this….

Here is one from JumpinQueen about RC and the gun:
“My FB group tells me that the charges are a result of Cox lying to the police. Apparently she didn’t recognize the gun she brought from the descriptions all over the news. When it was traced back to Cox she said barisone stole it. Obviously that story seemed suspicious, so after another interview she said gave it to him. If that is true it will be hard to deny or back peddle.”

What is interesting is that this post was made before admitting to having met people close to the situation.

And then here is another post discussing the gun as stolen:
Here is the interesting text: In the case of RC, I wonder if she will claim MB stole the gun and ammunition out of her locked vehicle in order to try to get her charges reduced or apply for a waiver. If RC claims he took the gun from under her pillow, she will face the mandatory 42 month sentence for making the gun available for anyone to pick up and use in a crime. And will MB claim she handed him the gun, because if he says he stole it, that’s more counts against him. In the end, both parties may try their best to throw each other under the bus.

The reason this is very interesting is the mention of ammunition separate and apart from the gun. It was later, while listening to the officer testimony during the Miranda hearings, that we have references that one of the police officers found a second magazine in MB’s pocket. To me the reference of the ammunition by the poster suggests they had early inside knowledge.


Frankly, I think you’re really good a spinning a story and there are enough people on here who believe you to keep your posts coming. Nothing you have posted here that is actually verifiable at this point is information that can’t be found online if you’re good at researching.

From a defense team that has been incredibly good at staying out of the court of public opinion up to this point - four days before opening arguments, I find it nearly impossible to believe that you have access to a “tremendous amount of evidence” from them. The defense would not be sharing information not subject to discovery with someone who has demonstrated their inability to keep their “ooooh - look what I know that you’ll learn shortly!!” attitude in check, especially since you end up sharing it eventually.

If you’re getting the information from a prosecution source and posting in an online BB, someone’s going to lose their job if your indiscretion comes to light.

You may end up being a major player who does have all the info, only time will tell. And if so, there are plenty of people who’ll never trust you with any substantial information again.


This!!! I have been wondering the same thing!


Seems LK advocates love to make excuses for her lies and exaggerations, stalking, doxxing, threatening etc.

But who is the one who has been caught doing the lying? LK.

Because none of us others are rolling in subpoenas to begin with.

All on display here


I think you are forgetting the cryptic posts LK made about the missing/stolen gun, I believe prior to the shooting.
This puts quite another spin on the custody issues with said gun, and the events as they transpired.


It was made around the time she got out of the hospital from the shooting. But I think it makes the oft argued over FB post about her having two guns take a different meaning, and that was made before the shooting.


The bottom line is if LK didn’t have the bad behavior history that she does, these threads would have died almost immediately. But LK was determined to attack, get her story out, fight back, post rambling rants to the point she
became the attraction to the threads and more of her previous behavior was posted by those involved. A pattern began to be revealed.

When the trial is over, will LK have learned anything about how she is perceived based on her own words and maybe, just maybe become a better person. :thinking: Any bet takers?


sure, why not.
Are we gonna start a board? A buck a square, proceeds going to a relevant charity?


LK is now not just responsible for getting herself shot, she is now responsible for all of the posts, not just hers but everyone’s? Does this include your admitted posting to “help the defense”?

Edited to clarify my meaning of “the posts.”


she is indeed responsible for her posts. Why would she not.


I wonder, is LK known in Europe? Would a fresh start be a good idea for her and her goals?

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Speaking of trying to dox.


I haven’t provided any information whatsoever of any kind to MB’s defense attorneys. That said, there is no doubt once LK admitted it was her posting in these threads, they began taking a good look at her posts, hopefully before any were deleted or edited to the point the original was unrecognizable. Why do you think CoTH began archiving the threads rather than simply closing them? There’s only one poster who is known for going back into old closed threads and modifying what they’d originally posted. Should you ever go back and glance at the beginning threads, notice how the post count changes with gaps of post numbers missing.


I don’t think this means what you think it means.


Thank you! I’m glad someone agrees with me. She is responsible for her posts, not anyone else’s posts.