Court date for Michael Barisone?

You may want to consider that option as well.


.I’m not sure she can.


Nah, I’m good.


ok, was posting the previous from mobile, and I buggered up the attributions in my reading–my advice was directed at Lollypop, not you–your contributions to these threads have been an improvement over the general run of nonsense.


I am? How was I made aware? Dang. I must have slept through an arrest or something. Another mistake by someone. Who I wonder?


Sorry…. What exactly about me is being “exposed,” which was otherwise some “secret,” - (being that the word “exposed,” indicates a secret or vulnerability being purposely hidden or protected and then these things are left open & unprotected from shields.) Please, indulge me.

Your “knowledge?” Too funny. I’m so intimidated by you, I’m afraid to leave my house! Well done! I’ve gone nowhere today! Just kidding. I’ve gone lots of places. But NOT my kitchen. I’ll give that credit to you …. You seem like you need the win. (RG will definitely owe you one! He thought I wouldn’t go into the kitchen Bc he’d made a mess.) Two wins please- to the knighted lady made of 14 karat fool’s gold armour!

FYI- I can promise there is absolutely nothing “out there,” about me (that is true) which I’d ever care to “keep secret.” However, there are a handful of people on here who are known by others IRL. The only people being TRULY “exposed,” (to partially borrow YOUR words) is THEM. Believe that. I literally don’t have to do a thing. Sittin’ back and watching is perfectly satisfactory. If I comment here and there, whatevs. If I don’t read this forum for a day, several weeks, months etc, the result will be the same at this point! Not sure that’s a win for YOU though. Patience there, Tiger! Keep fightin’ off that “fake news!” I’ll bet in your younger years, you “Could’ve been a CONTENDER!”

:loud_sound:“Who rocks the house? KnightsMom rocks the house! When KnightsMom rocks the house she rocks it ALL - THE - WAY - DOWN!” :loud_sound:

Wow. Just wow.



If only they knew.


You sleep through a lot, it would seem. Like……… the two year info that RC was charged with 4th degree felony charges. 2 years of claiming I was making it all up. I’ve made nothing up. And I can see just how upsetting that is for you. Sorry! (Just kidding. Not sorry.) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I admit that I am worried for the person/people that LK thinks some of the posters are.




Interesting! Probably 10 (plus) harassing THREADS open - with my name attached to then, directly harassing, bullying, lying, defaming, threatening, stalking, cyberstalking ME- but you feel that’s a wise move, while my comments ON those threads in which I am named directly, are……… harassing? Interesting theory, indeed.

I suppose we’ll learn in time. Till then, there are probably 29 screenshots highlighting your open willingness (no, hopefulness) of an opportunity to “fight,” people. How has that worked out for you in the past? AFAF?

It’s as though she is trying to get herself banned with the threats, accusations, BS. It is so sad. Really. Yes, she and her boyfriend actually come across as dangerous. Imagine having it in your face like the Barisone crew did. :frowning:


Screenshot away. I know I do.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

This needs to be added to your screen shot for context…silly goose



I admit that I am worried for the person/people that LK thinks some of the posters are.

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“57. 1. For example, on or about the morning of August 1, 2019, Goodwin cornered two
minors residing at the Farm (students of BARISONE) and attempted to force the minors to agree with Goodwin’s assertion that BARISONE was wrong to have call the police against him and Kanarek the prior day. The minors resisted Goodwin’s bullying, whereupon Goodwin became aggressive toward one of the minors and threatened her physically.
MRS-L-001562-21 07/22/2021 2:30:26 PM Pg 11 of 42 Trans ID: LCV20211721448

Not surprised. No, I am going to change that to surprised that he would have the balls to do that.


I’m heading back to the “Amended” thread. It’s a bit safer and saner over there!