Court date for Michael Barisone?

Or, alternatively, use that same money to put her into a conservatorship. It might even save you money.


A few episodes of “Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords” is enough to convince me that I will never, ever be a landlord. I have sympathy for anyone trying to (legally) evict a (legitmate) nightmarish tenant.


Famous Spears case aside it isn’t that easy to get a conservatorship of someone who is competent with their money. Also the conservatorship allows the guardian to control the person’s assets (like if they have a pension). If your problem child is already on an allowance or trust fund with trustees and has no real assets that you haven’t paid for, then you already control their assets and a conservatorship is pointless.

I gather from bits and pieces dropped here that LK doesn’t have access to unlimited funds for everything. Horses yes, lifestyle no. She was living for free in a derelict house with the barn staff in NJ, and someone said in an RV park now in Florida. My guess is some effort is being made to manage her behavior by whoever controls the purse strings.

Since LK has not apparently ever held a job, it has to be family money. And family money always comes with conditions.


Conservatoships aren’t always about finances. The conservatee could be incapable of managing day-to-day activities independently and not just need assistance with their estate or finances.

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We know that LK stated that she had documented MH not feeding multiple cats and letting cat feces pile up until it was overflowing into children’s beds. So, it would make sense, if that’s true, for a CPS call to have been made by her, but she has not stated that she called them.

Again - who elevates cat litter boxes over beds?

In addition, what was Lauren doing in MH’s children’s room or rooms? Those are private areas, not common rooms. Well, my kids’ bedrooms weren’t for public display.


No idea. The only thing I can think of is maybe if litter boxes were on the floor above the residence? Still, who would do that?

I believe it was a property grab which backfired horribly.


Do we believe LK’s version of events regarding the litter box? I suspect there is a very logical backstory if this is remotely true. I seriously doubt
MH would put cat crap in or on her children’s beds. Think about that for a minute.


Either way, there’s a lie. The question is whether it’s defamation, or denial of calling CPS.


Interesting. Was this pre or post warmblood shopping spree?


This is my description of her living situation at MB’s.

As far as the kitty litter boxes, why would we believe any specifyc detail she tells us?


This is from the Amended claims for the MB/Police suit

If she was invading private areas to place surveillance….it’s not unreasonable to assume that she left a few “decorations”….or maybe took possession of someone else’s gun.


This is categorically, 100% not true. This is taking away any responsibility from the actual perpetrator of a crime and placing all of the blame on the victim. Frankly it sounds like the events of 8/7 were a perfect confluence of terrible actions by multiple people. But one person shot someone.

Like I have said, for 2 years… does LK sound absolutely off her rocker? Yes. Does that mean that MB is not the one ultimately responsible? No. Unless we learn that she was wielding pitchforks, or came to this confrontation otherwise presenting a clear and imminent physical threat… then all of these foregone conclusions that LK is the one who is solely responsible for this mess is pretty troubling. Here’s the thing… if he is found not guilty by reason of insanity. He is still guilty. He just can’t be held liable. He still brought the gun. He still pulled the trigger.

Does this woman sound like anyone I would want anywhere near me, my friends and family, or my animals? Hell no. Do I think her behavior towards some of you and others (including, allegedly MB et al) is horrifying? Yes. Do I think her family was necessarily enabling her and wasn’t trying to put out fires in the background? Who knows! Do I think that any of this makes her alone responsible for the guano show that culminated with her being shot? No.

But, pile on. I can see how many people like certain posts and how few others like other ones… it’s pretty clear this is a minority opinion that it doesn’t really matter how crazy she was, she didn’t shoot herself. Have at it. Flame suit is on. I have already been accused of being so triggered by my similar experiences with an addict in my family that I can’t possibly read the news or watch TV. There goes trying to contextualize anything, I guess,

Or just, ya know, append your posts with #NBDTBS or whatever cutesy disclaimer you think makes you look better.


Categorically no. Why not? Because he ultimately brought a gun to a disagreement and used it. The former would have already deemed him a no. The latter confirms it. This is not someone who exercises sound judgement whether that is because of temper or mental illness or otherwise. Guns don’t shoot themselves. That is one point that I (a gun control advocate) agree on with those who are “Second amendment advocates”. I like to keep me and mine safe… and that is a risk that seems unnecessary.

Since some seem to think that I am pro-LK/anti-MB… I did speak to someone the other day who knows someone (who I also know but who I have not discussed this with) who is/was quite close with MB. That person was baffled by the events. That person doesn’t seem to be grasping at straws to exonerate him. They are merely sad and perplexed, from what I hear. I will reiterate: we don’t know!

Finally, wondering if this is an honest question or an attempt to keep the thread alive and the hive stirred. I can’t imagine what potential client would willfully put themselves, their children or their animals into such a volatile situation.


You assume he brought the gun as offense and not defense of the attacking dog?


He did mot shoot the dog.


And that means what?


I agree with you on some counts or maybe even most counts. Much comes down to the provenance of the gun’s arrival to the scene and the circumstances which caused it to discharge.

If he brought it there, and for whatever reason raised it and shot he is indeed culpable and the defense must try to lessen the culpability of that action.

I just don’t believe every part of the story as Gospel as narrated here. If facts render that narration true then I will for sure call a spade, a spade.


Flame suit wasn’t required.

Yes. We only have the word of two of the three people there. I don’t believe their version of events. Hopefully the criminal trial will be scheduled sometime within the next two years and perhaps we will get answers.