Court date for Michael Barisone?

I wasn’t trying to suggest anything, just clarifying in my response that I was going off other people’s info. Based on the screenshot you just provided…the officer filing the implant is one of the ones listed in MB’s lawsuit.


It also says warrant recalled.


I was curious as to why the charge was before the shooting unless it just was for having an unlawful gun in nj. Would they backdate a charge if this was filed after the shooting? It didn’t make sense to me.


What does that mean?

Edit to add-I looked up the warrant recalled and it seems that it removes the arrest warrant. Maybe she had her attorney contact them and handle it from that point.


[quote=“3PonyFarm, post:2079, topic:761824, full:true”]
What does that mean?

It looks to me like this is a for a warrant for a gun that was dropped in 10/2019. Those aren’t complete screenshots. There is more that is cut off that might have shown it wasn’t what it is presented as.

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Is this something that some of you smart people who can access that website can look up?

I also wonder what ‘warrant recalled’ means. I see some descriptions above but to be honest, that confuses me more.


I can access it but understand all of it-no way! :grin:

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LEOs I know in VA and NC - state troopers, municipal police, and county sheriff deputies have ALL said they would be terminated if their reports were not complete and filed before they ended their shift. PERIOD, no exceptions. If the situation was still in process, they filed what they had at the time and noted as such. Most of these officers suspected some collusion if not incompetence/laziness after they read what was listed in the Barisone complaint.


@eggbutt, since I am not one to jump to conspiracy stuff I am voting pure laziness in a department that is not too busy with bigger crime so no one has ever cared that they are slow with the reports since the reports do not make a big deal one way or the other.
Add that to cute blonde saying one thing and muscular man saying another and you get even more apathy.


I think one of the troubling things about that complaint was if he did ask to speak to a supervisor and was denied. I would think that would be easy to verify.
A supervisor might have been able to explain what the police were able to do and not do in the situation and what his next steps could be.


Were you able to access the website to look up the missing information?

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Well, they filed their reports of incidents that happened before the shooting after the shooting so…yes, they certainly didn’t have problems filing them late…

What is really interesting is that while Heymer is listed as the officer filing the complaint and as a defendant he is not a cited as a responding officer to any of the 911 calls per the MB lawsuit.

So, are we to believe a NJ police officer just knowingly left RC in possession of an illegal gun on 8/5 (maybe 8/4 given the midnight filing). 8/4 was the incident when on the 911 call MB said that LK/RG were intimidating them from outside the barn, threatening to take out RC and may have had a gun.


Good questions!

I looked a couple of days…I couldn’t see any gun related charges to anyone named RC. I might have looked in wrong spot.

It was the site if you want to try again sometime.

This site is for civil rather than criminal filings I thought.

The full screenshot. Keep in mind….the search only indicates warrants….not actual criminal charges. I don’t think you can conclude that there were criminal charges (in fact it seems like the search indicates there never was) filed in connection to this warrant. If you notice there is a disposition in all the other warrants (I checked, they are for other RC’s). Also notice , the warrant was recalled 2 hours after it was issued and that part was cut off in the previous screenshots.


4th degree is the lowest possible level. Interesting.


So, recalled means there is no warrant?

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