Court date for Michael Barisone?

I thought most of the civil cases were on hold until after the criminal case was resolved. The only one that is not officially on hold is the case MB filed against the police, and I think the timeline in that one would mean this hearing was not about it.

Thank you @eggbutt for letting us know something likely went on.


Frankly, that would be an accurate diagnosis for 2 pony mares out in my barn right now. Deranged may be too mild of a termā€¦


You can save your faves so that you can quickly get back to them. When Iā€™m on a deathless conference call and the language turns to one I cannot understand (as often happens!) I like to explore places Iā€™ve never been: Madagascar, PEI, New CalĆ©doniaā€¦


I didnā€™t know that. I always end up trying to find the ones I like again. Thanks for the tip!!


Sidetrack: there is a Congessional hearing this morning with the victims of Nassar. Each one of the women testifying have stated how useless SS was in handling their repeated complaints. Sounds familiar.


Was safe sport around at that time? I thought it was created in response to the whole debacle with Nassar.


Nassarā€™s abuse starts as early as 1992 abusing a 12 year old girl and the timeline moves forward to lawsuit filed in January 2017. Safe Sport was founded March 2017.


This was an interesting article that illustrates many of the issues facing jury trials during Covid.

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I will say that the testimony from the gymnasts demonstrates that the authorities certainly donā€™t always do the right thing. Not by a long shot.

And if there are more than 500 women who have gone on the record about Nassarā€™s abuse, how many more are out there who did not come forward?

Horrifying in so many ways. The FBI agents who dropped the ball on this and allowed it to continue and then lied to cover it up it should be in prison right next to Nassar.


Such strong women that are testifying in this hearing, I hope they get justice.


Yet, SS jumped on the bogus complaint about Barisone immediately apparently.


Did they?

I thought Safe Sport only suspended him after he was up on charges, which I would imagine is standard practice once there is an arrest on the books.


It is up for dispute as to whether SS called CPS or if LK did. LK adamantly denies calling CPS but has not denied giving false info to SS. Depending on what SS was told, they would immediately contact the local authorities. I wasnā€™t speaking of the suspension, but of the appearance of CPS.


I see. I thought you were referring to the Safe Sport suspension.

Of all the things that may have been done wrong by the authorities in this situation, I donā€™t think I could fault child protective services for promptly investigating an allegation, wherever it originated. They donā€™t know if itā€™s bogus until they investigate it.

Itā€™s certainly preferable that they investigate a claim too early rather than too late, as we have seen from the case with the 500+ abused gymnasts. Even if this debacle took a horrible unexpected turn.


I donā€™t think anyone thinks Child Protective Services did anything wrong here.


No argumentā€¦just amazed it took years for them to investigate Nassar after dozens and dozens of reports but took the allegations of a woman they were familiar with seriously and instantly acted against Barisone. Yet, at least 10 people I personally am aware of have reported LK to SS and have all been told ā€œitā€™s a personal matter and we suggest you work it outā€. Yes SS is primarily for child protection, but originally they also advocated for those victims of harassment and bullying regardless of age.

I have no intention of turning this into another SS thread. Simply commenting on their speed of action in this case compared to the gymnasts.


Nope. They did exactly what they should have done. Except bringing charges against whoever filed a false report. Maybe that will come later.


I posted this on another thread, but I will add it here as well for the insight into how Safe Sport works. Itā€™s a column in the Chronicle about the Safe Sport process from the mom of the rider in the Rich Fellers case. ?


Has she? I thought she only claims that she ā€œdoesnā€™t recallā€ calling them, which seemed like a specifically worded response (i.e., I cannot deny it but donā€™t want to admit it). Is there somewhere other than the NYT article where she strongly denies it?


I think the difference is, as I mentioned above, Safe Sport was founded in March 2017. The first federal lawsuit of Nassar was filed January 2017. Safe Sport could not have responded to the gymnasts as it did not exist. How could they have responded if they did not exist?