Court date for Michael Barisone?

Could it be some type of delay tactic by the attorney? I don’t know what the advantage would be but who knows.

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So a 104 hearing is done to determine certain facts in a case, whether the facts actually exist or not, outside any evidence? And the facts in question here are about statements MB made after the shooting in the presence of cops? If I get this correct.


I wonder if they have body cameras that show their arrival on the scene and the arrest? I also wonder if the comments “I had a good life” are what they want to admit? It would seem those statements would support a mental break of some kind unless he made other comments as well.


The prosecutor’s 2 experts took 8 months each!


It’s shameful. How much time this is taking g.


Since both attorneys are involved in this hearing, they may decide if the information in the Civil complaint can be introduced in the criminal case. Maybe they are deciding if the cops have impeached their previous statements made to the grand jury. Maybe they could decide if the charges should be dismissed based on the police inaction. Lots of maybes!!!


Or perhaps what he said to them in the days BEFORE the shooting!


I didn’t note the bold portion, maybe I missed it.


That was my thought


When I posted Barisone’s civil complaint, I thought it was important. I’m beginning to believe the information in the Civil complaint is HUGE. If you go back and read that complaint entirely now, I guarantee you will read it in a different light than you did the first time. My thoughts are that suit would have been dismissed if a large portion of the information was inaccurate. But, hey, I’m not an attorney or judge!!


There are photos online of the fiancé at the first hearing with the arm definitely wrapped in bandages or a cast. Hospital records will show what injuries happen in the scuffle.


Take a good look at that photo at how loosely wrapped that bandage was. I don’t believe he was injured at all.

When Rob stormed into the barn along with Jonathan Kanarek the next day, his right arm was not bandaged and it did not appear to be injured.

Here is a photo from the hearing.


Okay, this must be part of why there was a 911 call the day after the shooting. Does anyone know what went down? Why would Rob and the dad storm into the barn? What were they even doing on the peoperty?

For a broken bone…minimum time to heal is 4 weeks immobile in a splint for very minor fractures of wrist/hand (for the record I really broke my hand/wrist earlier this year and wasn’t cast/splint free until 12 weeks). An arm bone is a big and complicated bone to break….and that doesn’t look like what is broken/wrapped in the picture.


As mentioned several times in these threads, they came to the property less than 24 hours after the shooting, crossed the police tape and went into the house for several minutes. Then they went to the barn “storming and yelling” at everyone and went through the barn and lounge. MH called the police. Speculation is they came to remove the surveillance evidence/equipment, but no one knows for sure. They said they came to be sure the horses were fed and taken care of. Right!


How in God’s name was the home and crime scene left that unsecured? I could see having a police escort to retrieve some essential items for LK and RG, but that’s it. How could the police have allowed 1 of the people involved in the shooting to cross the tape and be doing things unsupervised and unobserved in the home and in the crime scene?

I’m honestly floored at this. This seems to be the most damning thing of all about the police and how they handled the situation. How can any evidence be relied upon from that scene now? I’d be as upset about this as the victim as I would if I were the defendant. If their handling of the scene compromised it, that potentially harms the prosecution’s case as well. I’d be furious!

Also, I thought LK stated on here that the police were informed (after the fact) about the devices and she bragged that when they watched/heard the recordings MB’s goose was cooked. As such, why would they scramble to remove them less than 24 hours later if they meant to use the recordings from those devices to implicate MB, MH and everyone else? That makes no sense.


Did the police come and escort them off the property? Finally?


To edit them, I am sure.


The MB/police lawsuits directly state LK informed the police recording devices were in place several days before the shooting. I guess they discovered this in the police reports that were made subsequent to the shooting. It also states MB and others have text messages where LK had repeated things from conversations that were made in private areas.

ETA: August 3rd is cited as the date of the incident and associated police report is cited as Aug 8th and specifically complains that the responding officers failed to address the recordings.

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Right, so why would they cross the tape to remove them if they’d already alerted the police that they were there? Why would RG (a party involved in the crime as an alleged target of the shooter) and LK’s dad (an attorney who 100% would know better) jeopardise the prosecution’s case by crossing the tape and contaminating and compromising the scene? It just makes no sense, unless the guess below is correct.

@Ambitious_Kate, that would be terrible, if true. It would also be a major mistake by the police. I don’t see how they recover from that one - letting anyone, but those two parties in particular, cross the tape unsupervised/authorised.