Court date for Michael Barisone?

In any case….seems like no plea deal was reached….

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I also suspect it was to remove devices and/or delete recordings that show events in an unfavorable light. Keep in mind, in the civil trial LK only admits to having devices at her locker in the barn (removed the day before or day of the shooting), a ring style camera at the door, and one overlooking the area from a second story window that “wasn’t recording” at the time and was only installed the day before the shooting….which wasn’t Aug 3rd.

ETA: A previous article says the prosecution handed over 20-30 recordings to the defense.


As would most normal people. Clearly the whole world that surrounds LK is not normal since being part of the victim’s inner circle they still did this.

Clearly her lawyer father must have felt removing the recordings (assumed to edit them, how else do you claim they were not working that day) was worth the risk. Which says a ton.


I doubt there was ever a plea offered.


I am going to guess that they were illegally placed and the information was not only inadmissible, but would land Lauren with felony wiretapping charges. Pennsylvania is a two-party notification state after all.


Let me point point out that if we armchair sleuths have these questions with nothing to go on but court filings and LK’s posts, imagine what the defense is asking, is proving, and has at their disposal.


And so frigging important they left LK’s critical condition bedside to retrieve them!!! Obviously this wasn’t a job they could send anyone else to do. Malarkey!


Another good point. Actually a very good point.

And important enough that her lawyer father risks getting in trouble doing it.

Why exactly is her lawyer father not in trouble for crossing the police tape the next day?


The police let him do it? Not his fault they didn’t escort them around to ensure nothing was removed that should have stayed put. At least that is what I would say (although it would then throw into still further doubt the competence of the police).


But police tape is there specifically in order to let people know: don’t cross this line. So, it would be his fault for crossing it without authority. It would be the fault of anyone who did, but especially unforgivable for a legal professional to have done it. Frankly, it’s outrageous behaviour.

PS: I get that you’re just positing what they might mount as a defence to this action. I’m just saying that it would be weak as hell since police tape is used specifically and only in order to indicate to people that they may not enter an area.

I.e., Not my fault you left your door open and I entered your home! Actually, yes it is. You aren’t allowed to enter certain areas and if you do, it is 100% your fault.


And knew about its existence/content, since LK was in a coma for days right?
So who told Daddy about the cameras or what was on them such that he felt compelled to race over there and meddle? Couldn’t have been LK, could it, if she was in surgery for hours and hours, then in a coma…


@FitzE said exactly what I was thinking, far better than I would have said it.

I will add that it only buffers the fact that there is something wrong here (with how the police are handling things) that the father, a lawyer, has not been given any slap on the wrist for this action.


It was almost a perfect set up to see just how far these characters are willing to go to (perhaps) change the narrative in their favor.


I am sure the boyfriend had full knowledge of where every camera or recording device was located. Why wouldn’t he?


Wow!! Significant update to the story published yesterday now reflecting Barisone’s suit!


I’m curious if the trip he made to the police station and the conversation he had with the officers (if everything can be confirmed) will be allowed into evidence.


Perhaps that is part of what this upcoming hearing is about.


From the artical re LK’s suit, "…her suit asserting that the shooting was “without warning or provocation.”

Wasn’t she saying at one point that it was plotted? That she literally over heard them (MB, RC, MHG, etc.) plotting her demise/harming her? I swear she was going on about that at one point. Especially because most of us were saying “if you knew/felt their was danger, why didn’t you leave/take up the many offers to help you move?” …but now this was without warning?

A bit confused here.


She was. She also claimed to have recordings of him consulting with an attorney.

In the same suit her testimony is that the only recorder that was installed during that time was at her locker. So, are we to believe that MB had his legal discussions and murder plotting sessions parked in front of her locker….or do we infer she’s probably only admitting to the devices that were found by the police or couldn’t be removed.


It’s hard to believe or understand anything the woman says.