Court date for Michael Barisone?

Hasn’t MB’s lawyer asked for more time for other procedures (? I don’t know what to call them)?

Would those times be added on to the February speedy trial date?

I thought the barn was in New Jersey, which is a “one-party consent” state. Probably doesn’t matter though because the consenting party has to be a member of the conversation (which LK wouldn’t have been).


As dear Senator Kennedy said (about the Biden administration) - “They lie so much, you can trust them about as much as you can trust Harvey Weinstein with your daughter.” :laughing:


About the Biden Administration?


OMG - you are so right and I am so embarrassed! My mind was conflating LK with NP. Thank you!

This says I need more sleep. He Who Snores isn’t helping…


I may have missed this previously, but this is news to me:

Barisone’s civil suit alleged that Kanarek had a loaded firearm and threatened him with it.


I believe it refers to facebook posts she had made.


I am surprised that no plea deal was ever made in this case-seems unusual but I am no expert on these matters.

Could just be the writing….but the judge sounded frustrated with this case….


I thought that too. As well as him stating it was one of his oldest seems like the case is taking unusually long despite Covid.


Maybe a plea deal was offered, but that doesn’t obligate anyone to accept it.


And he should be questioned and included if there are charges for the recording.


Does anyone know if the 2 1/2 year timeframe is due to Covid? Or was it the same timeframe before Covid?

If so, that does not sound much like a “speedy trial” to me.


Courts were virtually closed last year but things are slowly starting to roll again with oldest cases going first.

That being said, if someone wanted to slow a case so the defendant got to rot in jail for awhile, this is the perfect opportunity to do so.

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Do you know what the 104 hearing is for? (And what is a 104 hearing?) I’m curious as to why these statements are just now being brought into evidence.

104 hearing is not something I’m familiar in, as far as code number. It would come from Article 104 of, im assuming, their penal code or whatever Article/code addresses speedy trial, possibly even other practice law and rules.

I saw there was an executive order regarding state business during Covid with a number of 104 so that may be it, but I don’t think so.


The 104 hearing is to decide if evidence or statements are admissible for a trial.
It is just now being brought forth because if a deal had been made and it wasn’t going to trial, they wouldn’t have had to spend the time arguing over this evidence. This is normal procedure, not just in MB’s case.



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Yes - he just said it the other day. I can’t remember the exact topic - it was a wide-ranging interview that touched on many topics. But he is known for his folksy analogies and he is no fan of the Biden administration.

I also find the info from that recent article about a “speedy trial release date in February” to be very interesting. Will there be any info released to the public after the Oct. 8 hearing?