Court date for Michael Barisone?

I don’t know about NJ CPS.

But as far as the CPS visit it is entirely possible it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Now that can manifest in various ways: 1) he goes to fetch LK to insist she goes to CPS and recanted OR 2) to respond to the event as a report to CPS is hitting a new low in the barn drama novella.


I wonder if CPS already inspected the house or were going to. It is also possible that with the repairs needed before it could be lived in that they didn’t find it necessary at least at that time.

I know it from the filing appeal side of things and how many times rulings were in our clients’ favor. Not sure that means anything about the height of the bar, though, vs some really incompetent lawyering :rofl::joy:

This is an interesting idea that I had not thought of. If CPS was still there, he could very well have been going to get LK to make her talk to them face to face.


This also makes abundant sense to me. If someone had dropped a dime on me to CPS and that person was on site I would absolutely go fetch them to back up their claim. Even if she didn’t call, given the history I would assume she had called and I’d head down there to get her to back up her story. Given that she was photographing the children’s beds, I think it’s reasonable to assume she called.

I understand he may not, on that day, have known she photographed the children’s beds but, given what was going on between them, if he assumed she called CPS I would call that a reasonable assumption at that time. Based on that reasonable assumption, it would further be understandable that he went to call her to the meeting to provide support for her claims.


Which was such a creepy thing for her to do. Who goes into a child’s bedroom to take photos at all? Let alone someone who isn’t family at all? And IF things were truly awful - why SIT on that information for any length of time whatsoever?



I know this was a rhetorical question but… I so can answer it.

Someone who truly does not care anything about the situation the kids may or may not be in, they just want to make trouble.


Well, she had just called code enforcement and gotten everyone kicked out of their home. She was also apparently waiting on the porch to revel in the chaos.


Re MB going to get LK/RG while CPS was on the property, remember RG had recently threatened two minors and he may have gone to demand they come and face the music with CPS.

I keep telling ya’ll (have for 2 years actually) this situation is not what LK wants you to believe it is. What many are now having revelations over, several of us have said from the beginning.

I also wonder if LK was told in August by the prosecutor and her attorneys to STFU on SM for 6 months to make her image better before the trial. That would make it a February trial date as the judge eluded to in the last hearing. Thankfully there are years of evidence of her behavior already in the hands of ALL attorneys. 6 months of good behavior doesn’t erase 15+ years of terror.

Things are ramping up in several areas that LK & Co will not be happy about!!


I would think that if CPS had been made aware of any harassing and stalking of children and found the threats credible that they would have reported it to the proper authorities. Maybe they had and it was never made public.

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Is it feasible that a parent of said threatened minors called CPS out of concern for the other kids on the property?

And didn’t CPS stop by the house first? Where they were directed to MB at the barn?


No one called CPS or SS regarding RG.


No and yes.


Most of us are just speculating, but that sounds like a very strong possibility.

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Would they have given CPS his name? Or just said there was an adult male there harassing the kids?

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I doubt anything was mentioned to CPS about RG until they showed up at the Farm 8/7. BUT, keep in mind the police were called about RG and they disregarded the complaint!!! Do you see a pattern with the police of building up invincibility with LK/RG? Did they EVER back MB/MH and assist them with the issues? Sure doesn’t appear they did!!!


Well, first how did she know the situation existed to photograph it?
Was snooping a routine activity for her?


She probably created it. There was apparently other disturbing behavior that had been ongoing for a while according to the MB lawsuits.


I think very few take LK at her word at all.

As for being told for two years… Frankly, I know I’m guilty of forgetting more than I recall. Anyone have links to the first threads handy so I can review?

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I don’t believe LK’s account; I’m going to guess that yes it is and was a regular activity. It may not have been known until sometime in 2019 though.

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