Court date for Michael Barisone?

Come on everyone, dig deep we can do this……deep breath in, deep breath out……

Repeat after me: I will ignore. I will not engage. I will not feed the attention seeking behavior.



MB doesn’t think JJ Tate is a good rider?


Fentanyl and ketamine are NEVER given to reduce comnativeness, or for chemical restraint. Ketamine has dissociative effects, and is used to prepare someone one for anesthesia, and/or pain relief. Fentanyl is a strong opiate used for pain relief. Other drugs are used from chemical restraint, and chemical restraint is a rare, last resort psychiatric restraint requiring multiple authorizations and evaluations, and is most commonly seen on television. Talk about making things up.


Exactly. Ketamine and opiate to me say a broken bone that needed setting. Ketamine is a wierd twilight anesthetic where you are out but not really. Opiates for pain control make you a bit loose but you aren’t raving. When I broke my arm badly, I was being set late at night and the friend who accompanied me drove me home around 2 am I think. And I was fine to be home alone and crawl into bed.


NVM - others said it better.

Sorry. Beg to differ Ambitious _Kate. While I agree that they aren’t given together for chemical restraint, I was stunned to learn that police in the field apparently call EMTs to give Ketamine to combative suspects. I believe there was a case within the last year when such a suspect died. I wouldn’t have known anything about it otherwise.


Elijah McClain. Colorado. Another young Black man. Beyond infuriating.


Thank you @MorganSercu for saying his name.

You are the ultimate researcher. Is there a database that would indicate the frequency of Ketamine use for chemical restraint?


No public database. DEA knows how much & to whom, but institutions keep records for 7 years on each bottle & when dispensed, to whom and for what purpose.

ETA: when a bottle of ketamine has too little to get out or has expired and needs to be disposed of you need a witness to also sign off on the controlled substance sheet (issued with every bottle [uniquely identified]). When you have dyslexia (I do) that means you are triple-checking the bottles & sheets to make certain you don’t mix anything up. The pharmacist is rightly concerned with not losing licensure and no one wants a DEA chainsaw audit or a felony charge.

A very necessary PITA.


MB’s left arm was severely broken, it required surgery and had metal pins that came out through the skin and attached to a metal framework.


My grandmother was given ketamine to reduce her dementia induced combativeness while in the ICU.

She thought all the nurses were her rivals and enemies from where she grew up in West Virginia. Ketamine made her a vegetable.

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I wonder if that was his dominant arm…the one that would be used to pull the trigger…if…

I know speculation, but raises some interesting questions especially when his arm broken and how during the event.

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Yes, MB is left handed


I bet he thinks she’s much better than “average at best”!


Not making up anything. Never said that’s what happen with MB. However if, as his lawyer suggested, he was having a psychotic break of some kind, there are many articles online confirming it’s use in that type of situation. It is possible he was given both these drug(as stated by Eggbutt, not me) for pain as well as to sedate him for his own and others safety. He had just shot someone after all according to the police.


Stated by Ed Bilinkas, MB’s attorney, at the hearing and confirmed by the 2nd cop at the hearing.


As noted here, wouldn’t it make more sense that he was given it in preparation for the surgery that fixed the arm and put the pins in place (as reported above)?


@FitzE That’s how it’s used here.


Yes, by you reporting on what was said at the hearing. I didn’t watch the hearing so was making it clear I was not making this up, just what my source was. I only have information from articles written about the hearing or from someone that watched it. We have no argument here.
I actually think the fact that he was given these drugs and some of the comments reported he made after the shooting support his lawyer’s claim of his state of mind that day.
Did you say 48hr was filming? And something about maybe they would talk to you? I thought I saw a post something about that but can’t find it now.

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First thing on Google:

I broke my leg badly a few years ago and dislocated my foot. They used something (sounds like Ketamine maybe) to keep me out but I was actually awake? I just don’t remember any of it and was apparently swearing etc. It makes you wild but not feel pain? I’m sure a DR here knows what it was.

Then after they gave me fentanyl, and the pain was gone instantly. This was after morphine wasn’t touching the pain. How badly was MB injured? He must have been in a hell of a lot of pain to need those meds.

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