Court date for Michael Barisone?

There was also some ranting about Mary Haskins Gray wanting her horses. So Barisone wanted to steal her horses for Mary Haskins Gray? Why wouldn’t he have just given Jay-T to Gray to ride instead of selling him to Kanarek? Color me skeptical of this whole claim.

Like her whole spiel about how she had to go and enter the Saugerties PSG CDI, but couldn’t share her emails between her and the show secretary because her lawyer said so? When she’d never shown PSG before?


Why would MH want any of LK’s horses when she has Deedee, who is far more talented than any of LK’s?


Oh, she’s rabid about MHG. She ranted about her in the very beginning so much I thought she must have been rebuffed by MB and jealous of MHG. Didn’t she talk about wanting to ruin her and her family? And wanting her horses? My memory isn’t all that. So forgive me if I’m wrong, but that’s the impression I was left with. I remember posting something to her about how MBs wife and girlfriend and their horses were none of her business.


It’s possible the big clunky heart pendant is covering a scar. However I agree that with the freckles and general sun damage on her chest, it’s hard to make out an actual scar. I dont see anything in the photo of her back. However, body dysmorphia is a real thing, and people can be super self conscious about things no one else notices.

It’s also an interesting line to walk between “I am so strong I bounced right back” and “I have been so deeply damaged that I require a multi million dollar court settlement for my ongoing injuries.”

If a person wants to assert both of these points simultaneously then their self presentation will be incoherent and contradictory.

As far as the sexual component in wierd narcisstic jealousy towards other women in general, my feeling is it’s often a factor, but not always in such a simple straightforward way as “I want your boyfriend.” Nothing is expressed straightforwardly in the case of aggressive narcissist people, they often don’t fully understand what they are feeling. They attack when they feel their sense of self is undermined, and it is very easily undermined, there is a kind of hollow shell effect. In my experience they will say or do anything they need to protect that hollow shell, which includes gas lighting and fabulating to a point that’s almost delusional.

I have spent chunks of time observing narcissist behavior. Obviously I dont know LK at all, only have her posts here to go on.


Giving the finger, cute


Excellent analysis!


Sorry, what is Occam?

It’s a theoretical concept that the simplest explanation is the most likely explanation.


thank you!


I have found it to be right the majority of the time for most of my life. One must be a logical thinker to understand the theory however.


Here’s a good explanation in addition to @Sdel 's response:


Thank you!


Again, going g back to Occam. The idea that he put a lien on her horses for unpaid back board is in line with her confabulation that he wanted to steal her horses. It also ties in with the outlying factor of the boyfriend doing work on the house which ended up condemned. If they were doing work on the house in exchange for board, for example. Come to find out the work was beyond shoddy and wouldn’t pay inspection. Therefore board becomes due, and eventually he puts a lein on the horses, they won’t leave a condemned house, and they retaliate, aiee.


A court case and judgment creates a lien. They had no active case at that point, did they?


Surely if there was paperwork filed for a lein then one of our many court sleuths would have turned it up. My impression remains that things went bad so fast and so toxic that there was no time frame for eviction proceedings or leins.

If you are dealing with people who have a track record of lying, Occam’s razor probably points us to the simplest conclusion that they are just making it up as they go along.

In my experience, this kind of person will take stock of how they feel, and then produce stories about other people that account for how they feel. So if they feel inadequate or fail, the story is that everyone is ganging up on them. If they are jealous of other people’s horses, they say the other people want to steal their own horses. Etc. Pure projection. There is rarely any point in trying to figure out what part of the fabulation is true. Likely none of it, which is why the stories keep changing. The stories only need to do the job of helping the person sustain their self image in the moment and keep the hollow shell afloat.


On other planets, where logic applies, (aka not here on this forum, w the exception of a few and myself) - when a person watches in horror as his girlfriend is shot twice in the chest unexpectedly & in cold blood - then dodges a bullet to his own head by (maybe) an inch by jumping through a partially open door and realizes the shooter is actually RUNNING TOWARDS that door (to make sure the job he came to do was complete) some might agree the only move for left to avoid letting the gunman get yet ANOTHER shot off, only this time the shooter would be too close to miss the man’s head a second time- would be to do what RG so bravely did. Restrain shooter by any means - call 911- wait for help.

And you’re here complaining about an attempted double murderer’s BROKEN ARM??? An arm, which left to its own devices, would’ve killed (lemme repeat: KILLED) two unarmed people? You should be ashamed of yourself. TRULY.

And no. 48 hrs is covering the shooting. This means, unless Eggbutt is relentlessly contacting CBS like she did with so many other news stations, begging to get some or ANY sort of media attention, I’d wager almost anything, 48 hrs did NOT send her a participation invite. I’ll be sure to ask them though! G’nite!


QFP (saving sad souls the trouble)


QFP again - because you can delete both the original and the QFP posts.


Another general point that may or may not pertain to the parties involved here, is that just because you have something, doesn’t mean that others want it. Some people can be so self absorbed that they assume everyone else is jealous of them and what they have.

The thing is, we all have different goals, aspirations, wants, and desires. If someone has 8 Grand Prix dressage horses, 3 mansions, 5 swimming pools, and 4 Ferrari’s, it doesn’t mean that everyone else wants those things too. I can’t be arsed to deal with more than 2 riding horses, and prefer classic muscle cars, for example. Some of the things that I love and have, would make other people say “uh, no thanks” some of the things I have accomplished in my life and strive for, makes others exhausted :rofl: or they see no point in it because these are not their goals. My life is not their life. I travel to a few tropical beach destinations a year, for example, and for one of my friends this is a nightmare. She hates heat/warm places and salt water. Therefore, she is far from jealous :wink: not her kind of vacation. To assume she is just jealous would be self centered and stupid.

Just because you have xyz, doesn’t mean others want it, or even care, really. It’s so self absorbed and ignorant to assume people are jealous. Sometimes people are jealous of something due to it just being a part of human nature, IMO, but it isn’t always the case.

I totally think that people can project jealousy though. They don’t want people to know that they are jealous or that someone else has something that they want, so then everyone else becomes “jealous” in their narrative. It’s both odd and sad, I think.

Again, just general commentary, because this way of thinking is just so…self centered and weird to me.


I am inclined to agree with you. The logical version of this story makes sense while the other version makes no sense whatsoever and in fact seems highly improbable. Add to that the behavior we’ve experienced here and I have all I need to know.

And oh we already know about 48 hours. Have for some time now.