Court date for Michael Barisone?

I was not complaining about his broken arm. I was explaining why someone would combative. Two VERY different things. Sorry you confused my post for something it was not.


She didnā€™t confuse anything. She fabricates whatever makes her feel either like the victim or the hero as it suits her.


I agree.


Um, no, Iā€™m not the media hound dying for attention. Funny, I became aware of David Dow with CBS 48 Hours weeks ago and told him I had no interest in participating. Many others are though. As a true professional journalist, I can promise you Mr. Dow is doing full background checks on all the information he has been given. Should be very enlightening.


I prefer to assume that LK was simply confused by what I wrote.


As far as the broken armā€¦I felt the broken arm was mentioned so many times in the hearing to show the level of indifference of the cops on the scene, combined with the level of pain MB was in with all his injuries.

Keep in mind the ONLY version of events given on 8/7/19 was the boyfriendā€™s. The cops took that and ran with it, case closed, problem solved. When the cops questioned others at the barn that day, they had apparently already made their minds up of the ā€œfactsā€ and disregarded others. Again, the trial will be interesting.


You are very generous @trubandloki!


Ugh, god help those producers and interviewers.


I certainly hope David Dow is made aware of LKs online life that reveals so much more of this story than her or RGs lips ever would.


Iā€™m sure he is aware but keep in mind anyone can establish an alter without giving their name. He has no idea who any of the forum users are in real life. Just as LK associates me with real life people erroneously, 48 Hours isnā€™t going to do something so reckless.

That said, there has been plenty posted on her social media accounts to paint a picture of her behavior.

Obviously he has enough information to build an hour episode.


I thought it said a lot that the thing she went off on was some empathy for the broken armā€¦.

Oh, and Iā€™m pretty sure the original version had RG walking off and being shot at through the kitchen window because he was in the house before LK was shotā€¦ā€¦not dodging the bullet by jumping through the door.


I think her response is called narcissistic hatred.


I knew I had read that he was in the kitchen getting shot at as an early version.


Iā€™m confused by this. Wouldnā€™t they have interviewed Barisone? Are you saying Barisoneā€™s input was disregarded because of the pain meds?

It will be interesting to see what happens with the civil suit against the police.


Yep. Although that original version seems to have been scrubbed. So, Iā€™ll have to find it via a QFP, which is more work than I can do right now.


MB did not say anythingā€¦shock, pain, memory loss? Apparently he wasnā€™t asked anything either. The hearing went into detail about anything he said and it was all pain related until the overheard statement of ā€œI donā€™t know what happened. I had a good lifeā€ in the trauma room. Later he asked if his family was safe.

All of this is from the hearing with the two cops.


Iā€™m not asking about what he said in the hearing. It is difficult for me to imagine that the police did not interview him at the time of the incident. If the hearing was about not being Mirandized properly, doesnā€™t that mean that he is on record as making some statements that the defense is now trying to get excluded?

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Barisone didnā€™t speak at the hearing. Two of the three cops at the scene were questioned under oath and were asked repeatedly what Barisone said at any time. When the first cop was asked about the Miranda Rights, he said he read him the rights from his pocket card and asked if Barisone said anything. He said he nodded and then said he said yes in response to understanding his rights. The cop was then repeatedly asked what Barisone said in the 30 minute ambulance ride and the cop said he didnā€™t hear anything. Then later said he did not hear Barisone asking what happened and saying he was in pain while in the ambulance although he was feet away from him. Seems apparent the medical techs will testify what he said.

Edited for spelling.


Imagine hating someone so much yet you spend all your time stalking their every move on social media and then report back and post it on a horse forum? A literal victim of attempted murder.

Lives need to be gotten here. Step outside your box.

Yā€™all need to go ride your horses. Canā€™t wait for the trial and we can finally see facts instead of the over emotional vomit we constantly see spewed.

Facts matter. Facts and evidence only.


Whoa now, some of us plebs only have one horse, not horses

By choice though :sweat_smile:

Agree with you re the facts.

And I know the sentence ā€œYā€™all need to go ride your horsesā€ can still mean singular horse as in one horse per person, if that makes sense. But just wanted to make a pleb joke.